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Everything posted by skyfox1

  1. Hi Graeme Try motor bike shop they will have the plastic ones or l can send you a link for aluminum ones that l get from the US if you like. cheers Geoff.
  2. Hi Graeme If you have trouble get them here in OZ try this guy in the US l deal with him a lot have had no problems . http://myworld.ebay.com.au/haireav. cheers Geoff.
  3. Its going to be new to me all l have ever flown is a tail dragger it becomes second nature for take off and landing so when my zenith 701 is finished l will have to learn to fly a nose aircraft it will be a new skill.
  4. Hi EK The same offer is also here if you are ever in Victoria you can choose between Drifter or the 701 when it is finished. cheers Geoff.
  5. Hi Phil Yes saw it couple days ago its an old one need a full rebuild. Don't know if l have my bungee to tight it took a good lever to instal it. cheers Geoff.
  6. Hi Phil Put the nose leg and bungee on today cant believe how tight it is l am having trouble turning it side to side without a lever it seems to much load for the steering rods , l haven't install them yet have to weld a couple of gussets to them they seem weak where the rudder cable attaches. How tight are yours and can you move it side to side by hand at the push rod attachment points. cheers Geoff..
  7. Hi Phil Thanks the paint job isn't as good as l would like, using gloss two pack it shows up all the imperfection in the aluminum dents scratches from the past use, at least it is better than it was when l bought it. l still have my shopping list to get Lexan, Prop ,tyres ,brakes.Seats. So you are going for the new motor you may have to modify your cowling. cheers Geoff.
  8. Hi Zibi l use Penrite limited slip 85w-140 EP which stands for extreme pressure. never had any problems with it. cheers Geoff.
  9. Hi Phil some pics with top coat. cheers Geoff.
  10. Hi Phil Top coat tomorrow all set up ready to go made my spray booth, first thing in the morning before it gets to hot it will be painted ,would of been today had to make the brackets to hold the oil tank in the right position and pop rivet the wind screen attachments mine is a bit different to yours l don't have rubber seal at the bottom of the screen. l will take a pic of it to show the changes . cheers Geoff.
  11. Hi Phil some pics so far cheers Geoff
  12. Hi Met hope to be going up to the hang glider comp this Feb in Forbes was speaking to Bill Moyes about buying one of his dragon flys as he is sell some after the comp he is selling six . cheers Geoff.
  13. Hi Met your welcome to come and go for a fly in my drifter when you get your endorsement do some real flying, l remember when l used to fly under 300 agl in the early 80 s l 5hit my self once when got up to 750ft in those days got caught in a thermal and up she went was in an Easy Riser so light took for ever to come down ,used to fly all over the farm at about 50 ft was legal then no license either . what a difference 30 years makes. cheers Geoff.
  14. Tell me if l am wrong but this is what l have been doing for years when l set up my aircraft mostly rotax 503s l always use adjustable pitch propellers . Because max revs for a 503 is 6800 l set static revs at 6600 so at full power on take off it shouldn't exceed 6800 rpm,it does varies a bit depending on air density. l have never set for max torque only rpm. cheers Geoff.
  15. Hi EK Thank you and a happy new to you and hope you have a great 2013. l hope you start a building project in the future Zenith 701 would be a good one for you, l hope to finish my project in a couple of months l have finished all the upgrades and in the process of paint parts then assembly starts all the fiddly bits what takes up a lot of time . cheers Geoff.
  16. Another reason for burping the tank it to make sure the hydraulic lifters have been purged of any air in the system.
  17. Of course the scraper ring isn't going to remove all the oil that's why l said it would use hardly any oil it has to use some oil.
  18. It should use hardly any oil the oil ring lubricates on the way up the scraper ring clears it on the way down and the compression does what it says
  19. l thought no person could be trained or train in a 19 registed aircraft only certified ones.
  20. Hi Phil Yes 7.E.1 has the bed mount for the 582 upside down mount. Primed all the fus today hope to finish with top coat tomorrow . l have to weld the new wing strut attachments also, l forgot l had to make them l am putting savannah struts on instead of the chromoly pipe. cheers Geoff.
  21. l will be attending on Saturday l am driving its two hr drive then an other hour in the car park. cheers Geoff.
  22. Hi Phil how many flap positions does your 701 have mine has three l think they have changed it to two . could you send a pic of your handle l would like to change mine its a poor design see if yours is different . cheers Geoff.
  23. My Third Drifter l have built this ones a keeper
  24. Hi Phil You should be able to make a mount to suit the bed mount for the 582 it should sit low enough to have the 582 upright then mount the gear box to match the cowl. cheers Geoff. http://api.ning.com/files/ERLACroDwLrJDxHRMk8HpgKR1iakwgNYkus*HBx6LZj0GLJxKNvOsS8GIBQwLGOtw4BqBISDFdcDUuOuE2MshlFbkIDEt*bk/SimoniniV2.png
  25. Hi Phil Yes l have to get some 1.6 mm lexan for the screen and l am going to replace the windows on the doors also. Still haven't painted yet cant win its either to hot and today its 18 deg to cold . Do you have a tap on the floor for your fuel if so what type is it l am going to start run the aluminum fuel line under the fus to the fire wall and make a cap to cover it from stones . How much do you have to do to finish off apart from the motor installation. cheers Geoff.
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