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Everything posted by skyfox1

  1. You can Alan if you do as you are told don't think don't use your brains you should just fit in to the RAA and take it where the sun don't shine.
  2. Hi Phil No l haven't heard of the Simonini engines l goggled them they are dearer that 582 . If the wife says buy a new one then BUY BUY before she changes her mind. The price of the 582 with the e type box it a good deal you can get cheaper rads than the price they are asking, l should be able to dig up a oil tank for you from German if that's the way you are going. l picked up the new horse today for the wife so she is happy now , l can spend thousands on my planes again. cheers Geoff.
  3. Hi Phil Sounds good but what comes with it does that include exhaust, rads ,oil system. cheers Geoff
  4. Hi FM the ratio should be stamped on the front of the box there is a small flat rectangle check there. cheers Geoff.
  5. Hi FM the best combination for that size prop with 582 is C type box with ratio of 2.62:1. cheers
  6. Good luck Mark hope you have a speedy recovery. Cheers Geoff.
  7. Hi Phil Have you got over your flu yet ,l was set up to paint everything to today but to hot . Haven't found any engines for you yet still wait for Danny in German to get back to me. cheers Geoff.
  8. Hi Phil Happy New Year..... Yes sore head to old for it now. Ring Richard Eacott Ph 0754632476. Had to re route the fuel line in the wings it clashed with the fus tube near the rear wing attachment . cheer Geoff
  9. Hi Met if you fly close to a nuclear blast the EM pulse should de magnetize the Fox youwill suffer other problems but a least your compass should work correctly cheers Geoff.
  10. skyfox1

    Drifter Pics

    Hi Bacon Yes spray it on then rub it in with a soft cloth l use about 1/2 liter to do the wings and tail plane l don't do the underside .
  11. Hi Flyerme that radiator looks like it would produce a lot of drag do you need it on that angle. cheers Geoff.
  12. Hi Phil Put some thinners on a scotch brite give it a good clean scuff it up a bit just before you are going to paint it wipe it down with some prep sole then etch prime it don't etch prime unless you are going to top coat it with in two hours if you do that you will get a better bond between paints. l did the doors today new skins they are ready to paint ,just got to buy the lexan for the screen and doors,roofs all done. cheers Geoff.
  13. Hi Dazza Love the color scheme is it a twin seater hard to tell in this light.
  14. Hi Justin Give Wayne Fisher a ring he does and 912 super drifter he will have all the details you need . cheers Geoff.
  15. skyfox1

    Drifter Pics

    Hi Bacon Also put some UV protection on your new skins will help with the stains plus make them last longer its called Aero space protectant 303 l put it on about twice a year over summer . cheers Geoff.
  16. skyfox1

    Drifter Pics

    Hi Bacon Mine is a Maxair with 503 l have wheel spats don't have the bush kit in my land gear yet mine weighs 174 kgs . cheers Geoff.
  17. skyfox1

    Drifter Pics

    Yes l have even try petrol it got rid of some but the stain still is there . Mine was worse when l ran my 503 in after l rebuilt it excess oil came out the exhaust and went all over my new sinks same color as yours the yellow is the hardest to clean anyway hope you have a lot of fun in your machine they are a great aircraft to fly.
  18. skyfox1

    Drifter Pics

    Looks Great Bacon as far as the oil you will have to live with it l have tried all sorts of cleaning products to get the oil of mine but the stain wont go . cheers Geoff.
  19. Go to a lame and get him to remove the prop check it and refit he will write up a report for you to send in .
  20. Its coming along slowly doesn't look real pretty dings a bumps all over the aluminum that's what you get trying to rebuild an old aluminum aircraft but it will be structurally sound that's the most important thing the paint will hide the ugly bits. Enjoy your flight, lucky bugger. cheers Geoff.
  21. Hi it looks like the latest fuel pump that rotax have just bought out CPS sell them l have heard that some of them over pressurize the fuel system . l was going to replace mine with one of the new ones but decided to go with the original peirberg pump. cheers Geoff. Here is the link http://www.rotaxparts.net/scripts/prodView.asp?idproduct=1333
  22. Hi Phil Finished the roof off last night with the roof riveted in place plus the z brace it is so strong there now didnt put the small window in yet may be later ,l can now paint all of the fus . l am going to re skin the doors and try and bubble them out a bit. l gave the drifter a pressure wash today it was cover in dust kick up by all the tractors in the orchard looks new again . soon as the runway is cut l will be airborne the neighbor wants to cut it for hay so l have been waiting patiently, other wise l would of slashed it myself. cheers Geoff.
  23. Hi Phil Yes all done except 7v3-1 it is still 125 thou. cheers Geoff.
  24. Hi Phil Yes there are upgrade to the wing the wing attachment has gone from 125 thou to 1875 thou. 7v2-6 was 25 thou to 32 thou 7v3-2 has a doubler which is 32 thou. Cheers Geoff.
  25. If it was a sick animal like the RAA is we would put it down and rear a new one no good wasting money on a lost cause. Start fresh .
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