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Everything posted by farri

  1. farri

    My new drifter

    Goodonya Gregory! Been there a couple of times myself over the years...Years ago, I saw a red Drifter, in a hangar at Caboolture...Is this the one? Frank.
  2. Gary, The first video reminds me of the times I went up over the Gillies range,to the Atherton Tablelands, in the one I built, when we were only legal to 500 feet agl....Sheer terror and worse coming back down!!!!.... Frank.
  3. O.K, Don`t mean to torture anyone! ......I`ll stop posting photos if everyone has had enough of them...My objective is to keep some focus on the Drifter, show that the Drifter is alive and well for those of us who want it to be and that it is still in demand...I continue to fly, simple for the magic of flying itself and I still enjoy sharing it with others who want to fly with me. Thank you O.K! I`ve been doing it for 30+ years, one of my frustrations though is that over the years I`ve wanted to use the Drifter in helping under privileged kids, especially, indigenous kids, it`s never happened for various reasons, mostly, liability issues! Nevil, On a serious note,you would never believe the blood sweat and tears it`s taken, over a lifetime, to have been able to hang on to our piece of paradise...We finally made it a few years ago and now no one can take it from us. One hell of a lot, Nev!!! I was the first guy in this part of the country, to be able to legally take a passenger flying, in an Ultralight aircraft and instruct, also, the first to do a flying display, with the Drifter ( with CAA writen approval ) at an airshow, at Donington air park, west of Townsville. Frank, Ps, I`m not bragging, just telling it as it is.
  4. Hey Sandman! Full marks for your keen eye........... This is the fourth set of skins I`ve fitted to my Drifter...I keep them treated with Amourall but I do a lot of flying and that means a lot of hours out in the full sun and that is Nth Qld sun, so it doesn`t take long for the top surface to fade and I wish it wouldn`t. Do you honestly think I wouldn`t know when to replace the skins...There`s a big difference between faded and buggered... Frank.
  5. farri

    My new drifter

    Hi Gregory! Very nice.... New or refurbished? Frank.
  6. What It’s Like to Fly—And Stall—In the Icon A5 Plane Frank.
  7. My take on Bex`s original post is that he is suggesting something more than just a low key fly-in and not in line with RA-Aus. Frank.
  8. Five Reasons to Incorporate Your Nonprofit Association As I`ve said above, " If the objective is to create an on going event". I`m aware of the commitment required in forming and maintaining a Nonprofit Incorporated Association...When I was President of the Far North Queensland Ultralight Association, I required we become Incorporated as I`d made my land available to the club and so we did. Frank
  9. Sorry Guys, Typing error in my above post, I meant "That video Is Unavailable "
  10. Just a thought: If the object is to create an ongoing event, how about forming a Nonprofit Incorporated Association? Frank.
  11. That video is not unavailable! More information here. MLB Pitcher Roy Halladay Killed in Icon A5 Amphibious Airplane Crash Frank.
  12. G`Day Glen, If you are flying costal, then up the Goldsborough Valley to Atherton, my photos will show you what it looks like...On the GE photos the area inside the blue line is our property...The red line is my main strip and it runs 7...25, it is 510 mts from end to end...In our area, June can be very wet but weather permiting, I keep the strip well mowed and there`s nothing on it that can damage tyres...I flew a Zenith CH 701 off it many times and never had any problems...You will all be welcome. Frank.
  13. How about adults start acting as adults and take responsibility for their own actions!!! Having done many high risk activities in my life, the way I see it, no amount of risk assessment or regulation will ever cover everything that could possibly occur... Frank.
  14. This is Andre and Marisa Buhr, over here from Germany, for a short holiday...First time in an Ultralight,for both of them. We spotted this Croc,gently swimming up stream, on the surface of the Mulgrave river, 750 mts north of my main strip...Andre took the photo...The croc looks small because I was at 700 feet agl but it would be well over 3 mts...A Tinnie going down stream went past it about 10/15 mts away and the Croc just kept gently swimming...It went to the bottom when I circled around it for Andre to take the photo. Come on Drifter fliers! What`s happening in your neck of the woods? Frank.
  15. I`ve just come across this! Seaplane pilot Michael Smith: the moment an Aussie driving habit nearly killed me Frank.
  16. In the past, there`s been talk about a Space Elevator being built, somewhere in the north of Australia. Audacious & Outrageous: Space Elevators | Science Mission Directorate Frank.
  17. Well! At least that makes two of us! Frank
  18. As I see it, a discussion here probably doesn`t constitute an invitation to anyone, to participate in a fly-in, but even if that is correct and everyone simply turns up on the given day at a given place, apart from any regulation applying to the event, there will be numerous liability issues...Who is prepared to take responsibility? Frank.
  19. Air Display Administration and Procedure Manual | Civil Aviation Safety Authority
  20. Gary, Thank you for coming to say G`Day and being part of the flight, I enjoyed it as much as you! I hope we get to do it again some day and I also hope I get to fly with you in your Skyranger...Don`t leave it too long. Frank.
  21. Nope!,wasn`t me! but I`ll say G`DAy......... Frank.
  22. Yesterday I had the pleasure of taking, Gary, (Garfly on this forum) for a flight...Not the first time Gary has flown with me. Frank.
  23. G`Day capfly ......Take a look here. Ultralight buyers guide, FAA Part 103 ultralight aircraft buyers guide, single seat ultra lite and experimental aircraft directory, Ultralight News newsmagazine. Frank.
  24. Townsville Aerodrome...How it was done back then...My wife Frances and Me...No date on the photos and I don`t recall, some else might. Frank, Ps, I certainly wouldn`t go to an airshow where I had to look through a 6 foot high, wire fence.
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