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Everything posted by SDQDI

  1. In the link you put up earlier Nobody 1 a (viii) Basically says that any goods that are for trade becomes a commercial operation
  2. I don't always agree with you Oscar but that is exactly how I feel about it all. (Except I don't really call a traffic violation a "desperate issue") I didn't end up claiming any of my aircraft for business but have been known to use some farm small engine fuel to get me by every now and then:whistling:. So yes maybe some farm fuel has been inadvertently used but otherwise it is all down as personal. My main worry was, when going through the buying/building process, what would happen if the ATO did an audit and somehow it got casa involved how deep would I be in trouble? IMO as the rules stand I wasn't willing to risk it. It is a horrible grey area that could do with some tidying up. If I was to fly some spare parts from one farm to another to fix one of our machines while contract harvesting I would theoretically be breaking the law which I think is silly.
  3. Yes I too read that email and was pleasantly impressed with it, certainly a huge step compared to what we used to get. Hopefully they keep up the trend with any further incidents.
  4. I think that is correct, mine give an alarm when pressure is lower than the set limits but if you unscrew them completely the alarm will not activate, but I guess if your wheel had no pressure at all it would be fairly obvious. I reckon mine have already paid for themselves by picking up slow leaks early which would have led to tyre failure if not found in time.
  5. I use FOBO tire on our car and they seem pretty good although the first thing you should do when you get them is remove the batteries and replace with some decent ones. Original batteries lasted one month and the replacements have been going for over a year! It will display on your phone and even when car is stopped it will give a reading. It comes with an in cab unit which as far as I can tell checks when the wheels start to move but as I said the phone display works full time. Maybe a little overkill for a plane though? But if something is worth doing it is worth doing well.
  6. Actually thinking through it, it might actually still be correct. Inasmuch as maybe some of those 11 fatal crashes and some of those 15 crashes that resulted in injury could have had more than one person affected. A couple of double fatalities and some crashes where more than one person got hurt and the numbers would make a bit of sense. Still horribly hard to interpret though
  7. If you aren't stopping until just after the end of the runway Turbs you might have to push those brakes a bit harder, or close the throttle a bit more:whistling:
  8. http://www.recreationalflying.com/threads/pipistrel-virus-pulls-chute.140464/page-2 Post number 23 on page 2 of this thread has a report on the pipistrel. Some very impressive numbers and definitely NOT straight and level when chute was deployed.
  9. There is a thread here somewhere about a pipistrel that deployed after losing control in inadvertent IMC, chute seemed to work perfectly. I would certainly doubt the "in straight and level only" statement after all what would be the benefit with one then!
  10. I guess it was a typo when you said descend into left downwind, as obviously descending on the active side of any runway is generally a no no, the best way to come down from overhead I find is to descend and join a crosswind for the active runway. As for asking which runway is in use, country folk are generally happy to help but I would ask for wind speed and direction instead of asking which runway just because it gives you a better mental picture so you don't find as many surprises on finals. If flying to a strange strip I always prefer the overhead method just to get a good picture of everything but obviously if it is busy sometimes it isn't the best.
  11. Actually found my hornet but not much detail there. Wasn't any details of me, it did have my serial number as the constructors number and date of first rego but that was about the limit of the details Still interesting though
  12. Keep the Vids coming Mike. Someone posted a link to a doco on SusiAir a while ago, it was very interesting:thumb up: I'm sure I wouldn't be the only one who would like to see more videos:wink: Ps welcome to the forum:wave:
  13. In the latest RAA email news thingy it mentioned that we will no longer be required to send back in our old ASIC before the new one is issued, which will make things a little easier. Mine ran out in January so I had better get my act together and do the paperwork. I still do think it is a stupid thing but I like flying to Narrabri and Dubbo so I am sucking it up:groan:
  14. But it is much more complicated than that Gandalph. You have the first bit right but after the 'some time later' you have simplified it too much and miss some vital things. Maybe it should read, Some time later i get a letter from the RTA telling me that the country wherein my ute was built only allow 750kgs of load in Utes and seeing as we have an 'agreement' with that country we are going to have to derate your ute to 750kgs even though the manufacturer has designed it to handle 1 tonne. Thank you for your time and suck it up princess. Personally I think the situation is silly and I don't see an easy out for those affected. As much as I don't want to see Raa have to pay anyone out I think that the 'fair' thing to do would be to buy back those planes affected or pay a nominal sum to those affected that was say maybe half the purchase price of their plane. But as we all know, legal outcomes are not always fair to all and I think trying to get money out of casa is futile and trying to get money out of Raa would seem to be as hopeless. MARAP seems to be the only light in that tunnel.
  15. Is that bottom picture a Qantas version?
  16. I don't often use full flaps for takeoff BUT when I do it is mainly for the familiarisation of the feeling of high drag and lowered climb performance (I have electric flaps so bumping and dumping flaps to 'bounce her off' isn't an option for me) and I think everyone should practice it (unless of course the Poh says not to!) as it gives you a better appreciation of how that extra drag affects the plane which could come in handy if you are doing a precautionary landing in a short strip and need to do a late go around.
  17. Campbell I personally have no meat in this pie but please don't only post once. This thread is about as clear to mud to me and it has me curious. Firstly I wasn't aware that MC was here? (I don't know him and have never even heard of him) both Wings and Asmol have talked about MC in the third person since and I can't work out who else could be him! Anyway I have no interest in this case except that my curiosity has been raised as a sideline watcher.
  18. While 24D does a perfect job on catheads be VERY cautious if you have cotton growing within 100ks or so. 24D is very unstable and even if you have no drift when you spray, it will lift off overnight and can cause massive damage to cotton a LONG way away. The Kamba is a more stable product but still needs to be used with caution. Even spraying a small house yard can ruin a cotton crop 50 kilometres or more away so be VERY VERY careful. the low volitility versions are a much safer option for everyone.
  19. Aside from that I have goo in one of my bushwheels and don't have any balance problems BUT i suppose my touchdowns are steadyish. I get cat heads in the bushwheels but have never had a leak from them, even in the one without goo. The reason I only have goo in one wheel? The other one from new has some rubber blocking where the valve stem goes in and I couldn't get the goo in, it inflates under pressure but deflating takes forever.
  20. If you can get a good cover of grass that certainly helps, I would advise against roundup as it removes all the competition and cat heads will thrive. Di Kamba or any Kamba alternative will do a good job while leaving the grass alone. Talk to your local spray contractors or local farm chemical shop Agronamist and ask about PRE emergent broadleaf sprays. (We only use grass pre emergent here so not sure what the alternatives are, maybe trifluralin might work but only if you have enough established grass as it will kill new grass shoots(as in the seed when it shoots not growing shoots)) a good pre emergent will stop any broadleaf from shooting to start with and would be a better alternative than spraying them once they are up. Use caution though and make sure you tell them your grass variety as some may be susceptible. It would have to be done over a couple of years though, a good dose of pre emergent at the end of winter before any start to shoot and then a couple of hits with some Kamba through the season. But I can't put enough emphasis on how important it is to ensure you have some sort of growing competition to compete with the prickles otherwise it will be a life long battle and you won't win!
  21. I'll open myself up here and say I have no idea how necessary they are "legally", BUT I personally think they are just as important (if not more important) as an oil pressure gauge. especially in planes that have switchable tanks after all a plane with no fuel pressure flys just as good as one with no oil pressure.
  22. This is a link to a simple explanation of the rotax fuel system http://www.experimentalaircraft.info/articles/rotax-fuel-systems.php This is a link to some numbers, please note these are for the 914 and the pressures stated are ABOVE air box pressure NOT overall pressure. Numbers are at the bottom of page 9 http://www.rotax-owner.com/pdf/UNDERSTANDING%20THE%20914%20ROTAX.pdf
  23. I could've sworn it had a decimal point Neil. I'll try and chase up a link but I know mine (914 with a return line and two electrical pumps as required) runs at 10 psi which from my reading is about maximum aloud which works out to about 0.7 bar (0.689 to be precise!) Personally I think the return line is important and it does bemuse me that some installations don't use it.
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