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Everything posted by SDQDI

  1. If someone isn't flying to a security controlled airport why on earth should they pay? Remember they are not getting paid for the pleasure of it. Talk of making everyone pay because you have to seems a bit self centred and selfish
  2. Well firstly I have paid my 200$ I am due again now actually. BUT 200$ is 200$ and for a lot of us it adds up, personally that is over a months worth of flying fuel which isn't to be sneezed at. I get sick of people saying "you payed x amount on a plane just pay the extra 2 or 3 or 4 hundred dollars and be done with it" which really annoys me, yes I payed x amount on a plane BUT I still have a wife and kids and "spare" money isn't easily had and if I do get spare I would rather spend it on fuel! If you aren't flying to security controlled airports what risk is there? And if you have to occasionally, ring up and get an escort organised. And it isn't only money, I have to print out all the paperwork and run into town to get it all signed off by a jp and it is a bit of a process. I don't see why it couldn't be done similar to the working with children check through the local rms, it would make it a whole lot simpler. On top of that for renewals if you haven't changed your name or address why the necessity of repeating everything!
  3. No your just a vegeist bigot (tongue in cheek of course!)
  4. I totally agree Russ, but I still have one too mainly because knowing my luck I would be the one that got caught without one and would be the one they made an example of:doh:
  5. I would have assumed that the atsb would take into account the current winds at the time of the incident and have allowed for that in their findings.
  6. Bruno Vassel on YouTube has some interesting gliding videos on his channel, and the ones I have seen so far have no dodgy music and just a casual pleasant commentary. This vid seems to be a few highlights but check his channel out if you like gliding vids. (I have no affiliation with him, I've just enjoyed some of his videos!)
  7. If it is a one off trip NT read through that link that gnu put up. If you don't have a frequent need for an ASIC the airport operators are required to organise an escort for you, of course it might be worth a ring around to see which ones will help you out beforehand!
  8. Settle down fellas, take a step back and cool off for a minute. SSCBD I think you will find that WayneL was basically doing the same thing as yourself by letting us know about a nice airfield with friendly resources, I think saying his post was a smatarse and nasty was a bit over the top.
  9. Flying with radios certainly makes life easier, I do it myself, but I don't think we need to make them mandatory. Where do we stop, adsb, BRS, auto pilot. We are ridiculous hypocrites sometimes, we whine and moan about extra regulation but we think that it should be mandatory for everyone to have the gear we have.
  10. Next years add in the making lol
  11. The beauty of having a 19 registered plane:thumb up: I have recessed threads under the wing for cameras but my favourite position is the camera 2 feet in front of my tailwheel. I just prefer the balanced picture. If I tilt the camera up I can see my wings all the way into the outer part of the flaps, the only negative is landing in long grass or long crops. I just put a little screw through the sticky mount and it is solid but I have cracked the bit that clicks into the mount once so I steer clear of the long stuff while recording now:thumb up:
  12. Not quite. My point about the unreliability of radios was for ev17ifly2 who a page or so back stated that radios were reliable. My main reason for not wanting radios mandatory at flyins (those held at an aerodrome were they aren't normally required) is because I think the benefits would be outweighed by the negatives. I would rather see more effort put into informing the attending pilots of preferred techniques or local phenomenons ect to not only make it safer for the non radio flyers but also to help reduce radio congestion during those high traffic times. I don't get to many flyins and as I said before I do have a radio so it doesn't affect me much Per se but I just don't want to see many more decisions between the 'fancier' (for want of a better word) flyers and those happy with machines that were the start of our beloved sport.
  13. G'day and welcome Nick.
  14. Jerzy my brain isn't working particularly sharp tonight so I was wondering if you could elaborate a little for me. Was the diesel in the oil? Or did the petrol have diesel in it? As a side note we had a small engine stop on us the other day and when I drained the carby all I got was water, so I drained the tank and got over a cupful of water out of it as well. I couldn't work it out for ages but it finally clicked when I drained the jerry can into a clear jug and had 4 litres of fuel and 1 litre of water, I had been using that jerry can for the mower at home and I always leave the lids a little loose to prevent the build up of pressure and it just so happened that the kids had been playing with the garden hose so after a gentle questioning session it was revealed they helped daddy by filling up his fuel container with water:doh: so anyway they got their first introduction to small engine maintenance (gently of course!) and they now understand that water isn't quite the same as fuel:thumb up: so hopefully that won't be a repeated problem.
  15. I don't know any extra details about this drifter other than what has been posted here but I will say if someone flys into a presumably notamed airshow willy nilly do you really expect them to spot the notam that made their ctaf into a radio required ctaf? (I'm all over the shop tonight but I'm referring to your earlier post putting up the option of making a flyin airfield a CTAF ®. ) I guess I just don't like the idea of extra regs unless it can be proved they are essential. And for Ev17Ifly2, I don't think that radios are overly reliable. Yes I said that the nut behind the mike is not the least of a radios faults but from my experience radios themselves can be unreliable. of course dodgy aerials and dodgy installs could account for a fair whack of those and that is not just a homebuilt phenomenon but there are definitely some unreliable radios around. And as for handhelds, if they have a good external aerial and some form of inflight charging then they can be good but otherwise you have hassles with ineffective range and flat batteries. I do have a radio, and from what I can ascertain it works really well (when I'm on the right channel!) but I don't expect everyone to have one and I DO think that if flyins were limited to serviceable radio equiped aircraft only then attendances would be down and you would miss out on seeing some really beautiful works of art. Of course if radios were made mandatory across the board then I think that would be detrimental to aviation as a whole.
  16. Yeah I used to wonder why I was never told about things too:stirrer:
  17. I think that was meant to be another funny post FH, anyway I gave it a funny and thought it was hilarious just in case:whistling: But on a serious note you are basically right.
  18. Do you have your oil cooler partly blocked off? I keep mine half blocked off for winter but in summer it has to be fully open or it will make it out of the green on a long climb.
  19. Racist and violent, fair dinkum this country is going bonkers. What happened to being aloud to have a joke and poke some good natured fun at each other without being strung up as a mob of violent racist bigots! It is good to see that nearly three quarters of the people that voted on that page loved it, maybe not all is lost.
  20. Hmm your post said clp when I replied but somehow it says cpl in the quote box? Maybe I'm going bonkers!
  21. CLP Cute Little Person? Just stirring again Frank Frank don't get too down about it, there are a few threads that I don't even look at but generally we all mean well. I don't use any other form of social media besides this site and sometimes an off topic will be interesting to me for example the thread of Geoff and the hay run, not really aviation related but still interesting.
  22. This thread is not about flying and should be moved to the "off topic" section:amazon: Sorry Frank, I just wanted to poke a little fun. It is important to make sure flying is our first priority here, it is easy to get caught up in an off topic 'discussion' but I do tend to agree that it divides us a bit more. It's bad enough have Raa mingled with commercial pilots without bringing off topic topics into the mix:wink: But I do think we are generally level headed about our disagreements so I think they should stay, but maybe we could all do our bit in posting a bit more aviation related things:thumb up:
  23. I've had two evenings in a row flying now. Both days I used the checking the irrigation excuse, yesterday it was a little bumpy with some leftover ripples from some afternoon storms but it was still nice flying. I did a few downwind takeoffs just to keep them fresh in mind and did some more two spot landing practice. (One spot being where I land and the other spot where I was aiming to land:whistling:) And this evening was similar except for no bumps and beautifully calm, so got to do a bit of landing practice on a few different farm roads. I will have to charge the go pro up and get some video, I never think of it until I am about to hop in the plane. The second pic I snapped to show some numbers. I love cruising steady and burning 13 litres makes it a bit more affordable than pushing harder and with the door off it is really pleasant at 50-55 knots. And yes I did have fuel remaining, I just haven't played with it enough to work out how to do part fills:-). And for the super sharp observers, yes YQDI is at 1050 feet amsl (give or take a few feet) but on this flight I was lazy and set my altimeter to 1000 so it is easier to maintain at least the 500 to remain legal:thumb up:. And for the really picky people, taking the picture required a little concentration and that is why the ball is "slightly" off centre:nerd:
  24. Good luck Dan As for advice, try not to get too hyped up and don't get to bed too late tonight. Maybe do a bit of exercise this evening so you sleep well. But most importantly, tomorrow just fly the plane! When we overthink things we can overload our brains and miss the basics, for example once when I was given an unexpected partial engine failure I straight away set up for best glide and flew it perfectly all the way to the ground (at the airport of course!) but once on the ground my instructor asked me why I hadn't done more troubleshooting and why I didn't do what I had been taught and turned the fuel pump on! We had started at above 2000agl so I had plenty of time but I was overthinking it and totally missed the basics, still had a safe outcome but could have done a lot better. I know it is nearly impossible but try and think of it as a normal lesson and keep yourself relaxed and just fly the plane.
  25. Of our local flyers 90% have radios but I wouldn't say that radios are reliable, there are so many things that affect the reliability of a radio not least of which is the nut holding the mic button. I myself have a radio but I have stuffed up the frequency change more than once and then it doesn't matter how clear your radio is. Then there is the radio unit themselves, I am sure our club isn't the only club that has different people having technical difficulties. I know when flying that at least a quarter of the planes I hear are garbled and basically unreadable. IMO radios are NOT reliable and our flying practices should reflect that. Terry put it perfectly, if you are relying on your radio you could be setting yourself up for a surprise. In regards to "sub cretins" and their flying 500ft circuits I think the idea of having different speed aircraft at different heights makes perfect sense or do you think we should have everyone at 1000 including the big boys? (Edit, I see the sub cretin comment was not in the post about the flyers at 500ft:doh:) Yes some flyers without a radio could fly to the proper circuit procedures better BUT I have seen (and sometimes been guilty of!) substandard airmanship in the ranks of the radio flyers as well. As for why wouldn't you have a radio, well I think we should always leave that option there for those that like the simple pleasures of flying without all the wires and gadgets and personally I enjoy seeing and meeting those people at flyins, after all those sort of people are the ones who started flyins and it would be a bit rude IMO to stop them attending.
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