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Everything posted by siznaudin

  1. See what Wikipedia has to say: it might possibly generate a mild discussion in the ranks...
  2. Hmmmmmm...:confused: Edit: does this help? [ATTACH]1277[/ATTACH]
  3. Hoo boy, can we relate to THAT ! Fantastic stuff: great post. [ATTACH=full]1272[/ATTACH]
  4. WHOOPEYDOO! Don'cha just love 2600cubes of radial? Great stuff and glorious sound - thanks heaps Dex. And didn't the weather look so good, eh!:)
  5. We called into Parkes earlier in the year: I was intrigued to learn that it's nothing more than the weight of the dish itself which keeps the whole schemozzle in place - hence they get a bit nervous when wind speeds rise: in such cases they position the dish in the horizontal. Could be a bit messy if it "came off the rails"!
  6. Wasn't the original (ie initial) signal for the moon landing picked up by the ACT station, and then Parkes...?
  7. Thanks for all that Willie ... what an animal of an aircraft!
  8. Static museum display..? Like this one? - or is this the spare parts repository for Iran ... although given the US:Iran relationship I wouldn't think so;) [ATTACH]1269[/ATTACH] *ps ... a friend who was flight engineer in C class and Mariners in WW2, on seeing a Phantom display at an airshow when Aus had 'em on lease, expressed the view that they had all the flying qualities of a building brick (albeit very high powered). [ATTACH]18227[/ATTACH]
  9. And I see that F4's are still good enough to continue in service with Turkey .. as long as they're not shot down by trigger-happy Syrians...
  10. Beautiful country, beautiful shots: thanks for posting.
  11. I'm fascinated by these tank crushers ... most aircraft "corrode". Sturmoviks rust! [ATTACH]1265[/ATTACH]
  12. Two months - fifty six days. Writeoff. I've just gone back to page one and re-read the events of the day. It must be nice to work in a ground-bound office, eh?
  13. Am I misinterpreting, or is this a "dump" on Cameron? I'm off now, to Google "Bellini-Tozi" radio location: never 'eard of it, Guv'nor. Edit: aha! Bellini-Tosi ... read all about it here. http://www.airwaysmuseum.com/B-T%20MFDF%201.htm
  14. I'm now at the age where I have forgotten them all! [ATTACH]1260[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]18222[/ATTACH]
  15. Great shots! Thanks for putting them up. Coop, VH-BDQ, had a flight in the Cat down at Wanaka, half his luck!
  16. Watched qualifying for the Silverstone MotoGP last night (Casey's on front row, P3...) and the weather there (remember, it's their "summer") was very iffy & bloody cold. Some of the Spanish in the teams were heard to ask "why would anyone live here?"
  17. Cheers Glenn, and all the best! :)
  18. "...We opened them once in New Guinea when we had a load of very overheated pigs down the back and we needed ram air to blow the stink back down the cabin" [ATTACH=full]1259[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]18221[/ATTACH]
  19. The riding mechanic & I have a Luskintyre story to tell ... it involves the ULTIMATE overnight accommodation at the site: never to be repeated, I suspect - but equally, a never to be forgotten experience. Will share it with you sometime - in private. Cheers!
  20. Re your Sunday June 7 post ... "An interesting man"! You don't have to be a dentist of Irish stock or to have some sort of a fixation with Pobjoy engines to be just "interesting'! And I bet he has a wonderful sense of humour, too. You lucky so-and-so, Sixties ... looking forward to the next post. Fifty two days...?
  21. Cruise speed 62 knots ??? Quite leisurely, I venture to suggest: almost a "loiter speed" figure... Fascinating to be using liquid hydrogen ... presumably it's allowed to (controllably) boil off & then be utilsed as required - ??
  22. "...whopping big three engined corrugated shed with wings." Beautiful! [ATTACH=full]1255[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]18218[/ATTACH]
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