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Everything posted by siznaudin

  1. Simon, those websites are very impressive: well done, and welcome to TAA!
  2. God, I'm so tempted to Google this up, but it'd spoil the real, or near real-time impact. I'll give another plug here for the utterly absorbing story of a downed Spitfire pilot who trecked across the Territory for 20 days before finding rescue. An amazing account of hardship and tenacity. "Caterpillar Club Survivor - Lost in the Top End, 1943" Ross Smith Stagg ISBN978-0-646-47777-0
  3. Intriguing that rail travel was so limited according to the wartime priority system, yet it was possible to book a commercial flight to Darwin? Or maybe I'm missing something...
  4. Great stuff; and the incident with the Tigers is a) scary & b) educational, so no concerns on my behalf that you should have chosen to show it. BTW, did I detect a slightly less serious wake-induced instability in the #2 Tiger's lift off?
  5. What a great account Kaye ... thank you so much for sharing it all with us. And... give The Old Dog a loving hug from us, please - we're old enough to know the pain & loss which occurs following any close attachment after a long relationship, whether it involve human:animal or human:human. :)
  6. Well done, Darren ... now I can sleep a little easier! BTW - just how'd you manage to find that one?
  7. Superb web site Shelley - wonderful photography & beautifully written, with one of the best being the tail dragger experience ... "Couldn’t see a cracker out the front and almost took out the airport bowsers trying to find the runway." :D Welcome!
  8. Finally got it ... rather than having it (not) open automatically I first saved, then "opened with" IE. Good stuff there - especially liked the B52/B17 pair. Thanks!
  9. What do I have to do to be able to open SWF files, please.:confused:
  10. Bloody hell ... sod's law! Or maybe Murphy's: just when they might be on to something, the *#+ weather gets in the way!:(
  11. 3801, surely. Actually, if the race was into a head wind (or maybe even no head wind!), I'd be inclined to put money on the loco. Some very serious work happening to the old girl - for details go here. http://www.heritageexpress.com.au/pages/legendsofsteam/3801/default.htm [ATTACH=full]1196[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]18187[/ATTACH]
  12. Agree wholeheartedly: and as a great tribute, so was the fly-over here today of a Vee composed of five Tiger Moths! Got me up & out of me comfy chair like a shot, I can tell you! And, I might add ... also got me just a little misty-eyed, thinking of all those who trained to fly on same, and never returned. ps - five Tigers make a LOT of noise!
  13. The real time treatment is what's the making of this story ... that, and the excellent Sixties touch in the telling. Good on yer, mate! We're hanging out for every episode.;)
  14. Indeed it was: it was up at Burra, Sth Aus. from a distance it looked fairly convincing, but up closer 'twas a different matter altogether. And, BTW .. 'tweren't in a shed - 'twere out in the open.
  15. Is the "Outback Mustang in a barn" reference inserted here as a rumour or as a rumour about a rumour? In other words ... could we have more information please - :confused:
  16. Finally got to sit down & view it: an excellent production - 10 out of 10.
  17. What a remakable collection: many thanks to you and your email buddy!
  18. Whoops! Double post .. sorry Glenn (I tried to scrub the repeat, but the technology defeated me...:() No on second thoughts, ... I can add this worthwhile URL: check out the video/Youtube links. http://napoleon130.tripod.com/id725.html
  19. Just googled "bouncing bomb", and via good old Wikipedia (where would we be without it!) got hold of this... "Twenty-five inert Highballs, renamed "Speedee" bombs, were also sent for use in the USAAF trials. Drop tests were carried out over Choctawhatchee Bay near Eglin Field, Florida, but the programme was abandoned after the bomb bounced back at A-26C-25-DT Invader 43-22644 on Water Range 60, causing loss of the rear fuselage and a fatal crash on 28 April 1945"
  20. Taped it, but have yet to catch up with it. Recently watched Dambusters Fly Again - lots of "padding" and BS ... but some good genuine archival footage. Had never seen the bomb drop which revoved the tail assembly from a Havoc(?). The Canadian bush pilot doing the doco was bloody lucky not to have had the same happen to him. Couple of links of possible interest - the first http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juliane_Koepcke was aired on free-to-air TV recently. See also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_sole_survivors_of_aviation_accidents_or_incidents and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vesna_Vulovi%C4%87
  21. Is it just my imagination, or is that spinifex I see there...?
  22. Soooooo much suburban sprawl. ... so great a population!
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