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Everything posted by siznaudin

  1. Wasn't sure which section of TAA to put this in, but shift it if you feel necessary, Glenn. Coming up this weekend, Sunday the 19th will be 70 years since the first bombing raid took place - 243 killed. Over the next 18 months there were another 63 raids, with around 40 more added to the toll. Spare a moment's quiet contemplation this Sunday. http://www.nretas.nt.gov.au/knowledge-and-history/northern-territory-library/online_resources/australias_northern_territory_wwii/dawin_bombing_collection http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bombing_of_Darwin
  2. No real need to explain anything ... it's French![ATTACH=full]996[/ATTACH]
  3. I have to say that it's a long while since I last experienced the reading out of "telegrams" at a wedding but yes, even after the end of genuine telegrams it was done - and not infrequently of course, the content was calculated to embarass the lucky couple. Maybe someone here could let us know of the last time they heard a wedding "telegram" read at a wedding? Careful with the contents ... this is a family show!
  4. So when I press the button on my digital camera I'm capturing an image rather than taking a photo(graph)...?:confused:
  5. What the *#@!! has this got to do with aviation? And could it be that there are some of our younger TAA subscribers out there in cyberspace who don't even know what telegrams are..? I'm part way through a book lent me by Coop ... "That's That" - an absorbing account of one serviceman's experiences during WW2 when he enlisted in Adelaide, finished up flying Catalinas, and post war rose to the position of Supervisor, Air Traffic Control, Adelaide. In it, he mentions that whenever he received a new posting he was able to telegram back home his new address, so that letters would always be able to find him with minimum delay. Quite efficient, if you think about it relative to the technology of the day. I'm from an era (ok, ok...) when we had two letter deliveries each week day, as well as one on Saturday morning. Telegrams were delivered to the recipient's address by bicycle - most often ridden by a Post Master General's junior. It all got me wondering just when the telegram service finally died out. Well here it is - and it wasn't the internet which did it in ... turns out it was the telephone which struck the first blow. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australian_telegraphic_history#Post_Federation:_peak_and_decline
  6. Oh dear ... there goes another hour or so after starting into the original link and getting sidetracked from it! Fantastic post: thanks Michael - the Bogas site has been added to the favourites list.[ATTACH=full]986[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]18110[/ATTACH]
  7. Um ... was it as bad as this? Can you post an image of it please Owen? [bTW ...what ever happened to the good old "photo" - nowadays it's all "images":(] [ATTACH]985[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]18109[/ATTACH]
  8. Don't apologise - it's great stuff, and yes, I will pass the word around. You heading to Cowra for the AAAA fly-in, perchance? We're going there via Temora after a veteran car rally in Cobram the previous weekend. Cheers, Geoff.
  9. The only thing I have about suggesting Rumpler is the shape of the radiator ... it seems to be more elongate than the Rumplers. It's going to stay as my best bet for the time being, though. I'm intrigued by your interpretation of "graceful" in relation to the BE2, by the way. We have a Citroen 2CV, and the best I can say of it is that it has "character"; but we love it, just as a mother would:D The burnt out job standing on its wheels could be an AEG.CIV - and does the hulk with the crowd around it have a 4 bladed prop with a V engine, rather than an in-line? And looking at the exhaust stacks & fuel tank(?) location, I reckon it's either another of those "graceful" BE2's or else an RE8 :p
  10. Might the unidentified mystery a/c be a Rumpler C.IV perchance? Comments welcome :confused: http://www.histomin.com/Aviation/World%20War%201%20Aviation/WW1%20Aircraft/WW1%20Rumpler%20C.IV%20C.7963_17/gpww1%20Rumpler%20C.IV%20C.7963_17.htm
  11. I just got sidetracked & lost amongst your blogs Owen - finishing (for the moment) at the Tiger's Tale. Pity I wasn't aware of your Mittagong location when we were there last year with a bunch of pre 1919 cars making their way around the Highlands. Could have given you a ride in a ground-borne 4 wheeled equivalent of a Tiger. No windscreen or doors, so it's not the comfort or speed ... it's all about the experience.
  12. Thanks Owen - I appreciate your contributions very much indeed...well written! Cheers, Geoff. * here's more stuff to add to the story: scary! http://www.aopa.org/aircraft/articles/2009/090212continental.html http://www.oreillylaw.com/Verdicts-Settlements/Settlement-Paboojian-v-Teledyne-Continental-Motors.shtml http://www.casa.gov.au/scripts/nc.dll?WCMS:OLDASSET::svPath=/ADfiles/piston/cont/,svFileName=CONT-089.pdf And if I'm interpreting this correctly, cylinder head issues were identified back in 2004 with the Turbo'd engines. http://www.cessnaowner.org/forums/topic.html?id=17906
  13. A gripping account: well written, as always - but what was the finding as to the reason for the cylinder head failure, I wonder....:eek:
  14. Detritus from the US military-industrial complex (and lobby group): oh my god...
  15. Perhaps it would be best if we could all simply agree that it is a tragic incident, think of the impact on family, friends & aviation acquaintances - then leave it there, and allow the ATSB to do the rest.
  16. Oh dear .... :( More here... http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/two-die-as-tiger-moth-crashes-at-maryborough-central-victoria/story-e6frf7jo-1226255597587 VH-GVA, flown from England to Australia too - tragic. http://www.airport-data.com/aircraft/photo/450548.html http://www.cgold.com.au/maryboroughaeroclub/photo.htm Condolences to family, friends, Club members: awful.
  17. Looks like it's a bit off-track, unfortunately Kaye ... but we'll be mobile again in September as there's a National Veteran Car Rally on in the Ipswich area. Will be in touch if we are going to drop in. Have a good one on the 24th!:)
  18. Hi Sixties - great to see you're still online: I'm wondering ... would NZ lack the afternoon storm buildup that PNG has?
  19. FIFTY ! ... an O.F. !! THANKS A LOT ! ;) Kaye, I'll speak to The Navigator and see what she comes up with. I just point the steering wheel where she tells me...:p
  20. AAAAARGH! That's the same weekend as the AAAA fly in at Cowra! We're going on to that after finishing a veteran car rally at Cobram the previous weekend! Will take a rain check for future raising of a glass with you. B****y hell, wouldn't it be nice to be 50 again! Cheers Kaye - I'm sure it'll be a ripper of a show. Geoff.
  21. Ray Vuillermin is the man you'll have to chase up ... it shouldn't be too hard to find an e-contact for him by doing a bit of Googling. Here's a link which gives a little background to the film. http://www.vertigoproductions.com.au/information.php?film_id=9&display=notes Cheers, Geoff.
  22. Yep - there's some really superb footage in amongst the clips within that site - highly recommended indeed!
  23. Yeah ... I managed to get hold of a copy of "RAAF Flying Boats at War" by Joe Leach. From it, there would seem to be three Catalinas lost in landing or taking off at Balikpapan. Chapter 17 - "The Invasion of Balikpapan" he refers to "...another 113 ASR aircraft, A24-101, together with a borrowed American Catalina, arrived with medical supplies and blood..." (this follows his account of General Morshead and the a/c in which he was transported being lost after "being put down") ... "The RAAF liasion officer on the command ship, with concern for aircrew, advised the staff officers that in the prevailing sea conditions, the aircrafy could not be guaranteed to put down safely. Asked if there was a reasonable chance of landing and the medical supplies salvaged and got to the beach, the reply was 'yes, but very risky' Without hesitation the General said 'very well, tell them to go in' Both landed sucessfully, but after unloading, broke up while attempting to take off."
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