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Everything posted by BigPete

  1. Whats Going On? We had a pilot on his second solo navex (Albury - Deniliquin - Echuca - Shepparton - Albury) call up on our CTAF, saying he was over a lake and was lost. We could tell he was quite agitated. (This was last Friday Week 25/07/08) Cliff banks our CFI, who was out with a student asked a few good questions and soon realized he was over Kow Swamp and guided him to Echuca. To say the pilot was relieved to be on the ground is an understatement. He was very, very thankful. After a cup of coffee we settled down and reviewed his flight plan. He was using WAC charts, and you have to fold and join them to see our little corner of the world. Everything was correct EXCEPT the map alignment. He followed his bearings correctly, but unfortunately the Deniliquin to Echuca leg was way off. He finished up exactly where the wrong heading would take him - Kow swamp. My question is - wouldn't his instructor have reviewed his navigation? Checked his paperwork? Before he departed? regards
  2. ....now lets see, said Bendova to himself as he chewed on the end of his special police pencil. :) What have I missed I've got 500 sausages for the Jabirue pilots, :thumb_up: 120 lamb chops for the Tecnam pilots, plenty of T-Bone steaks for the sportstar mob and vegimite sandwiches for the rest. i_dunno I've even ordered a few bowls of salad (which nobody ever eats) for all the health nuts AND a 200 liter drum of tomato sauce. I've set up a no smoking area near the refuel point (not so much as a safety thing, but somewhere that Ian can sit and not have to put up with some inconsiderate $#@!@'s blowing smoke in his face). A small pen enclosure in case the FriarPuk brings some of his flock. :hug:Stacks of bottled water (refilled from the tap - they'll never know and we'll make a small fortune at 5.95 a bottle) (I've been to a Melbourne Grad Prix or three). Tons of Mylanta and Quick Eze (I've seen these fire boys cook before), and enough coffee to keep a small village awake for a week. :yuk::yuk: While our man of the hour was busy with the last minute arrangments for what could possibly be the greatest event ever to take place in the small country hamlet of NoHopetown (except for the annual frisbee throwing contest) many intrepid aviators were keeping a watchful eye on the weather. As a group they were thankful that Ian hadn't had much to do with it, although the fact that BigPete suggested it in the first place was making quite a few nervous. "Maybe we could ban them both from the fly in" suggesed the Riverland girl, (who was feeling less than hospitiful towards all Jabirue jockeys and elastic manufacturers), "but What we need is some leadership and direction" she said. And so they all waited for direction. But - "where's the Captain", they cried, "who will save us....." Is the fly in doomed Will BigPete and Ian bring rain with them? Is there sufficient first aid availble to counteract the 1st NoHopetown Volunteer Fire Brigade Barbecue Cooking Team efforts? :yuk::yuk: Will Ian ban Bendova for thinking "$#@!@"? :big_grin::big_grin::big_grin: regards
  3. No Geoff - lives in Melbourne - only see him up here (Echuca) on school holidays. regards
  4. RSVP - Just me for lunch :big_grin: - Only weather will stop me. Looking forward to meeting many of the members of this forum for the 1st time. :thumb_up: :big_grin::big_grin: regards
  5. ..... Hello ......Hello.....Hello......Hello.....Anyone there! FriarPuk scratched his head in bewilderment. Where had they all gone The last thing he could remember was blessing the flock and passing out the cases of communial wine.........:clown: Meanwhile Planedriver is in shock as he realizes the photo posted above is from his family album.........:yuk::yuk: One of the sheep (a Border Liecester with ticks) :big_grin:is flying low level circuits (probably because the wool is pulled over its eyes) bombing the marinos with black pellets from the back of the Jabipoo....i_dunno %$#@# said the captain (who will probably be banned ) if this lot all turn up at the Hopetown mini fly in, we'll all be well and truely in it.... regards
  6. It's probably the best answer: a. It's always there ready to use or not, (the extra capacity) b. doesn't stop you having a passenger or picking one up, c. far easier to refuel than a seperate bladder/tank d. would have to be much safer than exta fuel connections e. might even be cheaper as well. :big_grin::big_grin: regards
  7. Now cut that out - allthough I must admit, the short one is looking cute. :heart::big_grin::big_grin: regards :big_grin::big_grin:
  8. A new day begins.... Here's on of my J160c at Shepparton. 1600 x 1200 available. (jpeg) regards
  9. OOps - sorry planeDRIVER......:big_grin::big_grin::big_grin: regards :big_grin:
  10. Geez planecrasher can ya wait...... regards :big_grin::big_grin:
  11. ...wondering why his voice sounded like a poor imitation of an Italion Tenor on steriods, MilanoPete :star: (hey guys, we're all old enough to remember Mario Milano, Dominic Dinucci, etc from WCW - right?) finally managed to side slip on late final and make a perfect landing (as per always :big_grin::big_grin:) on the grass strip (23 - 05) at Echuca. Right you woolly beggers, get out and start eating the strip, bloody council won't spend any money (sound familiar), and whose going to clean out the jabipoo - ah $##@! (go on ban me Geoff) :big_grin: said ManurePete, looks like I'm still knee deep in it. :yuk: Meanwhile Friarpuk was growing impatient, :ah_oh: he could see some sort of mob milling around at the far end of the runway, but figured (wrongly) that it was just another Labour Party Convention of no consequence. The Captain, :broken_heart: torn between wanting to ban ObnoxiousPete (sometime known as ExpletivePete) for saying $#@! once more, and getting up planedriver for NOT USING PARAGRAPHS. Decided to....... :big_grin::big_grin: regards
  12. Sorry about that Steve - there used to be a 85 liter tank option for the old LSA. I'm sure it would fit into your 120 and give you the extra endurance. regards
  13. .....and so they came from near and far - in J160's, J230's and even LSA 55's. :thumb_up: "You little beauty" cried MarinoPete - "lets get these valuable ewes on board before Ian sees them, for I am told he's been to NZ and picked up a few bad habits...." :big_grin: As the willing helpers (Captain, Redair, Darren, Airsick and Mozartmerv) gleefully stuffed the jolly jumbucks into the cargo space in the waiting Jabiroos, a lone figure on horseback (who was the son of Pat and carried a banjo) rode up and sang..... "Who's that Jolly Jumbuck you've stuffed into a Jabiroo....... regards :big_grin::big_grin::big_grin::big_grin:
  14. Jabiru J160c - I use half flap for take off - it worked fine, but later, as in above post, it did not work. regards
  15. Went flying again yesterday (Thursday). Just wandered around having fun. :thumb_up: Must do a few landings without flap I said to myself. But, first a couple with flaps just to "get in the grove". :) So join downwind for 35, did my checks (as you do) called "...turning base for 35.." nose up, throttle back to 1800 rpm, left rudder in, flaps to 1st position...... Hmmmm, looks like I'm doing flapless landings as of NOW!. :yuk: So I did 7 in a row - very high nose attitude, had to look out the side window, but no dramas. :thumb_up: Today (Friday) out to the hanger, pull out the flap motor (with the use of a special tool to get at the hard to get to bolts) and desolder the wires to the micro switch assembly and remove same from motor. Over to the workbench and test switches (their are two) with micrometer - a zillion times - perfect. :yuk::confused::ah_oh: Scratch head - maybe switch "button" not being pressed in far enough inside flap motor housing. Made up some thin plastic shims to push switch out from mounting rail (less than half a millimeter). Resolder wires, assemble motor and test - it's working with no load applied. Put everything back together in time to do 2 circuits before last light. Works perfectly. We'll see....i_dunnoi_dunnoi_dunno regards :big_grin::big_grin::big_grin:
  16. Ok Steve - I'll bite. :big_grin: Why:question: You've got around 3.5 hours with 65 liter tank (and reserve). :thumb_up: Most people would need a whizz and a break by then. :confused: After flying for 3 to 3.5 hours I would be wanting to check engine oil level as well. :ah_oh: regards :big_grin::big_grin:
  17. Just take it easy, Captain. After all I am asleep..... regards :big_grin::big_grin:
  18. ......and then StraightPete woke up with a start. :yuk: Oh $%#@, what a nightmare, fancy dreaming about being gay, fancy dreaming about the captain leaving me out to dry. (you're a sick man, captain) (I like it). :thumb_up: And so with half of the forums now believing BigPete is NOT gay :confused: (and the other half still hoping), our hero settles down in his chair with his pina colada, turns on his favourite Julie Andrews movie and slips on his fluffy pink slippers. :big_grin: Fancy dreaming you're gay he said to himself as he slipped into a deep sleep......
  19. Oh, Captain, my captain.:heart::heart::heart::heart: regards :big_grin::big_grin::big_grin:
  20. and I didn't shoot you really. I was looking for lunch (Chinese actually) regards
  21. Geez Captain - I've done it again........ AAAAAAHHHHHHHGGGGGGGG!!!!!!! regards
  22. .....so as the real RealPete (BigPete etc etc...) finally lifted his soggy aircraft into the air, the clever international Italian spy Ricky Ricardo (alias ClaytonsPete) (and you thought he was Portareekon) continued to woo the lovely Riverland girl with his charm and tall stories of his brave exploits during WWII. :confused: (you do, of course realize that these were indeed short stories). i_dunno and so dear reader, it's now up to you........ regards :big_grin::big_grin::big_grin:
  23. Sorry Captain - I think there's been a glitch in the system. I didn't see your post (#212) until after I posted mine (#213) regards :big_grin::big_grin::big_grin:
  24. ......meanwhile HindonPete was still wallowing around at the end of runway 36 in four feet of water. :yuk: This double agent thing is a real pain in the butt he thought to himself. So far I've used so many alias I don't know whether I'm comin' or goin'. In desperation he knew that he's only chance was return to OZStork HQ and resume his undercover role as (sorry, it's Top Secret). :big_grin: He opened the doors and swiftly cut through both main udercarriage legs. (with his trusty SAPK). "Maria" he shouted - "go down the back of the Jabiroo so I can get this thing in the air" As Maria worked her way to the rear, the front of the Jabiroo lifted and our hero called "Clear Prop" and hit the starter button. i_dunno As the motor roared into life, a shadowy figure loomed out of the darkness (for it was well past last light) :confused: carrying of all things a cash register in one hand and dusty aviation goods in the other. "Did you call me" - :) yelled Ian through all the water spray, the Jabiroo was making. "No" yelled back LoudPete - "but seeing your here, layout all the stuff you had a Narromine, and I'll wash all the dust off it as I depart. :thumb_up: And so as HelpfulPete gunned the motor and headed down a very soggy 36 he thought to himself..........
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