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Everything posted by BigPete

  1. BigPete


    G'day Willeton, and Where do you plan on training at? regards :big_grin:
  2. G'day Mark, how about ".....entering and backtracking runway 18 for runway 27...." and when reaching 27 "....entering and backtracking runway 27...." if I read you right. :big_grin::big_grin: regards
  3. :big_grin: It's Ok Ian - I'll get this one. :thumb_up::thumb_up: Clean up your act/s people :yuk: - we can't have the next Victorian Rep of RA-AUS associated wirh the likes of us rabble. :confused: The Captains German accent is so bad :ah_oh: I think he must be an English spy......;) I'd love to see Matt and Kaz in medical attire at the Hopetoun Mini Flyin ...and so with Dr Matt and Nurse Kaz working valiantly on the near expired, highly successful English spy Captain J.E. Selggib aka Kaptain Captain (Hermann to his friends), BigPete saw his opportunity and taxied out to runway 36. :big_grin: As he applied full power and began his takeoff run, he couldn't control himself any longer...... "Alfvidersheen, you gullible foolz" he said into his microphone, "for it is I, Baron von HindonPete, and I hazz Maria, and I'm heading for the farderlanden." (Sorry Captian - it appears that I have the worst accent - after all :big_grin:) Unfortunatley for HindonPete........ :big_grin::big_grin::big_grin: regards
  4. :yuk::yuk: ...sorry viewers - technical problems beyond our control. We now return you to our normal program. :thumb_up: not having his ASIC card handy, said..... "My, my Kaptain Captain, I lost my card whilst picking up a young Riverland girl last week. Will this $100 buy me a new one? ;);) regards :big_grin::big_grin:
  5. ....but our hero (that's me :big_grin:) knew there wasn't time to place a bet (and he didn't have the heart to tell her Seabiscuit was crumbed by the Nazis for weinersnitzel). :broken_heart: He looked at the Jabiru. He looked at the von Trap kiddies. :confused: Right he said, as Captain of my ship (read Jabiru) I have the power and authority to rename the two largest of you Baggage 1 and Baggage 2. Go and sit behind the seats. :thumb_up: The next two are "No Step Left and Right" - park you bums on the shiney white seats over the main wheels. The smallest of you is now called "Dipstick" I have a special compartment with its own magnetic door up front near the fan just for you. And so our intrepid, man of the hour loaded his cargo as best he could. All was going too well however and as our hero turned to take his leave, ........... regards :big_grin::big_grin::big_grin:
  6. G'day Steve and welcome. It really depends on your needs as to whether you choose the J170 or J230. The J170 has a bigger carrying capacity than the J230 (290kg v. 240kg). Is wider in the cabin, cruises at 100 knots (16 liters an hour) and is $15,000 cheaper to buy. The J230 however will cruise 115 to 120 knots (23 liters an hour) has a huge cargo area for bulky items and rear door access. Sort of a win, win - scenario. :big_grin: So you pays your money and makes your choice. :thumb_up: :big_grin::big_grin: regards
  7. G'day Daddo53, welcome to the forums. My Dad did his war service at Toc, fixing B24's. Must catch up one day as I'm only a stones throw away in Echuca. :thumb_up: :big_grin::big_grin: regards
  8. How about some of you comedians getting on the Never Ending Story....... regards :big_grin::big_grin::big_grin:
  9. Well - it doesn't matter who our lovely riverland girl goes to work for - with Avtur going thru the roof everyone's screwed. Unfortunately the current government has seen fit to pass a new tax on rubber, aimed directly at the RA-AUS flyer enjoying their newfound freedom in their windup wonders. :ah_oh: This had the unseen benefit of a hugh increase in the birth rate (condom prices (rubber tax) had been set at $79.95 and most people just couldn't aford it). :yuk: (Lets see - dinner for two ($12.95 maccas), two movies ($4.95 blockbuster video) half slab of beer ($17.95 safeway liquor), a box of cadbury favorites ($6.98 Coles) and the look on her face when you tell her you ran out of money and didn't use protection - PRICELESS. :big_grin::big_grin::big_grin: regards
  10. "Nah" said BigPete - "I'm used to flying low with a lot of drag :confused: - my J160 was one of the first off the production line. It has more imperfections than the face of a 14 year old boy who lives on chocolate and french fries and thinks clearasil is for girls." :big_grin: regrets:sad:
  11. .....unfortunately :confused: - nobody checked the direction of the rotation. It seems that most Chinese are left handed and so nearly all the eager thrifty (can't wait to get in the air and save money) pilots took off ----backwards. :yuk::yuk: "Bloody hell" said BackwardsPete "Orvile and Wilbur sure knew something all those years ago". "This thing flies much better going in reverse and I can see the hour meter on the tacho rewinding like HG Well's Time Machine. :thumb_up: And so many pilots began to reverse - saving money by not having to do any maintenance at all. And except for some very interesting times in the circuit (some older pilots stuck to convention ) most people were happy and content. :big_grin: CASA, however were not amused..... regards :big_grin::big_grin::big_grin:
  12. Huh, Wot, Eh, Oh - SORRY - with all that Pope talk, I thought you have to be catholic to contribute. :ah_oh: Now - down to some serious flying talk. The Chinese subsidury of OZStork (WunhungloStork) have perfected a rubber powered version of the J230. :thumb_up: Surprisingly it's not much different to the old rubberband flying models that most of us played around with in our youth. :big_grin: The major difference however is the amount of turns required to power the thing long enough to get it airbourne. :yuk: As of this reporting you need 63,000 turns to do 2 circuits. It takes 17.5 hours to hand prep the motor. With labour so cheap in China that works out to be 40 cents per 12 minutes (2 circuits) The Chinese were hoping to deliver the aircraft pre-wound to make it a bit more attractive to the overseas buyer. The unit cost (pre-wound) was thought to be about $28.70, once production had hit a peak of around 20,000 units per week. Unwound price is $28.30. Ozstork really like the idea, and have come up with a solution to the hand wound problem. All new Jabiru (Sorry, OZStork j230 owners will not only receive a complimentary Hat and T-Shirt with their purchase) - (Yea, Right, I spent 75,000 on my J160c, and I'm still waitng for a free cap! ) - but will also get FREE a self contained Chinese family with at least two of its members well trained in pre - winding OZStork motors. AND If you think this is drivel - go back a few posts. :big_grin::big_grin::big_grin: (I'm back) :big_grin: regards Peter
  13. Well it must be bloody brilliant, as we haven't had a single incident yet. i_dunno:yuk: and, unfortunately that's just the way the pollies will see it. (sigh) :confused:thumb_down regards
  14. The biggest factor is the quality. Avgas is a known standard. :thumb_up: Mogas is not. :yuk: It could at anytime contain Ethanol. thumb_down (this will eat your fuel tanks) .How clean is it? :ah_oh: You need to be very sure of the quality. Lets see - to fill up I need to buy 120 litres, put it into jerry cans, transport it, lift it or pump it into the aircraft. When away I have to carry empty containers. I recon It would be a real pain. thumb_down Not to mention the safety aspects. Do like I do and fly your Jabiru 3 months (price wise compared to Mogas) in the future. In other words what you pay for Avgas now will be the normal auto price in around three months. :big_grin::big_grin::big_grin: my $1.96 worth (price of a litre of Avgas in Echuca) regards
  15. Um - Isn't time to close this comp as we're already into JULY. :big_grin::big_grin::big_grin: regards
  16. Awesome stuff :thumb_up: - Matt - loved the camera positions, fancy spending half your flight upside down :yuk: and still managing to "grease it on" whilst landing. Impressive. :big_grin::big_grin::big_grin: regards
  17. or as we used to say in the signals corps nine dits and a dah. :big_grin::big_grin::big_grin: regards
  18. ....."this will be our finest hour" they cried. Some of the Rag n' Tube owners were, however not convinced it would be so easy. WE need protection, they decided - go forth and collect all those plastic skins from the dead Jabiru's. Use them as armour, use them as camoflage, just use them. And so, began the pheonix of our time, thousands of Jabiru's discarded by their former owners, once again took to the skies. All the Rag n' Tube owners experienced for the first time, comfort, warmth, actually getting from A to B, (and able to pass trucks below on the freeway). "Behold" said Ex Drifter Driver, "I have seen the Lord" - "and he flys a Jabiru" The moral of the story dear reader is this: Don't ever try to muck with a Jabiru drivers head. :big_grin::big_grin::big_grin: regards
  19. Yes Geoff , did manage to attend on the Saturday, caught up with the other Geoff. Was a great day, sorry I missed you. Looks like it's all happening at Hopetoun. Great poster Ben Keep up the good work. :big_grin::big_grin: regards
  20. Now if Chris is going to the IT side - he must have computer and Internet access - So we will still be able to talk to him on the forums. :big_grin::big_grin: regards
  21. Ian - Don't you just love it. Takes me back all those years ago when the first Japanese imports arrived. :yuk: Try reading it backwards!!! :big_grin::big_grin: regards
  22. OK - Here we go. The Jabiru 4 cylinder redlines at 3300. (and can, just like the old VW, run at this redline all day (at around 28 liters an hour). :thumb_up: My J160c without spats will easily do 100 knots at 3050 revs. (and it loves it :heart:) (16 liters an hour) The J170c does more or less the same (2 or 3 knots difference, maybe) at the SAME revs. The J170c also has a wider (300mm) elevator as well. It is also (if factory built) LSA which means a max take off weight of 600kgs against the J160c's 540 kgs. :thumb_up: The J170c also costs about $5000 more to buy. :confused: Have a real good look at the J120c - it's a real blast. :big_grin::big_grin::big_grin: regards
  23. Well - What a day!! :thumb_up: Friend of mine flew over to give me a hand. Tacho stopped working just before he landed. :yuk: Turned out to be a broken wire at the sensor (motor) end. Quick trip home to grab the soldering iron and some shrink wrap. Soon had it fixed. :thumb_up: We then moved onto the club Jabiru, as its flaps had been reported to be "a bit intermitant" checked everything and all was OK. :thumb_up: Removed spats and checked/adjusted brakes. :) After poking around yesterday with multimeter, I said to myself at the time, gee wouldn't it be great if Jabiru had placed a link somewhere in the cables for the flap motor. You know, something easy to get at to see if the power was getting through. i_dunno Well, bless their socks they did :thumb_up: (and then hid it so well you had to be Sherlock to find it) or know where it was thumb_down (which my friend did). This quickly established that it was the motor not working and the switch was OK. Off with the flap motor (it sounds so easy doesn't it - well it wasn't) some hard to get at bolts slowed us down a little. Inside the flap motor shaft housing there are two micro switches, one at each end of the shaft. We very carefully sprayed the dickens out of them with electrical contact cleaner. (At 6.20 a small can we used about 2 bucks worth) :big_grin::big_grin::big_grin: We then partialy re-assembled the unit and tested it - WORKING. Put it all back together and had a well earned cuppa. :) And then I went flying........ :big_grin::big_grin::big_grin: PS. Many thanks to all that replied to my plight - :big_grin::big_grin: regards
  24. Wow - Ya gotta luv these forums - Knowledge is power, and we've got plenty of it. I'm on my way to the airport to tackle the flap motor itself - will keep you informed. Thanks guys - fantastic. :big_grin::big_grin: regards
  25. Thanks Andy - you may well be right. Until I read your post I thought it was the switch - some unusual readings on the multimeter until I matched it with what you said (in your post). I will move onto the motor tomorrow. regards
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