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Everything posted by BigPete

  1. Geez you're funny Geoff - I can't stop laughing - I'll sleep on it and reply tomorrow. :big_grin::big_grin: regards
  2. Hey Hey - this is goin to be great. Where you been hiding Geoff? regards :big_grin::big_grin::big_grin:
  3. (sorry Captain - can't help myself) ....come up with an alternate method of slowing down. A decent sized grappling hook with a 500kg breaking strain might just do the job if it could be deployed successfully. And then in an instant the answer came in a flash (sort of like a short circuit without the smoke). DOORS - if I could fully open them both at the same time, it would be the equivilent of flying in pea soup (or landing in Warragamba dam..you need to go back and read earlier). :big_grin: Armed with lots of rope and enough pulleys to refit the Endevour, our intrepid hero (yes I know its me, but who's writng this anyway?) (so far it's just me and the Captain!!) sets off for the hanger. :big_grin: Meanwhile, all the xxxxx owners were voicing their dissent. "We haven't got FLAPS on our aeroplanes" they said. "Why can the Jabiru jockeys have flaps (working or not) when we don't even get the choice of (working or not) Flaps" :yuk: And so... :big_grin::big_grin::big_grin: regards
  4. That's funny Doug - It's just what I thought to myself as I took the long taxi (of shame?) back to the hanger. :confused: :big_grin::big_grin: regards
  5. 'Cause it will be said in the magazine :thumb_up:.... I recon. I think. I hope. regards :big_grin::big_grin:
  6. Thanks Guys - Yes I know I can fly without flaps, but I didn't know if loosing flaps was maybe just the start of a big electric meltdown. So I erred on the side of caution. I can fly the next day or the next etc etc. I'll let you know how I go..... regards
  7. A friend of mine asked me the other day to help with his landings. He was having trouble with the flare. (and so say all of us!). We discussed approach speeds and looking to the end of the runway etc etc. Then he asked if I would fly with him and tell him what he was doing wrong. I said no. I'm not an instructor. Cliff will be here this weekend, ask him. We parted as friends, of course. He will get top notch advice/training, and his landings will improve. (That's what instructors are for) ;) regards
  8. ...and a good landing with FULL FLAP. I hear lately that not all owners of OZStork products are enjoying themselves to the nth degree because they don't have ANY FLAPS. :yuk: After stuffing around all morning laying upside down in the confines of a OZStork cockpit with multimeter in one hand and torch in the other and a very cold wind blowing straight into the hanger I now find mysef with STILL NO FLAPS. :yuk: (I'm going back after lunch to pound something with a BIG hammer.) :hittinghead: And so, with some regret we mus leave our FLAPLESS aviator to his own devices as the latest newscast from our local radio station (FM Who gives a FLAP) reports that....... :big_grin::big_grin::big_grin: regards
  9. Yes - circuit breakers ok. :thumb_up: Used more fuel (unleaded) in the car than I saved in Avgas just chasing around town looking for a switch. :yuk: I'm assuming that the switch is a Double Pole, Double Throw switch with 6 contacts at the back. It needs to be spring loaded to center as this is the off position. I'm also assuming that one side is crossed over inside to give me a reversal of current (DC) to change the direction of the motor (flap).(I mean, why else would you have a switch with two ON positions?) If this switch is used with AC current then it would not matter. :big_grin::big_grin: regards
  10. Gee - how did the fumigator get past all that hi-tech synthetic, impervious coating that protects the wood from moisture absorbtion? :yuk: Oh - bum. Sorry - It would have been a Government department - they can do anything! :big_grin::big_grin: regards
  11. Beautiful morning here in Echuca :thumb_up: - Drag out the Jabby, pre-flight and taxi for 17. Run up done A OK for go and just put in some take of flap and (@#$^) NO FLAPS. Nothing, Zilch, dead, silent. L o n g taxi back to the hanger. (sigh) Off with the fascia, (well, I took out all the screws and moved it about 3 inches) Lots off wires 'n stuff in there. Anyway the short version is this: found no loose wires, jiggled and poked around, but NO FLAPS. I'm going to replace the flap switch as it appears to be the culprit (after much poking with the multi meter). Can anyone tell me if the flap switch is a normal DPDT switch? Has anyone else had similiar problems with their flaps? (Working great 3 days ago) :big_grin::big_grin: regards
  12. Hello - is anyone out there? :big_grin: regards
  13. Now's the time to give Jabiru a call and talk to the horses mouth - so to speak. :big_grin: regards
  14. Ok, OK - I'm in. :big_grin::big_grin::big_grin: .....never get to have a normal life while you lust after fast women and faster aeroplanes. Why can't you be like normal boys of your age and be content with a ..... regards
  15. No Captain - No No No. This time you're on your own. regards
  16. I think that Jabiru have self certified, (under LSA) these new Sensenich propellors, as Cliff Banks has one on his J170c Jabiru. :thumb_up: So (LSA) J170c and J230c (and probably J120) factory built aircraft can now fit Sensenich props. Won't happen for us J160c owners though - sigh. :big_grin::big_grin: regards
  17. No - Sorry in another thread - please see.... Recreational Flying Forums > Cockpit talk... > General Discussion How To Start An Aero Club with Training
  18. 210 nm direct from Tooradin, Bretc - so not that far....:thumb_up: Fuel was covered earlier in this thread. :big_grin: regards
  19. ah ha! - Mr X I presume. Thank GOD you arrived in time. :thumb_up: The Capt and I were about done in by the overbearing pressure of holding up this thread by ourselves. :yuk::yuk: It now belongs to you. ;) Just send us (in unmarked bills) $3000 each. :big_grin::big_grin::big_grin: regards
  20. (jeez guys will ya givus a hand... PLEASE) ....young Bendova (Nohopetowns famouse frizzby frower of 2006) I will summon all avaiators that live in this sunburnt land (well, within a few hundred miles maybe) to come to our aid........ egads
  21. This is the kind of information we need. If most airports define their secure areas like Moorabbin, then most of us wll be able to visit and take on fuel etc etc... Can those of us that are lucky/unlucky enough to fly out of a "Security Controlled Airport" please seek a genuine answer from those that should know (like a security officer) and report back to this forum? regards
  22. Yes Ben, that was me :big_grin: - it's fantastic scenery over around Locksley :thumb_up: - well worth the flight, only 30 mins from Echuca and less than 15mins from Shepparton. I look forward to the fly in. :big_grin::big_grin::big_grin: regards
  23. Hey Hey - LittlePete and BigPete dropped in today ('cause we could) :big_grin: and met Rob and the lovely Sue. :thumb_up: Lots of work to be done yet, but judging all the enthusiasm from Rob and Sue, it will be worth watching - I think they're on a winner. ;) :big_grin::big_grin::big_grin: regards
  24. Last time I saw Cliff Banks (a week ago) he was pretty chuffed with his new prop. Wooden wonder with yellow urethane? insert. :thumb_up: Seems that because its LSA (J170c) Jabiru can certify it themselves. Not sure of the brand - I was quite busy that day and so was Cliff. No increase in speed, but climbs much better. I'll chase him up next week. :big_grin::big_grin: regards
  25. After reading the DOTARS ASIC document it occurs to me that I (and others) may not have broken the law as reported in the above post(s). Quote 1. "An ASIC is required to obtain unescorted access to the secure areas of security controlled airports that have regular public transport (RPT) services." As I don't believe I entered a secured area at the Griffiths airport, then I don't need the card. BUT - how are secured areas defined - signs? Painted lines? coloured areas?. Is there a standard method of defining secure/restricted areas at all airports wth RPT? (and if not, why not?) It seems to me that if I can be trusted to fly into places like Griffiths, Narandera, Parks, West Wyalong. etc - and all I want to do is refuel, have a whizz, stretch my legs and have a bite to eat (usually accomodated by the local flying club) then what is the problem? Quote 2 "Visitors who need to access the airside area or any landside security zone of the airport need to wear a visitor identification card (VIC) and they must be supervised by a person displaying a valid ASIC until they leave that area or zone." Well - fair enough - but that's not me. Unless, of course, the only toilets and food available are in the terminal building. (In which case I'll plan accordingly and try for another airport.) Quote 3 "A person must display a red ASIC to access the security restricted area of an airport and either a red or a grey ASIC to access the rest of the secure areas." The magic words are "secure(d) areas" How's this for a fix. If an airport only has one, two or even three RPT's a day then: 1. The airport is deemed a security area 30 minutes prior to and after the sceduled RPT event. You could even have pre-recorded messages tellng people to vacate the area unless they have the (ASIC) card. 2. Print the times in the ERSA - if they change then use a NOTAM until the new ERSA with the updated times arrive. 3. Everyone's happy! (Well we no that aint true, but hopefully most of us will be) anyway - food for thought? regards
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