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Everything posted by shafs64

  1. yeah could be right. there called pathfinder Aviation.
  2. There are two jabs flying out of Archafield and they are on the RA reg so how does that work.
  3. Very sorry to hear we have lost a forum member and a fellow pilot. RIP David
  4. It makes me feel better that i am not the only one who doesn't like the bumps. now are their people who head to the airfield and once they takeoff and find its to bumpy they head for home.
  5. I would have to agree that if you are going to spend big money on an aircraft another six grand for a second chance is nothing.
  6. Yea i have seen a video where there was a midair and the s22 was floating down under its shute on fire very sad.
  7. Yes i agree with the above. I think BRS systems would make people feel better about the above issue. Or make them take more risks
  8. I don't know about you guys but i have very low tolerence for bumps.
  9. well that could cause lift issue's
  10. must of been very tempting to just pull back on that stick when you had the tail off the ground:cheezy grin:
  11. yes i started the other thread and have flown one now the older one but they very nice to fly and have plenty of room too
  12. I would have no problem sending my mother inlaw up in that Plane
  13. if i wanted someone to bitch i would ask my ex wife to go flying with me.
  14. Its funny you say that. it was missing a bolt that holds the oil cooler on. Tony one of the local LAMEs and i where looking at the aircraft and noticed it missing you can just see the screw driver sticking up near the spinner.
  15. looks like someone has a new toy at Caloundra
  16. Question What is he well respected for. And what does ROC stand for.
  17. Ok i withdraw my first statement.
  18. this guy should get a talking to.
  19. No mate just went for a local flight with the instructor first time in a sportstar. as far as going direct to kingaroy i was told you can climb to 6500 so that would give you room for engine failures.
  20. I was flying 4499 today and was very suprised to see them tags they stick on the road just before they paint the white lines on. there was also a drifter out there today
  21. Hay girls and guys i was out flying at gympie took some picture
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