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Everything posted by shafs64

  1. we have a life its called flying
  2. One other question can u flight plan with oz runways
  3. thinking of getting an ipad. And will be useing it when i fly. what i need to know is how the map systems work ? is it like GPS or does it work off phone towers And do you need a particular version of the ipad. thanks
  4. 2hrs each way for me. i live 10 minutes for archerfield they have RAA aircraft but not the ones i want to fly. So i drive to gympie because they have the Sportstar aircraft.
  5. The sports star i hire has a EFIS that is a bit hard to read being one of the small ones. however i do set so i can see the wind dir and speed. it also has garmin GPS which is good for back up insturments and getting Lost. Also use my iphone as a back up GPS.
  6. does the samsum work with windows?
  7. what sort of aircraft is this http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/ultralight-aircraft-/160871626045?pt=AU_Aircraft&hash=item2574b2353d
  8. Thier is a great docco on PBS called flying cheap.
  9. shafs64


    to far to drive. Will be going to monto.
  10. Never thought of it that way turbo.
  11. The only instuctor i thought was doing a crap job with me was the guy who was texting his mates when we where flying around the training area.
  12. I recived my latest copy of the RAA mag and there was a interesting letter about a chap who was haveing a lot issues getting his pilot certificate and siad that all the schools that he had been to where moveing the finish line on him. Has anyone else had these sort of issues. .
  13. I met a few of the guys at Natfly the last time it was held at Narromine. But now i forget who they where!
  14. Congrats on your RA. And have fun in GA.
  15. when i first started flying in GA it was based on casa regs. So RAA seems to be the same or do we just go by the casa regs. what if you are flying drifter or thruster would they still have the 45min reseve. And yes i have no life being on the forum on firday night.
  16. Hi can someone tell me the rules on how many minutes or hours fuel you should have at the end of a Nav. Thanks
  17. yes i what you mean. And yes with the sports star you find yourself zigzaging up the runway sometimes
  18. Well Schafs mine comes my surname and age. And i just love flying that sports star. And i was doing that solo around the glass house mountains today.
  19. Did my first RAA solo today in a sports star. it was a great feeling as last time i flew solo was 2008 in a cessna.
  20. Well i live near archerfield and i drive all the way to gympie just to fly with the right people.
  21. I thought the airforce had been tenderd out...
  22. I do think i am a good driver. As most people in this forum would think the same of them self. And i never hog the right lane. And as far as making myself a better pilot i have been flying around in turbulence on purpose and the reason for this is i hate turbulence and have a great fear of it. And i am very determined to be a good pilot. And one thing i say to myself before every take off now is in case of engine failure i will land strait ahead and mybe go to hospital and not turn around and go to the morgue. I saw this saying in the last RAA mag and thought it was very good.
  23. I think if i had a lot of money and was able to fly every day I would be a better pilot.
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