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Pilot Pete

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Everything posted by Pilot Pete

  1. Really enjoying this story. With all thats happening of late its nice to read about the antics of a bygone era and have found myself thinking that this is what ultralights are all about, the sheer pleasure of just being airborne. Jack Flyer, I am envious. I would definately read the full story or watch the movie. Next chapter asap pleeeeeeeeeeeeese.
  2. How are you fellers going with the A planes?
  3. Just read this and would have to agree. In your earlier years of riding you would bounce a bit when you came off. Now its like watching a bag of cement fall off a pallet. It just goes thud and doesnt move again untill picked up.
  4. Amen....... cant wait to get my nieuport up for some lazy flying.
  5. Hey sport, haven't noticed you on the site for a while. How's that plane of yours going? I get back to flight lessons in feb and hope to knock it all over quickly this time.its been over 12 myths since I last flew so I'm going to be rusty for sure
    1. Tomo


      Hey Pete! Sorry about the delay in replying!! Yeah been really busy the last few months! Still here though... plane is going well though I'm putting it out there if anyone wants to buy it, wouldn't mind upgrading it to a bigger one! :) But whatever happens. I'm going well though. Great to hear from you.
  6. What do you do? give your plane up for someone else to nock up the hrs? Sounds like a job for Tommo if he's still arround.
  7. Sounds like one of the biggest problems would be is getting the 25 hrs flown off for registration.
  8. Heard today that a QC is to be involved by the board. Just what are they scared about???????? and so much for trying to save money by having the meeting on Feb 9th. I hear Middo has to do a mail out to all the members about some forgotten detail!! What will that cost and who is footing the bill??
  9. damkia, I see your point.
  10. If that works I would use it to access my rep
  11. Yes, I think a Section for the reps to comunicate on would be a good idea too. Not for having arguments or for mud slinging but to let their consituents know what is happening in their area. Maybe a section for each rep or area so you would only need to access the information specific to your needs.Maybe after february RAAUS would be grateful to participate.
  12. G'day Jim...er..Mr Tatlock......er...no, lets make it Jim.Sorry to hear of your alienation, but I know that when the time comes you will be one of the board members asked to stay.
  13. .......would find that the Big Shat Hat would take all the business away from the other shops. Selling souvineers such as a sh.t on a stick, sticky sh.t on a blanket and skid marked undies would be more of draw card then a shop full of bannanas
  14. home of the big shite in a hat. It rivaled the big pineapple in Qld and smelled even worse
  15. .......was overcome with grief that he wasnt able to have kept them all a seceret. "I didnt want the Nesers to know about my posts"he wailed. If you want to access them then talk to your local rep about it. Turbs had said this knowing that most of the reps couldnt be bothered to let the others in on the seceret posts either. But Andycoughed.com had other plans with these seceret posts. Maybe I'll just................
  16. My thanks to John (south qld) and Jim (Vic) for their openes on board matters. Remember, if you are feeling like you are being alienated by others, be aware that there are hundreds of us that are standing with you.
  17. Bandit now uses metric spammers to tighten his nuts
  18. Jeeeez....... I thought a meeting was for putting forward motions and voting on them. Each club and P and C I've been involved with operate this way and RAAUS is no different. By their very actions and attitude on this subject they have dug their own graves. I would have thought they would have been like the rest of the normal members and have a vested interest in seeing RAAUS turned arround and set on a new course. Surely they cant be happy with the situation we are in. I thought that being on the board ment that a person would be very passionate about their association and would do all they can to help guide it from strength to strength. Why are some of these people on the board? Is it so they can say "LOOK AT ME....I'M ON THE BOARD, I'M A HERO !!!!!! " or is it so they can say to themselves "I was there and presented and voted as the majority of the members I represent wished me to. " Its not like they are in a politicle party where they vote as their party wants them to. JUST WHAT IS IT THE (SOME)BOARD MEMBERS ARE AFRAID OF ? JUST WHAT IS IT (SOME) OF THE BOARD MEMBER ARE HIDING ? Why not just say"hey folks....we have some major stuff ups here, can we have some help on sorting it out and lets have a meeting asap to get the ball rolling and let everyone know whats happening. We have a large knowledge base out there and it would be great to get some input from those who are well versed in the areas of need. I know a lot of this has been said before in some form or another but I would like to challenge the board and exec to put aside their personal agendas and to involve the members as much as possible to turn this mess arround. I ask this with respect and mean this in the best possible way. I know that being on the board is a voluntary thing, so think back on why you wanted to be on the board and if it is because you are passionate about flying then act like the rest of us and help bring our organisation up to scratch and turn it into something the rest of the world would be envious of . Forgive me if this all seems so repetitive but as this forum is about having a say then this is mine
  19. No restriction on power plants or the number of them. You are limited to 300kg MTOW and a wing loading of 30 kg per sq meter of wing area.
  20. Is that why they say..."lifes a bitch"????
  21. Even better then being odd:na na:
  22. 1,3,5,7......................now that is odd:poke_tongue_out:
  23. Maybe all our reps should be Sth Queenslanders....
  24. :im stupid:I'll have to say that I have no Idea what an American city has to do with flying in Aus under a Recreational certificate, so I'm going to google it too to check it out.
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