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Everything posted by danny_galaga

  1. If the planes I was flying had electric, the instructors did not make us aware of them. Only ever was aware of the wheel. Maybe earlier models didn't have them? Or it was an option?
  2. Yes, the Golf I hire has the stabilator. But so did the Piper Warrior I learnt to fly with, and its trim was mechanical. Facthunter is right about the control column switch being handier (I said toggle before but I misremembered it with the flap switch- old age I guess 😄 ) . Even so I really don't like the feel of it.
  3. If your argument is that electric trim is unnecessary, I don't disagree. I hate it on the Tecnam. It feels more like a timing thing than a trim thing when you use them
  4. Yes but on the electric trim like in a Tecnam, it's just a two way spring toggle. The switch always looks the same. Same with the flaps. Although you can see the flaps visually.
  5. I would imagine there's a potentiometer at the motor end to feed back the position. But I'm just guessing. Is it a tecnam?
  6. For my kit build im using the lead acid battery supplied. I don't want to change anything because it's taking long enough as it is too build 😄
  7. Yeah, sounds like its ok. I didn't know the exact voltage. Seeing as it's about .8V higher than a lead acid to start with, what I imagine was a 'struggle' was still spinning faster than the lead acid battery! How long have you had this setup? That is a great weight savings!
  8. If the voltage of your battery pack is about the same as the original battery (I guess 12V) I wouldn't worry about it. The faster the starter spins, the better. It's normally when they are spinning slowly they get damaged. Eg trying to start with a half dead battery. That's because the slower it is spinning, the more current it draws. It's why we could convert old 6V car systems to 12V without changing the starter or wipers. Zero rpm being almost a dead short and The faster it spins, the more back EMF it produces, the less current it draws. infinite RPM would be zero current draw. In fact if your starter is spinning slower with just that one battery, I would say the battery is struggling
  9. It doesn't matter. This is bad news, it will only further discourage people from using it. A not dissimilar, but more serious thing happened in Pakistan where a NGO was administering polio vaccines. The CIA got involved however, trying to find Taliban. So now regular folks who aren't criminals associate polio vaccines with the CIA. You just need people to do what's best for the general population, don't give them any reason to not participate. Clearly even criminals have been participating, which is good because the virus doesn't discriminate.
  10. Oh. Ha. Yes I see. I misunderstood your sentiment. We have an anti vaxxer conspiracy theorist at work, and so much spurious 'Alan Jones' logic spews out of his mouth I geta little wary. Yes of course the more people are vaccinated, the closer to one hundred per cent of COVID deaths will have been vaccinated. Simple maths 🙂
  11. sorry to be lazy but where is the info on the deaths of vaccinated people? The last data i was reading about (The Economist I think) was from the US where virtually no one who was vaccinated was being hospitalised. In Israel it may be on the rise again but that may be due to the fact they were way early on vaccinations and really are the first to be due a booster.
  12. And yet even the most recalcitrant states in the US have better vaccination rates than here. I'm sure we will over take them soon, but it shows how much Australia has dragged it's feet when even Georgia has a higher rate of vaccination. I think the lottery idea has merit. I cant remember the exact figures, but one state in the US introduced it and gave away say $6 million and saved say $60 in medical expenses. Give people a chance to win a million bucks and let's see how many people remain sitting on the fence 😄
  13. While I'm a centre left kinda guy politically, I really feel bad for people who believe in conservative politics and find their parties are being ruined by anti science nut jobs. Most obvious in the US with the Republican Party, but also here with the Liberals and Nationals. While I didn't always agree with those parties, they had a different and valid point of view to mine (which is important in a democracy). Now they just seem like a joke. I hope for my American Friends a new conservative party forms so they have a respectable voice again. The Republicans can just rename themselves to the Clown Party.
  14. I LOVE two stroke motors but I guess their time has come. I agree, electric might be the way forward for microlights especially since they are generally used for pootling around.
  15. Yes you could probably just put a simpler drive train in, but bike gear boxes are a pain in the ass to work on. Those gears are designed to be working constantly, hauling you and a pillion for say 100,000 km. So would be easier to just leave it as is.
  16. Those microlight companies may have to start thinking about a conversion kit for a light four stroke bike engine. A modern version of a Yamaha xs650 for example. Swap the drive sprockets for a belt (if Kawasaki it will probably be belt drive already) and a bracket to mount a prop on. Leave it in say fourth gear and away you go.
  17. Don't they offer other options though? There is a German engine they list. Name eludes me this instant...
  18. Agree. I grew up in Darwin. Schooling in the 70's and 80's. Public school system was probably best in Australia. Most people I knew went to public school. I was housing commission but really had no idea how poor we were. Don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. Most of my friends were richer. They were the ones with go karts and Atari 2600's etc. I still haven't owned a go kart but I finally bought an Atari 2600 a couple of years ago 😁 Your parents are the most important thing. My friends with mean parents unsurprisingly didn't do well in general. The ones with good parents did. I'm the odd one out in that equation. I think my parents were good, but i STILL didn't do that well. My younger sister did. Even though she went to a rougher high school than me, our family was more settled by then. SHe has a masters degree in education and funnily enough teaches at my old high school. One of my friends who went all the way through public schooling is now a professor of physics. His doctoral thesis was in charting an anti matter periodic table! One friend who went to a private high school became a boiler maker, his brother an auto electrician. His father was a fucking a hole. Nothing wrong with the trades (I ended up being an auto electrician too) but what was the point of the private schooling? He could have left public school after year 10 and been a boiler maker. There, those are my selected examples. How about some famous ones that show all the combinations? Norman Mailer- Harvard at 16. Best selling author. Theodore Kacsynski- Harvard at 16. Better known as the Unabomber. Michael Faraday- Apprentice bookbinder at 14. One of the most important physicists ever. Edmund Kemper. Ran away from home at 14. Became known as the CO-Ed killer for killing 8 female students. Also killed his grandparents at 15. Just thought about it. Those four all had very high IQ's. I think for the rest of us non geniuses a stable caring family is the key.
  19. This is what is called an argument by selected instance.
  20. Also never let it be saidi haven't put blood sweat and tears into this project 😄
  21. Screw that, I share nothing! 😄 I think the thing that helps the most is when i have a hissy fit and whine to you guys. Your positivity inspires 🙂
  22. Ok, ok! Time to get back at it. I stayed overnight in town so I could get more inertia on the project.
  23. Which is great, but you are retired and twelve months is a far cry from the claimed 3 weeks. I was off to a bad start almost straight away. You would remember how early in the piece the engine mount goes in? AFTER I installed it I realised it had corrosion on it. Eddy said it was best to replace it. After sending two of them (the first was sent in a cardboard box and got bent in transit) I finally got to pull out the corroded one and replace it. So within the first few hours of the build I had to wait several weeks to proceed. The Parkes plane built by school kids could not have been built if they had my kit. Yes I know I'm a bit of a sook about it. It is not the experience I was expecting. I am actually quite technically minded. For instance: http://forum.arcadecontrols.com/index.php/topic,144934.0.html https://youtu.be/WmJLF05lkrk Engine and electrics is no biggie for me.
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