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Moving Flight Schools

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I need some advise. Im frustrated with my flight school.


Whats the go on moving between schools.


I can no longer tolerate the inablity to fly at my school.


Limited instructors that are never available and it's costing me it can be months between flights at my school for one reason or another.


Not being able to get into the air every 2 weeks is costing me in money and time taking to progress.


Others at the school are doing in 10 months with more hours in the air.


Were im taking almost 2 years and just meet mins for rpc.


Will all the tests i have pass and hours i have transfer?


Also Im affriad to move in case one school talks to another and this hampers me even more.





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What the guys above have said, find a school you are happy with and move.


You won't learn if you are not comfortable where you are. Your past training and file are transferable.


good luck



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Remember the golden rule: Whoever has the gold, makes the rules.


Plenty of options to fly around Brisbane. However to increase your chances it would be easier to fly with an instructor mid week. So if you are working nine to five, early mornings and last flight in the afternoon are available.


Also, it's worth finding an instructor who will work with you around any attendance limitations you may have. This will take some time but it's totally worth it.


Yes the training records are totally transferable and in the case of GA at least, in a standard format. The receiving school requests copies from the current school. If you want that done quickly, tell them you are thinking about transferring out and would like your training records up to date. They will get it sorted and audited. It should be done at the end of each week anyways but instructors being who they are ... tend to leave the record keeping until the weather becomes un-flyable.


RA or GA training?



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I always tried to book mid week then in the mornings. then you are not pushed for time. Also think about the type you are flying we more school have aircraft like foxbats and jabs but i can only think of one or two who have slings. so when you finish your training and you want to rent a aircraft you could be already check out,



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I always tried to book mid week then in the mornings. then you are not pushed for time. Also think about the type you are flying we more school have aircraft like foxbats and jabs but i can only think of one or two who have slings. so when you finish your training and you want to rent a aircraft you could be already check out,

I have just received my RPC
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