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Blackshape Prime on Sunrise


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Nice look is the easy part ...................................... Nev

I'm not so sure of that. I think planes these days all look pretty generic and hence boring. Most high wing composite planes look like yet another Jabaroo, most low wing composites look like yet another Bristel, most alloy planes look like yet another RV. Even STOL planes look pretty similar (except the very cool Double Ender). And there's a good reason for that, the same reason all cars look alike these days. To my eye the Blasckshape Prime is a refreshingly beautiful and individual looking aircraft, and trust the Italians to do it.


However, the plane has had a sad history., the original design was the Asso X Jewel, a wooden homebuilt ultralight designed by Guiseppi Vidor, who designed a number of successful lightweight aircraft including the Asso V which became the Alpi Pioneeers 300. Vidor sold the rights to a company who spent millions producing the Millenium Master all carbon version. They were plagued with weight and balance difficulties and just kept throwing more money at the problem until they went broke. Blackshape resurrected the plane and threw a heap more money at it. As did a Latvian company who produce the badly named Tarragon. The problem stems around needing to keep under the 450kg European weight limit with the added inherent balance problems of a tandem. Interestingly they all struggled to make their very expensive all carbon planes as light as the original wooden Asso X which was 50kg lighter. Sadly, along with this company mismanagement, Vidor never received all the royalties owed.


There is now an outrageously expensive Lycoming version called the Blackshape Gabriel and several other copies such as the TL Stream and the Shark.



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Well if it was me I would look at the cheaper but stunning Flying Legend Tucano, bought to you by an active member of the forum as well, and possibly by 2 active members if Dave's Australian turbine eventuates in it ...


The Flying Legend | Your new aircraft





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There's also this one: The Switchblade aerocar Switchblade Flying Car! | Samson Motorworks


Reminds me of a Reliant Robin.

The fantasy aero market is certainly providing a lot of employment for CAD experts and PR spin merchants..


But Wait- there's more! It could become the saviour of agriculture - more organic fertiiser is produced than can be extruded by all the Bulls in the world, it seems. AND - it's electronically delivered! Zero carbon footprint!


Perhaps, it's time I unveiled the revolutionary, amazing, two-place home-build twin-jet VTOL LSA-class amphibious carplane that was secretly developed by ex-NASA scientists employed by a Nigerian Prince, that cruises at 350 knots on 4 litres/hour of hyper-energised (pat. pending) potato peelings. Range: 1200 NM at 75% power. The super-efficient 51% home-build time of two weekends is achieved by the ground-breaking application of 'tab-and-fold' construction and a Bunnings hot-melt glue gun. Projected cost to complete the 'fast-build' kit, is $99.95 ( ex-GST). Metallic paint, an extra $10.


We are now into 'beatup' testing phase; the first 200 orders will receive - entirely free! - a full-leather interior and a full glass panel, with the optional BRS available for $39.95.


Just send me your bank account details and we have a business relationship.



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Downunder: we understand your excitement!


BUT: to keep faith with our thousands of committed customers, we announced recently on our Facebook site the fact that we have a few issues to resolve. Bluetooth connectivity for the 12-speaker sound system and cup-holder locations are both priority safety issues, I am sure you will agree, and we won't compromise on safety!. Our 'customer-family' deserves no less!


Also, our external-graphics designer has been grounded by his parents for refusing to eat his mashed broccoli; however we have contacted the FAA and they've authorised an exemption to the MTOW limits for a supplementary supply of Pokemon-GO ( I think it is called) credits, so we expect an early resolution of this critical factor. I am sure that any aircraft manufacturer that is pushing the limits to provide such a new and wonderful product has had some difficulties - but we believe in our vision of the future.


Send us $200, and we can accelerate your position on the production queue...



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Also, our external-graphics designer has been grounded by his parents for refusing to eat his mashed broccoli

Oh ...Come On.....How realistic is it that a millennial's parent/s would ground them for anything???? Family services would be there in a flash. 074_stirrer.gif.5dad7b21c959cf11ea13e4267b2e9bc0.gif



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And life goes on...

Yeah, well the damage is yet to be seen, they won't be in the driving seats for a few more years yet.


Similar examples have been seen in the past though, cases of hopeless rich kids taking over from the parents who worked night and day to build the successful business.



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Yeah, well the damage is yet to be seen, they won't be in the driving seats for a few more years yet.Similar examples have been seen in the past though, cases of hopeless rich kids taking over from the parents who worked night and day to build the successful business.

Neither James Packer nor Warwick Fairfax have intruded into aircraft manufacture.. fortunately for us..



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  • 5 months later...
A guy from Tyabb on Sunrise this morning promoting the Blackshape Prime for "personal commuting". Said contact RAA to get a licence with 30 hours training. Kochie's comment - that's less than a car. No mention of the cost or other things involved like restrictions, radio, medical etc. And since when have RPC pilots been able to fly retractables?[ATTACH]36406.IPB[/ATTACH]



We are all driving under legislation called the Australian Road Rules. This is a body of legislation dealing with the use of motor vehicles on public roads and road related areas. The content of the legislation was agreed to by representatives of each State and Territory so that everyone across the continent would operate in the same way. Each State, however, maintained its sovereignty over the Law in its domain, so that each State was permitted to add minor things to it.Australian Road Rules


The Australian Road Rules were implemented in 1999 and have been regularly updated since then. Each state and territory adopts the Australian Road Rules in its own legislation. With minor exceptions, the Australian Road Rules are applied consistently in each state and territory.


While Rule 126 might seem to apply to the incident involving the truck, you should review the tape and listen to the sound of the engine of the truck. The truck driver was backing off well before the car propped. You also have to apply the "reasonable person" rule. Watch the tape an imagine yourself driving as you normally do. Wouldn't it be your reasonable expectation that with the left lane clear of traffic are far as can be seen, the car would continue on in the left lane?


As I said, the truck driver was travelling where he should have been, at what seems to be a reasonable speed for the conditions when the car driver created an unsafe situation which the truck driver could not avoid by the employment of a safe action. If I was the investigating Constable, I'd have no hesitation in reporting the driver of the car for 'Negligent Driving", ie driving in a way that is unsafe for other persons using the road at that time. And I'd subpoena the camcorder tape as prima facie evidence.


One might think that the Law is black and white, but it is open to the defence of exception.

The Blackshape Prime is a type certified aircraft. Within your RA Aus Pilots certificate you can get CSU and retract endorsements. Medical is not required for RA Aus pilots certificate, just a valid drivers licence. 



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Isn't there another forum to talk about traffic rules, cars & trucks?I just watched a channel 7 clip re the Blackshape that someone shared on Facebook.


I am always so impressed by RAAus pilots that wear epaulettes.045_beg.gif.8a6029739eb3ffe56029896204c3ca29.gif 045_beg.gif.b05ea876053438dae8f282faacd973d1.gif 045_beg.gif.8a6029739eb3ffe56029896204c3ca29.gif Maybe they also work as bus drivers?

Sorry Mick. That's what PLA marketing told me to wear. I'm not a pilot's bum. The other pilot in the article though is a CFI, PPL holder. 6000 odd hours. I think he qualifies for the epaulettes?



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I for one am impressed he got his wares on National prime TV, quite a feat and presumably a relative/mate or better still, someone high up in Channel 7 is an aviator.

Thanks Bexrbetter. In fact all you have to do is ask the networks. If its new and exciting and interesting to their viewers, they will run it. It cost PLA Aviation not one cent. I'm an instrument technician and don't know anyone on the tellie. 



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Can anyone provide a ball park figure on the "factory cost" and how much mark up is on it??? What is the typical amount a aussie agent / dealer selling the toy here also make.Forget all the options that can be loaded on.

SSCBD. as the agent, we make 20%. Happy to run the maths with you as to why the Prime costs what it costs. 



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This is just the sort of advertisement for Recreational Aviation that we DO NOT need. Feeds the idea in the minds of the general populace that Recreational Aviators have money to burn, to buy toys that blast across the countryside.

As much as I never want to elevate (little aviation-related pun, there..) the profile of Pauline Hanson, her use of a J230 as a 'business tool' I think did us a lot of good - though we haven't, as a community, capitalised on it. She has used it very effectively as a 'tool' to meet her 'mission' requirements - and as a 'tool', a J230 is around the cost of a top-of-the line Landcruiser.


Very few people consider even a top-of-the-line Landcruiser to be no more worthy of respect than any 'rich kid's toy'. It's a bloody 'tool' (except in Toorak, or Newport) - albeit a rather well-equipped and finished one. But it's no Bentley Bentayaga...


In my (rapidly diminishing, I have to admit) dream of the position Recreational Aviators might occupy in the minds of the general community, we would be considered as intelligent, serious, socially-conscious NORMAL members of our community who quietly get about our aerial activities with minimal intrusion on the general community. Who as a national group, bring in to islotaded communities not just tourism, but in fraught times, are a front-line force of volunteers for search-and-rescue operations and medical emergency support (which of course happens, but do we get any good publicity from it?).


Things such as the Blackshape Prime - a total, utter wank of an aircraft - are, to me, akin to Jetskis. Interesting, that on their website (Blackshape Prime - PLA Aviation Services) you get no detailed performance figures, just a VNe ( if you actually look at it) of 164 kts. No stall speed, no t/o or landing roll.. Just a lot of PR BS with fancy photographs, frankly.


Anybody who buys one of these, is not likely to be an educated Recreational aviator.


And - they are dead likely to be really pissed off when a Wittman Tailwind blasts past them..

Oscar, absolutely correct. PLA Aviation and Blackshape internationally for that matter are not targeting existing recreational pilots. We are trying to bring new people into Recreational and General aviation. 



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Good point! Wouldn't it be great to see how much he paid the network to get that story on air? Then it's not really news is it! More a paid advert.

Not one cent. We approached the media through a publicist and every commercial channel except channel nine came to the media launch. Nine could not qualify their insurance status (for a joy flight) in time for the event but would have otherwise come. ABC respectfully declined. 



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I watched the segment too, and thought... hmmm... I wonder how many other agents for the likes of Evector or Bristel are watching and wondering how they can get their, more affordable RAA aircraft on prime time.I honestly don't get it. It was pure advertising and contained no valuable information at all - and in fact - blatantly lied! The story made out that this aircraft is the only one in it's class at this price tag, and that, is misleading at best.

Birdog. Happy to qualify what you saw as lies. my email address is [email protected] 

As an unpaid story, we don't get a say in what questions the reporters ask. We also don't get a say in how they edit the footage and what line they take. As an example, one article had me saying that "flying a Blackshape is the closest thing to flying a fighter jet" This is clearly not true. a) you can fly a fighter jet. b) you can fly umpteen aircraft faster, but the next thing out of my mouth (not broadcast) was "in the recreational category" and right now, in Australia at least, I'm pretty sure that's true. 



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Prime ACS_2017 05 18.xlsxBexrbetter, 


sure will. 


see attached the price list for the prime. you will see the full calculation of the price. We get 20% of the cost price as our agents fee. so on a 300,000 aircraft, we get $60,000. 2-3 aircraft a year (which is what is expected) and you will see the project does not make money when you include hangar cost (32,000 per year), insurance ($15,000 per aircraft). labour, advertising blah blah. 


Prime ACS_2017 05 18.xlsx


Prime ACS_2017 05 18.xlsx

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