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WW2 aviation themed Beer Advert

Phil Perry

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The Baggies could do with a goalie like that . We need more of those non pc ads . The World needs to laugh at itself for once . Mek mine an arf 


Cheers Aer Kid 



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Me and the missus found that very funny (despite the fact I remember crying as a littly after seeing the original movie and being told how many died).


However, my son.......who certainly has a well developed and irreverent sense of humour...found it borderline.


Odd, that..........



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Me and the missus found that very funny (despite the fact I remember crying as a littly after seeing the original movie and being told how many died).


However, my son.......who certainly has a well developed and irreverent sense of humour...found it borderline.


Odd, that..........




I've no doubt at all that making humour out of tragedy was in poor taste.  The British throughout , history; have developed a 'Dark' sense of humour.   Although that is dying out as us oldies fade away and the media no longer screen programmes nor ads containing any such content. 


There was another 'Bouncing Bomb' related commercial from the same company, with a Brit bouncing his rolled up beach towel across a hotel swimming pool which landed neatly on a sun lounger, unrolling a tin of lager.  defeating a crowd of German guests, who are well known for putting towels on the loungers in the middle of the night. . .that ad ran for quite a while until the German Government complained and it was pulled.



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After reading this post by @onetrack I'm almost all the way through the mentioned book.


After reading the book it is  my opinion that humanity needs to stop having major conflicts even if we find humor in them decades later. By all means laugh. I'm sure Dr Phil McGraw would agree. In laughing the debt we owe is to do our best to stop (the need for) a repeat performance



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The history of mankind on this planet is one of continuing, and continuous, killing and war. There's a reason this planet is out on its own in the Universe, and we cannot find any similar life within reach of us.


It's simply because this planet and its inhabitants, is the Alcatraz of the Universe - the dumping ground for every type of scumbag that was ever brought to life - and no other life form in the Universe wants anything to do with us, in case we transfer our constantly murderous, war-mongering behaviour, to their peaceful planets.


If we do happen to eventually colonise any close planets, it would only be a matter of time before murders took place there, and a war was started there.


Sorry if my opinion is too negative for you, but I fail to see any likelihood of murderous behaviour and war-mongering, ever ceasing on this planet.



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 There's no difference between us and other animals who survive by eating other plants and animals. this "phenomenon"  is from way back and there's no "moral" aspect to it in it's original form. "Naughty Tiger eating poor little animal" is simply feed time.. Our propensity to attack others (before they do it to you) is based on tribal survival, fear and distrust and no doubt ingrained in our DNA.  We NOW have weapons that can effectively destroy the Entire planet  as a habitat for us, so perhaps had better use the brains we have evolved, in a better way to ensure we survive at all... Nev



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Anyone who finds that offensive shouldn't be allowed to watch anything.


Far better than most of the ads on TV we get bored to death with. Lets have more like it.



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