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The Never Ending Story


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....chucked a wobbly (laughing fat lady person term) which caused Bing to start on his most famous song - I'm dreaming of...........

"Christmaaaaaaaaaaa" whereupon 5000 people descended on him and clubbed him beyond recognition.


BigPeter spoke up: "Isn't BING! the sound the the little engine makes if your fingers slip on the key?"


........the story resumes after 48 posts had been commented on then deleted by moderators then moderator comments had been deleted, mainly the 7 moderators who gave the most trouble and the one training for the priesthood, and this affected 339 other threads which started to make things look like Swiss cheese, then CFI dropped one, then......



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"........ then CFI dropped one, then......

.....someone complained that the quality of cheesecutters was deteriorating. 102_wasnt_me.gif.aa230f6efb9b649c7c3d7c8e521e910b.gif 059_whistling.gif.2dabfb95cf260b127f1075aee60bf487.gif


"If anyone opens their lunchbox, make sure it is a good one. We have a standard to uphold" said Turdbro 087_sorry.gif.e8469ebb2a7ac46e73a3142c7c39aefd.gif


This led to the great revolution of..............................



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.....someone complained that the quality of cheesecutters was deteriorating. 102_wasnt_me.gif.aa230f6efb9b649c7c3d7c8e521e910b.gif 059_whistling.gif.2dabfb95cf260b127f1075aee60bf487.gif"If anyone opens their lunchbox, make sure it is a good one. We have a standard to uphold" said Turdbro 087_sorry.gif.e8469ebb2a7ac46e73a3142c7c39aefd.gif


This led to the great revolution of..............................

...... 2,850, which was Ratpoo's favourite for cruising at 6,500 ft.


"No" said Ahchoo "I much prefer 5,300, as my Axe isn't worth a squirt at 2,850."


"We leckon that 2400 is about the safe rimit" said Nobu "As the engines in our Zelos were on their rast regs, and in those days a levolution was a ......



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...... 2,850, which was Ratpoo's favourite for cruising at 6,500 ft.

"No" said Ahchoo "I much prefer 5,300, as my Axe isn't worth a squirt at 2,850."


"We leckon that 2400 is about the safe rimit" said Nobu "As the engines in our Zelos were on their rast regs, and in those days a levolution was a ......


".....levolution, not like cheap European clap where levolution upon levolution needed just to pull skin off lice pudding. (That joke on Ingrish man too - we never have lice pudding - they too dumb to understand Sushi!).


Another 17 posts disappeared after moderator X to umbrage at his engine being called into question, even though posts of some years back showed he admitted eveything (no doubt these will be removed and the whole friggin site will collapse in a heap of holes), by after filling him with several bottles of Barossa Pearl, the only wine he'd ever heard of, we've managed to plug the holes and keep the continuity, but.............



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supplies are running low ,any donations,ie,plomk[cheap fruity lexa/metho.......................... meanwhile.....Sir Nobu made a new law ,,Banning two stroke oil importation.........Too much ringringring too bruddy noisy[bad enough having to listen to jules] Said Fucme and fucyou.......................



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supplies are running low ,any donations,ie,plomk[cheap fruity lexa/metho.......................... meanwhile.....Sir Nobu made a new law ,,Banning two stroke oil importation.........Too much ringringring too bruddy noisy[bad enough having to listen to jules] Said Fucme and fucyou.......................

..... who were sisters wearing long emboidered kimonos.


But bull was is deep trouble, as the Nob also banned the importation of welsh plugs, so bull's Cleveland was damned.


"There is nothing worse that fellal modelators" Sir Nobu plonounced from the steps of the Port MackLaurie Town Hall "So where is AhRocksoff to sort them out? He must be here somewhere because he sure as heck (we buddists don't berieve in herr) isn't having coffee with Rord Latsack."


"I'm not so sure of that" responded Salty "If a Moderlator wants to highjack this forum to impose his own view of the world, what's so wrong with that? After all, those with the power make the rules and so what if a few hundred crappy posts go missing, and free expression is compromised, it doesn't really matter ............ as the cricket starts in a few hours and the Board is in good hands under the Majors watchful gaze & leadership. What could possibly go wrong?"


And just as he pushed the button to post his reply, the ...............



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..... who were sisters wearing long emboidered kimonos.

But bull was is deep trouble, as the Nob also banned the importation of welsh plugs, so bull's Cleveland was damned.


"There is nothing worse that fellal modelators" Sir Nobu plonounced from the steps of the Port MackLaurie Town Hall "So where is AhRocksoff to sort them out? He must be here somewhere because he sure as heck (we buddists don't berieve in herr) isn't having coffee with Rord Latsack."


"I'm not so sure of that" responded Salty "If a Moderlator wants to highjack this forum to impose his own view of the world, what's so wrong with that? After all, those with the power make the rules and so what if a few hundred crappy posts go missing, and free expression is compromised, it doesn't really matter ............ as the cricket starts in a few hours and the Board is in good hands under the Majors watchful gaze & leadership. What could possibly go wrong?"


And just as he pushed the button to post his reply, the ...............


.....saga of the Coffee Royal scandal which would be destined to change to future of aviation began.


"What's yer problem" spat Rowlocks, "I've been too busy...................."



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.....saga of the Coffee Royal scandal which would be destined to change to future of aviation began.

"What's yer problem" spat Rowlocks, "I've been too busy...................."

...... polishing my hose down at the Blue Oyster Bar, rubbishing the RFS and trying to take over the SES, while stocking up in rivets and sunscreen. Anyway, why pick on me, as all Moderators are anonononymouse (some may actually just be runty rats) and when you are a non-i-mouse you can get away with .....



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.laying rat bait around the airfield,Now about the boys in the blue oyster bar[turdbo can i borrow your fishnet stockings??]....................

"You'd always be welcome, bull" resplied AHRocksoff "As the Bar is often frequented by the MagnificentModeratti (some of whom really do believe that), and we would welcome a bit of F'nQ f'nBone f'n sophistication ......... and don't worry about your borrowed fish-nets and off the shoulder number, as you will fit right in at the Blue Oyster, where the local ...................



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.....saga of the Coffee Royal scandal which would be destined to change to future of aviation began.

"What's yer problem" spat Rowlocks, "I've been too busy...................."

"Rubbish" sneered Mavis. "All you have done is lay around the house scratching yer bollocks while Nana and I have been trying to make an income"


"I cant help it if you only go to that run down place on the edge of Waggle Waggles. You know the owner is only interested in polishing his gold toof and cricket and doesnt give a rats about ....................."



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Bull, you should try borrowing his gold lame leotard. All the boys/girls/whatever love the way it hugs his curves and shows off his attributes:roflmao:

""Attributes" mon derier" said bull (who was from the french quarter of Bone "All it will show off is my atrocious atrophy, which will make the boys at the Blue Oyster Bar a little ..............



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""Attributes" mon derier" said bull (who was from the french quarter of Bone "All it will show off is my atrocious atrophy, which will make the boys at the Blue Oyster Bar a little ..............

"jealous and start showing off their Apostrophy called Le Locksjocks, and ..."



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"jealous and start showing off their Apostrophy called Le Locksjocks, and ..."

"Speaking of the dreaded moderati..." intoned Mavis


"Shhhh, not so loud" said Flashasaratwiffagoldtoof "or we could end up in the chat room as punishment and then we would have to..............



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"Speaking of the dreaded moderati..." intoned Mavis"Shhhh, not so loud" said Flashasaratwiffagoldtoof "or we could end up in the chat room as punishment and then we would have to..............

...... put a face with a name, which often ends in tears."


"I know ... too right" said Mavis "As I have had the hots for AhRock-Off for years (just like Mrs Tishel has for Dr Ellingham), and his name (Ahhhhlox) sounds so riveting, infact I often think about him doing a bit of rivetting around at my place .......... and he also must have a quid as he has a real nice SSzara with a 912 ......... but then I saw him in a video clip, & in a couple of Tomo's photos, plus there is a video of him on YouToob doing things at the Blue Oyster that would make a sailor blush, so he didn't live up to expectations, and he turns out to be more of a ..................



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bloody girl sook, wouldn't survive on a rainy day at montpelier that's for sure......................

"Is that zee montain where they get that fancy water from?" asked Nobu "As I rike that Pellier stuff, and flench kissing is nice too, which I understand is also all the rage at Montpelier Aero Crub (not that there is anything wrong with that)."


"Youze blokes at Montpelier should be a sister club with the Royal Bone Aero Club" said bull "As we like flench kissing too, after rine dancing crasses, in our cowboy hats, wearing only reather chaps and .....



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Guest Maj Millard

leather chaps and flying boots....why Mr katter was just over the other day looking for an ultralight ride to Canberra where there is also a bit of French kissing going on...........................................



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What,s goimg on!Yelled hauleen pantson,,,,,french kissing,blue oysters,perrrieer,I Dont Like It,PLEASE EXPLAIN................................

.........and so with a grimace the Montpelier Kid grabbed hauleen (who came from lower case, queesnland) and showed her how to tighten her cross braces. She was really wired, but then he drew his six guns and ......



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.........and so with a grimace the Montpelier Kid grabbed hauleen (who came from lower case, queesnland) and showed her how to tighten her cross braces. She was really wired, but then he drew his six guns and ......

..... said "Here, can you take 4 of these, as I have more guns than I need."


But bull was quick on his feet (for a queenslanderer) as hauleen had always lit his fire.


"I don't liiiiike it" continued hauleen.


"That's because bull has never shown you the right way" replied bull (who often spoke in the 1st person, because he was really the only person with whom he had spent much time ............. in the french quarter of bone, where he was always known as "boeuf" to his amis).


"But I like the taste of boeuf" said ..............


My Aunt now understands why bull's tyrojackacricket was first patented by some bloke named boeuf when it was registed with the F'nQ patent office as a novicejaques-a-grillon. "Mon dieu" she said as her pen opened the window.



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..... said "Here, can you take 4 of these, as I have more guns than I need."

But bull was quick on his feet (for a queenslanderer) as hauleen had always lit his fire.


"I don't liiiiike it" continued hauleen.


"That's because bull has never shown you the right way" replied bull (who often spoke in the 1st person, because he was really the only person with whom he had spent much time ............. in the french quarter of bone, where he was always known as "boeuf" to his amis).


"But I like the taste of boeuf" said ..............


....bull, who had that canibalistic gene often found in Queenslanders, "specially le curned boef ay" he continued "because I always fell like flying my tyrojackacricket (believed to be an aviation term) before......."


My Aunt now understands why bull's tyrojackacricket was first patented by some bloke named boeuf when it was registed with the F'nQ patent office as a novicejaques-a-grillon. "Mon dieu" she said as her pen opened the window.............to look at the tyrojackacricket which was on a sticky wicket since being found to to have the wrong serial number on it, which happens to be the serial number of Amelia Earhardt's aircraft, so there's likely to be some deep sh$it from FAA to CASA to unowhu



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