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The Never Ending Story


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"So" said the 12 Incher, "If I put all that together we have ISIL bomb-chuckers, heaps of chicks who claim to be virgins, a bunch of paralytic Russians eating KFC, and a couple of blokes on a GeeSoft campaign. That is just downtown Dandenong every Saturday night, where the only real virgins are a couple of sad blokes playing computer games on the free WiFi at Mackas. Meanwhile, at the AeroClub ..............



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........new member Reverend Mr Black was explaining how to open....................

....... a Boy's Home disguised as a gated Aviation Community, however the Royal Commission quickly got wind of this plan and Deputised Moderattori Virginattori Extraodinattori Ahlox to head down there immediately to investigate, as Poxylox had ..............



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.....Activite who had been crutching sheep when he read the reverend's first post (graziers clip their Ipad to their knee, which is one of the things city people wouldn't understand), and his plea to be treated as a real person rather than a man of God. However Ahlox had been listening and began to have a fit, almost begating a...................



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.....Activite who had been crutching sheep when he read the reverend's first post (graziers clip their Ipad to their knee, which is one of the things city people wouldn't understand), and his plea to be treated as a real person rather than a man of God. However Ahlox had been listening and began to have a fit, almost begating a...................

.......... crossbreed Ram (NTTIAWWT), but then decided to spill his seed upon the ground, like he usually did, before he looked up and saw a vision of a lovely white ............



PS - While we were having coffee and cake last week, Ahlow told me that he was only scalping those tickets to the Pearly Gates while he was going through his latest one week ban. He also let me know that they are not really "Pearly" but are painted in a faux pearl-effect spray from Dulux.



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Guest Andys@coffs

a full hat........."You must be joking to think that a shearer would want a bloody tablet...why they want real paper versions of Sheep monthly and none of that PDF stuff and hang the expenses...... Furthermore we note that the shearer who said that was a shearer of extremely long experience....a few weeks ......and he hadn't seen how the guild was handling renewals of membership or registration of ones tools when he suggested that we sack a great chunk of them guild staff I just want me paper sheep monthly!"


" you cant speak for all of us said Salty! you don't really know what your talking about!"


" since when has that been a requirement to participate" jeered Rat before......



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..........gulping in the face of a new post from the Reverend Mr Black. Who was he? Had he been reincarnated from Sqwak7 or one of his many realtives? Why did he have someone else's underpants on? These were the questions running through the Rat's mind. Could this be a challenger to his position as Number...........



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..........gulping in the face of a new post from the Reverend Mr Black. Who was he? Had he been reincarnated from Sqwak7 or one of his many realtives? Why did he have someone else's underpants on? These were the questions running through the Rat's mind. Could this be a challenger to his position as Number...........

......... 1,358,429, which is one of his favourites .................. and used as the basis for his Keno bets.


"There has been multiple overdubbing on the NES this morning and what is left of my mind has gone into overload trying to keep all these storylines going, because I want HavaBigSet,Salty and HatShat to keep coming back in order to ..........



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"........learn how to conduct themselves in open debates, drink vodka in style and do better whatever HBS does"


"I agree" said Hatshat who had become as smooth as oil since his election to the Secret Set "For example, that little %$#@ Madge says things in our meetings and then clams up whenever he comes on here, and he needs to be trained our of that."


This was a breath of fresh air for the NES who had known Madge was a %$#@ from way back, and Turbo had even thought about rejoining the RAA and moving to Coughs so he could vote for The Hat, but.................



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Guest Andys@coffs

The inch of rain from yesterday still had him locked up in the house incommunicado, so he wasn't mooven anywhere except when the 500yr old ADSL copper allowed him to communicate with the interwebs.....meanwhile in coughs the NBN meant that light speed was......



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The inch of rain from yesterday still had him locked up in the house incommunicado, so he wasn't mooven anywhere except when the 500yr old ADSL copper allowed him to communicate with the interwebs.....meanwhile in coughs the NBN meant that light speed was......

..... considered to be a pipe-dream, unless it is the speed of light through frozen sodium of 38 mph on a good day.




"Did someone call me?" asked Communicado who was a student from Colombia studying at UNE "And I have never even met Turbo, let alone allowed him to do that."




In the meanwhilst Life Memberships of RA-OZ were being chucked around like confetti and Andy had his eye on one. "I'll work the proxy system to death at the next EGM" he explained "As that's sure to get me one, and .............



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Guest Andys@coffs

<NES Alert!!!>


Our Brother Bull from Bone in F'n Qld has come back after a long absence in the Tanami...... It seems that he's had a change of computing equipment because the space bar, fullstop and return key seem to be working fine now, but now his keyboard has a problem where in the middle of some normal words it puts *'s all over the place....why tonight I noticed he was taunting our brother Pphhhhhh fffffFT by calling some among us as "whinging no good, soft c*ck, a**holes" clearly the o and the s are working, at least intermittently....... anyway, I hear the soothing reving of a high speed chainsaw and believe the jackacricket complete with as many 500lb HE bombs with a laser guided whinging no good, soft c*ck, a**holes detector on the front, as it can carry with its 200lb useful load, will be heading south sometime soon towards.......



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Guest Andys@coffs

You know in thinking it through its not as bad as it sounds...the bombs are HE bombs so they'll go bang once and that'll be the end of it......If they where SHE Bombs (Superior HE) they have mild bang that just goes on and on and on longer that a prison sentance.......bit like......



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....Elrattso when he is all done up in his Gumly Gumly CWA outfit (NTTIAWWT) pretending to be a lovelorn used wife (see post 9599) looking for a jihaddist to.....

...... use and abuse, for the moto of the Gumly Gumly girls has stayed the same since when they were formed in 1835 and at each meeting they stand around an effigy of their hunky patrol Bob Menzies and chant "It doesn't matter what they wear or what lingo they speak, if it's a bloke under all that clobber, we will give him a tub and then ................



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.........................but then Madge walked in the door yelling over his shoulder"I don't care what you members want, I'm going to have a paper magazine if it costs you $500.00 per year! (which as we know is petty cash for aviation types).


"What a %$#@" said Effie


"Oh I don't know" said Martha, "He seems.............."



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.........................but then Madge walked in the door yelling over his shoulder"I don't care what you members want, I'm going to have a paper magazine if it costs you $500.00 per year! (which as we know is petty cash for aviation types)."What a %$#@" said Effie


"Oh I don't know" said Martha, "He seems.............."

...... such a nice young boy, and he is obviously wealthy as he owns a Heliview."




"Is he old enough for us to take advantage of him without getting a guilty conscience?" asked Eff.




"Too right" replied Martha "After what we did with that Locksmith character repeatedly over several months each time that he drove back out here for more, Madge Jayco will be a pushover ........... in fact you don't even need to push him over because he lies down all be himself and ...............



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....joins in with his hind legs scratching his ribs and front paws scratching the backs of your hands and spoils the effect. "Some say this is the way he conducts himself in meetings, and some even say it's the only way to get him to vote, but......................"



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