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Good flying magazines?

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Hi folks.


I am an avid reader and collector of aviation related magazines. I prefer them in hard copy if possible, so I can read in bed. Now that Sport pilot is digital, is 'Australian Flying' the last Recreational and General Aviation publication standing? What happened to 'AOPA pilot Australia'? I have a hard copy from 2015, but cant seem to find out if its still traditionally printed (nobody answering the phone at AOPA!)


What other magazines do people subscribe to? I also get Flight Safety, and am more interested in flying and aircraft than building, which tends to be the focus of some other periodicals





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The EAA mag from the USA is great, while some of the stuff is about building the EAA cover more than just homebuilding including vintage warbirds and ultralights.....

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Uk Flyer magazine just went digital. Stoopid thing is that it is now free to get the magazine, but your subscription now includes extra content (yet to be distributed online) and free ebook of Jahn Farley's A View from the Hover (Harrier Pilot).. worth about £10... So for about £30/year, I get a magazine anyone can read and a £10 book.. Hmm.. May be subscribing to Australian Flying again..


Prfefer the option of both e and paper.. Not much fun reading a magazine on a 5" phone on the train.

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Kitplanes is good the first and possibly the second time around - it eventually repeats with different photos and is very USA centrist -but as I say ,good for a two year subscription, then you might giving it a rest for a few years so that they can develop some new stories.

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What happened to 'AOPA pilot Australia'?

AOPA went digital and is no longer a magazine format. You have to be a member and log in to the website, then trawl through a few unconnected articles. Ben Morgan does AOPA Sport monthly (last one was Feb 2020) and quarterly Student Pilot (last one was July-Sept 2019) & AOPA Pilot (last one Feb 2020). The monthly is a bit hit or miss and arrives when it does .... Nothing like the old print magazine.


Kitplanes is good. I get the print magazine delivered, but also have access to the digital, and they send me Kitplanes Weekly (usually a collection of new and old articles).

EAA from the USA is good. I get the print magazine, and for $10 extra I signed up Mr FV to a digital edition (we swapped) I read it on-line, then the magazine turns up.

I get the Australian Women Pilots Association "Airwaves" quarterly - a members' magazine.


These are the best of the print magazines.

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Australian Flying is still going strong, although our local newsagent has closed, I get it by subscription. I also get Kitplanes by internet. That makes it harder to read in full, at least for me, but you can subscribe and then download about 20 years of back issues.

I used to subscribe to Todays Pilot, but it was taken over by Pilot, which is not as good as the original and I cancelled my subscription. Too much waffle about warplanes and what is going on in the UK.

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Agree on the UK magazines.. I recently cancelled my subscription to Pilot as there was a lot of drivel and opnon and not much fact. The flight revews were also becoming less informative/ In both the major magazines there is nothing about flight skills, pilot training sections are just advetisements and press-releases and the commentary of incidents and accidents is not particularly insightful anymore (although last month's flyer comments was much improved). The subs were not bad so I had no prob supporting both, however, with going digital and making it free for all, with not much more for the paying subscriber, it is time to change tack..

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I get the Australian Women Pilots Association "Airwaves" quarterly - a members' magazine.

Opps! It is "AirNews"


Forgot CASA's Flight Safety. The Winter edition is due out any day. They do love black ink and dark backgrounds.

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