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Everything posted by slartibartfast

  1. Cloudsuck - MM self-moderated. He deleted his own post. Had his post been moderated, you would have been in breach of site rules by posting a quote from a moderated post. Please be careful. I have been very impressed by the level of maturity around here lately. There have been some hotly debated topics, but no personal attacks and nary an ego to be seen. Well done all.
  2. slartibartfast


    I believe they are very effective on LSA. I put a lot of hours on Garry Morgan's Cheetah while building mine. It doesn't have winglets, mine does. The difference is very noticable in speed and stability - especially in the yaw plane. Turns are more stable too - I can put mine into a 60° turn and take my hand off the stick. It just stays there. The other one doesn't.
  3. The PC version of OziExplorer will allow you to import them, then convert and save them to your GPS.
  4. The best way by far is to buy them from Maptrax. If you scan your own, you need the PC version of OziExplorer to calibrate them. From memory, the trial version (free) only lets you plot 3 points. The full version allows many more. You would have to load your scanned image (.bmp, .tif, .jpg, .png and more formats accepted) via the "load and calibrate map image" option on the file menu. Then you pick 3 points as far away from each other as possible, and enter their coordinates. You then save that as a calibrated map. I'll send you one of mine for you to play with and get it all working, but you will need to buy or scan your own. Cheers, Ross
  5. For anyone looking, this one looks like a bargain. It's only 5", but is really slim and compact, has Windows CE 5.0 and latest maps for its road nav software, all the bits you need, and it states that you can easily install OziExplorer or any other nav software. You should be able to get it for $180. Cheap. As stated, if you want one but feel it's all too complicated, I'll buy it and set it up for you - just for fun. My advice as a pilot isn't worth much (and my humour doesn't help anyone eh Nev?), so I can at least contribute with something I know. :hump:
  6. Thruster87 - perfect then. I didn't see it in the list you had. Remains to be seen how good the bundled sw is. Nick - I have a 4.3" screen and find it perfectly adequate. I'm tempted to get a 7" to see how they go and use the 4.3 for backup. I think you'll get reception anywhere, although mine is low wing and probably got more sight of satellites than a high wing. These units have WAAS which assists the signals. They claim you can still get a fix in a tunnel, but I doubt it. You can usually get an external antenna if the unit supports it and you find you need it - check the specs. Dave - mine will go 4 hours or so on battery, but I run it off a 12v supply anyway. I did have an adapter failure a few months ago and didn't notice until the power was gone. I now have a battery level/charging indicator on my main screen to keep an eye on that. The one Thruster87 bought will only run 10-15 mins on battery.
  7. According to their website - no. Those maps can only be read by Garmin mapSource. It looks like the unit you bought doesn't have any road software installed. Most of the other units on eBay have full road nav software. If you want that, you are going to have to buy a road nav program - and they aren't cheap.
  8. I looked at that one for you and decided that the internal battery life of 10-15 mins was not good. If you keep it connected to power, then it won't matter. Looks good otherwise. The OziExplorerCE file you need to install on it is this one (ARM compatible CE 4) from the official site here. Let us know how you go.
  9. It's up to me to not stuff up then. Actually, I took this as concern for my welfare. Funny though, all the RAAus staff thought it was me. I set them straight, then half an hour later, Mick Poole came over and asked me how my noseleg was (bit personal). I assured him it wasn't me. He then wanted to know all the details I knew, because he watched the whole thing happen while standing with 2 pilot examiners. Garry could have picked a much better time to find out about loading too much gear too aft. Judging by the snoring coming from the bunk below me on Sunday night, Garry got over it. The Sierra is fixed already too. Just waiting on a new oil cooler to be shipped.
  10. This one goes bad about July 5th and contains both issues. I thought there was another thread but can't see it now.
  11. Hey flying dog. We don't go correcting each other's spelling around here. You'll be far too busy, and he who lives in glass houses ..... (mearly?) Hmmm - we still don't have a decent tongue-in-cheek smilie. I'll settle for a little ass whoopin' :mulie:
  12. From what I read on pprune, the offender did a little more than the usual to draw ire. Something along the lines of making 3 calls per leg, using every taxiway there was, and remaining on 14 instead of expediting his crossing of it despite being asked. This was from the pilot who had to go around. Even if all this were true, the bad part was the immediate jump to "all RA pilots are badly trained". As has been stated, and is my experience, there are good and bad in all walks of flying. The other interesting thread on pprune regarding this topic and Bundy was about Garry Morgan's crash. That was trotted out as another example of poor RA training. As far as I know, Garry was GA trained, and GFA before that. Regardless, he now has thousands of hours experience and an instructor rating. He readily admits he stuffed up and should have gone around. We all make mistakes. Reading the pprune thread (which had to be closed it got so bad), only RA pilots make mistakes.
  13. Sorry qwerty. I should have got the message, but haven't seen it. There are problems with the software we are using for the classifieds - and the biggest is that you can't edit your own ad. The supplier has now disappeared, so we are searching for something better. Meanwhile, PM me with the changes you would like, and I'll make them. Cheers, Ross
  14. Yes PJ. I use one in my plane and love it. In this thread, I go into plenty of detail on how. You'll also see in there that others have been successful, including a Navman S150 from memory.
  15. I don't think I understand the question. Touch screen is usual - there's no room for a keyboard, and just having a few buttons would suck. An SD (or some other format) card slot is normal - to ensure enough storage to load maps and stuff. They usually have a USB interface to connect to your PC. You transfer stuff (maps, routes, waypoints, screen designs, etc.) to the unit via the USB, or take the SD card out and plug it into your PC to copy stuff to it. Stuff=technical term
  16. Oh yeah - you wouldn't be able to use my custom screen because the resolution will be different. I could do one for you based on what you want to see - if I were to set it up for you. Or you could play with it yourself.
  17. There's pics of OziExplorer in action in this post. Is that what you mean? I haven't set up one of the 7" units yet, but it would be easier than setting up a Navman or Mio because it already has access to Windows - you don't have to unlock it. It should be simply a matter of downloading and installing OziExplorerCE, loading my waypoint file and the customized screen you can see in the above post, buying and loading the maps you want and go flying. You can also buy the PC component and install that so you can design your own screens, create routes and waypoints, etc.
  18. I suppose he had gravy concerns. If you were caught, would you be roasted?
  19. You should be able to get one like this and just install OziExplorer on it. If you'd like me to buy the unit and Ozi and the maps and set it up for you, lets talk. Cheers, Ross
  20. That's a bit harsh Doug. You make Ian and I sound like dragons. I don't see a problem. Jay introduced himself and Mike responded with a welcome and some more about what Jay said. Seems fair. The point about moving any further discussion into an appopriate forum is that it makes it easy for other people interested in the same subject to find the discussion and contribute - so Doug's right there. Not everyone has to read every post made on this site. Who has that much time? Oh wait - I have to. :musicboohoo:
  21. Good one Tomo. You'll be off all over the place soon. Looks like a great airport you have there - 2 lovely strips, and so close to town. Luxury
  22. That was a bugger Ian. Would have been good to catch up. I'm guessing you were there Saturday. I didn't arrive until 16:30 Saturday. Otherwise it would have been hard to miss - on display where everybody had to pass.
  23. Better late than never. This is the thread to post your entries for the July iteration of the Pacific Flyer Monthly Photo Competition - or PFMPC as I like to call it:duck for cover: So post your pics for your chance to win a 6 month subscription to the best magazine in the country. Last month was a little light on for entries. So let's get snapping.
  24. Absolutely Planey. The monthly BBQ at Adaminaby. OK - that's it for June. I'll remind Angela and she will judge the winner. Sorry it's a bit late - I've been busy. Good luck all.
  25. Good point Pete. I don't do that every time, but you're right. I should.
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