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Everything posted by slartibartfast

  1. Important message Phanks Philthy. Notice to Watto, Relfy, Spin, Skydog & Mike Perth: Due to circumstances beyond our control, your entries this month were lost during the transfer to the new site. Angela came in to judge the entries, but couldn't see yours. Could you please edit your posts (or throw in a new post) with the missing images? Also, some of the runners up last month have not forwarded a higher resolution image to Angela for publication. Would those people please do so now. These issues look like delaying publication until October.
  2. Last chance Friday is the last day you have to get your entries into the July competition. Dig 'em out, put 'em up.
  3. I got around to processing a few more photos from Bundy. Might as well post them. Better late than never. A bird in the hand doesn't count your chickens until the kettles boils over the spilt milk. Um.... [ATTACH]8492.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]8493.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]8494.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]8495.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]8496.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]8497.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]8498.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]8499.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]8500.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]8501.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]8502.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]8503.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]8504.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]8505.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]8506.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]8507.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]8508.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]8509.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]8510.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]8511.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]8512.vB[/ATTACH]
  4. Hi Phil. I've just found info in the CO detector I was sold in Bundy. It's from Coprotector and looks like this. I won't post the web address because my system warns me that it is a known attack site. They may have been compromised. You can find it with Google though, and the price is about AU$140. Cheers, Ross
  5. Convincing your other half can't have been too hard Matt. Some of us don't have it that easy. To me, it's not purely emotional. If you rely on hired aircraft then you don't always have the freedom to go when you want, for as long as you want. There's also the safety aspect. You don't really know what's been happening to the plane you're flying when it isn't yours. There's lots of other reasons too - but they were mainly for the benefit of my other half and aren't necessarily valid.
  6. Even then he couldn't help her because beavers are protected. PS - if anyone is offended let me know. I'll give myself a stern talking to and maybe a weeks holiday.
  7. The anonymous administrator wonders whether it is his job to point out that "third person" is not the appropriate term for merely typing someone elses name. Should he say something? Will there be repercussions? Should he feel remorse code? So many perplexing questions. Where will it all lead? (an aviation question)
  8. You did well then Mark. No - I found the wings too low and the ground too wet, so I ate brekky on the cowl. A very civilized way to wait for power to be restored to the bowser. It was a smooth flight home thanks. I love those days. When it's too rough you get sick of going up and down like the Assyrian Empire.
  9. What problem? It had been about -5 overnight when I dragged by baby out early last Saturday. There was ice on all the puddles, and it still fired first go.
  10. It's also possible to do your runups on the roll. That greatly reduces the chances of picking up stones. The Jabiru propellor manual recommends this if there is no stone-free runup bay, so it must be a good idea. They do mention that it is for the experienced only - or those who don't have Jabiru brakes .
  11. When I got the standard Jab cabin heat kit I didn't like the look of the butterfly. Just a metal on metal seat between the engine bay and the cockpit. So I welded a sleeve on it, and ran a NACA duct to the outside, so that when the heater is off, I can be sure no fumes can come in. I now have an electric CO detector too. Apparently the first thing to go when you get CO poisoning is your colour vision. Didn't seem like a good plan to rely on seeing the colour change on the card type detectors. Not to mention the audible alert and flashing light I would now get, rather than picking the colour change up on a scan. As for heel comfort, I would look at the shoes you use. Quality runners with a lot of heel padding might be the go. I did 7 hours up to Bundy, and 8 hours back, and comfort was not an issue. Except for the cold on the last 4 hours - I wouldn't have known if I had sore heels because I couldn't feel my feet at all. I have since sealed a few air leaks so the cabin heat is more effective.
  12. JONC - the question was also raised in this thread and this thread - among others. There were a number of useful replies there. There have been other threads covering this question. Use the search facility on this site. You'll be amazed how much info is here.
  13. The Cheetah is a dead giveaway. Everywhere I go, a forumite comes up and introduces themselves. It's a fantastic bonus to add to all the other great reasons to own a Cheetah.
  14. Yeah - it was great to catch up Mark - and your mad mates. It was a great day. I'm glad I was wrong about the SW wind. Did you get home in one go?
  15. I finally made it to Temora. Every other time I have planned to go in the last few years, something has gone pear shaped (usually weather or family). Had a great day, caught up with some forumites (they're everywhere), checked out the museum, watched and heard a lot of great aircraft flying, and snapped a lot of pics. Here's a few. Too tired for more tonight. [ATTACH]8458.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]8459.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]8460.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]8461.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]8462.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]8463.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]8464.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]8465.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]8466.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]8467.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]8468.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]8469.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]8470.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]8471.vB[/ATTACH]
  16. The guys have just done the 4000 km leg from Guinea to Brasil - straight across the Atlantic Ocean. Wow. Before leaving Conakry (and after they finally got released by the cops for taking a photo) they had to fill for the 2nd time running with dirty looking mogas because there was no avgas. They must be charmed. What a journey.
  17. I believe that's the norm at a number of busy airports in the US. I remember watching 5 pairs of planes coming down at Hartsfield-Jackson (Atlanta), each separated by about a minute. The first pair about to touch down on the parallel runways, then behind and above them, another pair. Then another pair higher and further behind, etc. It was an amazing sight. I just looked it up - there were 978,824 take-offs and landings there in 2008. You do the math.
  18. No thanks. However, if you come across a chimichanga, I might be needing it. I already have your files - the downloads have never failed for me. I wish I knew what the difference was for the others.
  19. This is a test file to see if the ZIP thing works or not. Still works for me.
  20. Cheers Bryan. I use Corel PhotoPaint instead (just as powerful but much cheaper), but basically - yes. Not sepia, but a Time Capsule effect for the main layer. I did it on a couple of layers with transparencies adjusted to fill things in a bit. Philthy - I love that cover shot. That's the quality we should all aspire to.
  21. Let's go back to aeroplanes. Scenery is just a nice side dish to the main course. Here's an old photo I found lying around from Bundaberg.
  22. What Yenn said - ask your instructor. Also, remember the nose wheel is linked to the pedals for steering in the Jab. While the nose is on the ground, you can't move them without trying to move the training wheel.
  23. Gotta admit Watto - you're a master baiter. :encore:Thank you - thank you. I'll be here all week. Try the veal. :encore:
  24. PJ - you can start with the Ops Manual on the RAAus site here. Section 2.13 lays it out, especially with reference to section 2.07 - basically at the discretion of a CFI (provided you have 20 hours already) with a minimum of 5 hours in rec aircraft - at least 1 hour solo.
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