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Everything posted by slartibartfast

  1. Congrats Bec. Great to see you spread your wings. Just pop in to Hopetoun and visit my Gran will you please? I'm way overdue, but will do it soon.
  2. Not at all. It's a new one to me and made me chuckle, so thought I'd share. I have no great allegiance either way (born in Melbourne), but I love to watch (like Chance the Gardener). I was very disappointed in the quality of the game.
  3. Federal Court Ruling from the Sydney Morning Herald, Australia. A seven year old boy was at the centre of a courtroom drama yesterday when he challenged a court ruling over who should have custody of him. The boy has a history of being beaten by his parents and the judge initially awarded custody to his aunt, in keeping with the child custody law and regulations requiring that family unity be maintained to the degree possible. The boy surprised the court when he proclaimed that his aunt beat him more than his parents and he adamantly refused to live with her. When the judge suggested that he live with his grandparents, the boy cried out that they also beat him. After considering the remainder of the immediate family and learning that domestic violence was apparently a way of life among them, the judge took the unprecedented step of allowing the boy to propose who should have custody of him. After two recesses to check legal references and confer with child welfare officials, the judge granted temporary custody to the NSW State of Origin team, whom the boy firmly believes are not capable of beating anyone.
  4. You mexicans might not have picked up on this, but the cockroaches are a reference to the NSW team getting their lacklustre bums handed to them by the Qld team in the second (and as it turned out deciding) game of the State of Origin Rugby League series - the "greatest stage in the world for our great game" I think the commentator called it. They certainly stank.
  5. Great stuff Kelvin. Thanks for sharing the story - that's a terrific read. Nice pics too, but I'm sure you have more
  6. The next number is 154742504910672534362390528. I don't agree with your last number [11651318.54 X 5898] though. Were you trying to be confusing? What's 5898 got to do with it? If you're going to write it that way it would be [11651318.537809426924381146151238 X 5898] so rounding just confuses the matter. The actual progression should be: 1, 8, 64, 32678, 68719476736, 154742504910672534362390528, 1.6455045573212060421549691825574e+63, 4.1899399781070615936168828119393e+152, etc.
  7. Goes in a 2" hole and reads from 2.5 to 160 litres per hour.
  8. Pud, I have this one. It was branded Navman, but they are now Northstar. Mine was second hand, although never used. I forget what I paid. A local marine shop has it for $359. Display: Transducer: Just found this one on eBay. It seems to have the display and transducer. Grab it now - a bargain. Fitting is easy. Standard instrument, and the transducer goes inline in the fuel line.
  9. I installed a fuel flow meter I scored from someone on this forum, and I don't know how (or why) I ever went without it. Absolutely invaluable for keeping an eye on fuel usage. In addition to watching the rate and detecting changes, it tells me how much fuel is left in the tank. According to my dipstick checks, it is very accurate. Only a leak which isn't going through the fuel line will fool it, and I'll catch that with my standard fuel gauge. Or my nose.
  10. Lithium Polymer. With Lithium Ion, the Lithium salt electrolyte is held in an organic substance, while in LiPo, the electrolyte is held in a polymer. If damaged, they can explode, which I guess is the reason for the ban. If shorted, they can explode. If overcharged, they can explode. If overdischarged, they can explode. The power provided by them is a by-product of them not exploding, or perhaps them just exploding more slowly. At the bottom of this page on Australia Post's website, there's a link to their Terms and Conditions. I can't see anything specific about LiPos.
  11. I had trouble for a while. Part of it was an Odyssey battery which broke within 6 months, but the problem still existed for some time, and wouldn't start cold without an external jump pack. Some clues lead me to check out the solenoid (the final clue was the earth return from the solenoid catching fire). I replaced the cheap Jabiru one with another identical unit I found at Supacheap Auto while sourcing a better one. The Supacheap one didn't work much better, but since installing a quality unit I have had no starting troubles at all. First time everytime - once I turn the ignition on (I usually crank it a bit before starting). This is without doing the SB on the starter earth. My testing indicated that my setup was working fine. The battery is a Deka and has tons of cold cranking power.
  12. Maynard has been spreading his wings and extending his range. He also flew to Bathurst recently. Great to see. How about we appreciate the effort Derek went to, rather than dismiss him as "the long-winded guy". As you can see, shorter is not necessarily better when dealing with an important subject such as this. In our neck of the woods, you'd better have a very good understanding of this topic before you attempt to use an airstrip at 5000' on a 38 degree day with your 120kg friend on board. On a wet runway. Uphill.
  13. I'd love to Watto, but winter weather rarely lets me go north that way in the mornings. Cloud on ground is the norm. I'm lucky to get out of Goulburn by midday.
  14. Dinner it is. Looking forward to it. I try to stay out of the jab debate. The only engine failure I've had was a blocked fuel filter because the lines from the tank had been cross connected (feeding the engine from the drain line - ). Hard to blame that one on Jabiru. Except for the time I forgot to tighten the hose clamp on the hose feeding air to it. The clamp let go, the hose folded and the engine starved. Again, hard to blame Jabiru. Then there was this one time, at band camp...... Ross
  15. All better now For those wondering, ozzie had a nervous tic and posted this thread 4 times.
  16. Hi Jodie. Ian sells the Recreational Flying headsets through ClearProp - the shop which helps pay for this site. By all accounts, they are an excellent buy, and very cheap. Check them out here. There's also a review somewhere, but I can't find the reviews section right now :raise_eyebrow:
  17. Makes a great story, but unfortunately it is just that. This story first appeared in a Toastmaster's manual in 1965. It is in many Lawyer Joke books, and surfaced on Usenet in 1996. It has been doing the email rounds since then in various forms.
  18. No mate. She still hasn't flown with me. Me and the Cheetah plan to go though.
  19. Awesome stuff JG. Love the bike storage mod. The photos are brilliant.
  20. A painting on a shiny surface Geoff. That's on the tail. You can just see it in the 2nd photo. Not sure about taking the reaper with you everywhere you go in a homemade jet.
  21. This one? [ATTACH]8264.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]8265.vB[/ATTACH]
  22. Angela got back to me asking how to post the winner - she's a forum newbie apparently. I would expect her to work out how to announce it very soon. Sounded like she had already decided.
  23. Thanks Chris. It was taken by my friend Gitta. She would love a subscription to Pacific Flyer.
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