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Everything posted by cscotthendry

  1. Soleair: What a beautiful machine! Your work leaves me speechless ... As does your choice of radio. Why put so much effort into a project and then cut corners with an el-cheapo handheld radio? I get really frustrated every time I hear "mmmmfffgffggf fghdfdvd ddgdgteg gshdgdvd traffic" on the radio! Please please put a proper radio in your airplane so that the rest of us can hear and understand your calls and tell where you are and what you're doing.
  2. I do what Rotax recommend, no more, no less. Rotax have thousands of engines in the wild and they get feedback about the running and maintenance of them which they pay attention to. I believe that if oil analyses were useful for Rotax engines, Rotax would say to "get 'em done".
  3. A woman that used to work with my wife used to wear very see-through blouses with no bra and she was fairly well endowed and knew it. Whenever she saw someone perving, she would go troppo on them. That's what I would classify as sexual harrassment.
  4. Ahh, Mike I do so miss the full clear doors of my Nynja.
  5. I had a friend who was the consumate pick-up artist and I asked him for some good pick-up lines. He told me his most successful one was to ask the girl how she liked her eggs in the morning. I tried that and all I got was "Unfertilized, thank you!"
  6. Three young studs went to the bakery, knowing that the cute girl behind the counter wore short skirts. When she asked the first boy what he wanted, he asked for raisin bread knowing it was kept on the top shelf and she would have to climb the ladder to get it. When she came back down, she asked the second boy what he wanted and he also asked for raisin bread. Thinking to save herself another trip up the ladder while she was up there, she asked the third boy "Is yours raisin too?" He said "No, but it's quiverin."
  7. LOL! I've been living in Oz for nearly 50 years and I'm still not properly de-wogged.
  8. Yamamoto had studied in the US and knew the extent and sophistication of the US industry. The US still has an overwhelming military, but the expense of it coupled with round after round of corporate tax cuts has hollowed out the US economy.
  9. Quite so. The bombing of London occurred initially by mistake of navigation. The fire bombing of Dresden is still hotly debated to this day as to the morality and it sent Harris into seclusion for a very long time. Also, your statement about the surprise attack on PH is correct. Military attacks aim for the element of surprise. What was unintentional was that the Japanese had not officially declared war on the US at the moment the attack took place, but had fully intended to do so. There was a stuff up in the decoding of the last transmissions to the embassy in Washington that delayed the declaration till past the time of the attack. Admiral Yamamoto was said to have written in his diary "I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve" when he learned that the declaration was presented AFTER the attack started.
  10. The Japanese army did clash with the Russians in China and were thoroughly thrashed in the process. It made them VERY wary of ever taking on the Russians for the duration of the war.
  11. OK, hindsight is always 20/20, and with politics, NOTHING is ever black and white, nor as it seems. I have watched every doco and docudrama, and read everything I can lay hands on about the Pacific war and just about every one comes at the conflict from a different perspective. My point is, we'll never definitively know the reasons behind the dropping of the bombs on Japan. That said, I have a great uncle who is on the Arizona. Whenever I go to Hawaii, I always make the pilgrimage to say "hello and RIP".
  12. A bit more info about the original batch of pics posted in this thread. Some of them were taken by a guy named Deitmar Eckell and went into a book that he published through crowd funding, titled Happy End. The photos in Deitmar's book are all of aircraft that crashed in remote places, yet all on board survived, hence the name "Happy End". http://dietmareckell.com/?splash=1
  13. The F16 is still a premium fighter. Converting them to targets shows how much the military industrial complex controls US government spending. It's just plain wrong to take good airplanes and just blow them up.
  14. I grew up in South Florida and when I was young, some of the shops in Miami had signs sayin "si habla espanol" now some of the shops have signs "Yes! We speak English"
  15. Mike: Yes, getting some nice flights done, but also some short stuff. Took a friendly local flying instructor up the other day; he's looking for a replacement for an aging Tecnam. In doing that, I discovered how my landings have slipped into long GA type powered approaches instead of the nice glide approaches that I was taught. So yesterday I did some circuits and started getting my landings back in shape. We did a good flight up to Double Island Point a few weeks back too. The Legend is now due for its first 25hr service. We're planning a trip out through the centre of Oz in April/May next year. Out to Ayers Rock then down south and back up the coast. I'm not sure whether we'll make The Old Station, but if we do, we'll catch up there.
  16. Mike: Excellent! You must be pretty chuffed. Any issues in the first 25? With ours, I was still making tweaks and mods for the first 12 months. Not anything wrong, but always seeking to make it better and fine tune it. Happy landings.
  17. Great video. Good job on the edits and using externals for the T/O and landing.
  18. No, not going to Gympie tomorrow. Other commitments unfortunately. Had a bit of a fly this morning though before the wind got going.
  19. Gareth: Just out of interest, where is that 2500' step "At or after Kilcoy"?
  20. DrZ Have you got any references for that? I'd love to read the report on THAT one!
  21. Call up ATC on the radio and ask them before you fly through. OR, set up OzRunways (if you have it) to show restricted areas. When in doubt give ATC a call on the radio 121.2 from memory and say the following Brisbane center, buzzbox 1234 (use your rego and plane type of course) request status of Amberly airspace. But do it when the controller is not handling a dozen airliners. I did it the day of the Clifton fly in when a lot of incursions happened...see video
  22. OK: That is so similar to my experience with Ross at Old Station fly in. Ross must have recognized my Nynja from my postings on the forum and elsewhere, and he called out to me (by name) as I walked past his camp on the flightline there. What followed was a series of very enjoyable encounters with a knowlegeable and charismatic character. I will remember him from that, always. IMHO He was one of Nature's gentlemen.
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