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Everything posted by sfGnome

  1. I have mine on the wall at work, so I only look at it about 145 times a day. Yes please!
  2. I've often thought along the same lines as Tomo (even though I know that nothing would/could ever come of it). I have access to hiring one of two planes, or one more if I want to drive 3 hours to access it. Every time I'm at the airstrip I see all these planes just sitting there...
  3. Actually, I want to know where there is a retirement village with a workshop big enough to build an aircraft in? I want to live there when I grow up.
  4. I've always been pretty attuned to the events of commercial flights and I have a bad habit of laughing out loud when the landing's not a good one (I wonder if that's why my beloved hates landing?), so the only time I remember being scared was on a $50 flight from Paris to Rome when, at least by my reading to the wind socks, we took off with a strong tail wind. I've never willed the wheels off the ground quite as much as that day...
  5. Doesn't all this belong in the 'Most famous RAAus Person' thread??
  6. With all due deference, you lot are missing the mark by miles. Forget ginger. Forget desensitising. Just tell him that your last boyfriend chucked five times per flight and was tough enough to come back for more...
  7. Ok, moving away from that specific incident, what is the best method for ditching (other than "don't"!). Apart from reading that it'll be ugly and you're almost certain to flip when the wheels dig in, I've never read any specific advice. Is it just a case of slow as possible and hope for the best, or is there something a little more scientific?
  8. Ok folks, when deciding on a course of action and you think something bad might happen, look into the abyss! What's the worst think the could go wrong? In this case, the worst result of some early prep work is that the new boss mightn't like it and decide to do it differently, resulting in some wasted work (and some disappointed workers). All up, that's not such a bad risk to be balanced against the rewards of getting some early organisation in and not leaving everything to the last moment. So, if you think you can cope with the possibility of a bit of disappointment, dive in and go for it! (Having said all that, I'm not in a position to do anything so I will now slink away with my tail between my legs... )
  9. Why wait until after landing? Surely streaming video from in the circuit is required... Seriously Pud, your one-step-at-a-time attitude is fantastic. I think it's like slow food - the wait is longer but the result is totally worth it!
  10. I can just imagine the PIC asking his 8 year old how to program the thing...
  11. I've been on the receiving end of 'printed' 3D models for a number of years at work. They are really handy to make sure that a complex set of designed parts fits/works together perfectly or to complete early prototypes while you're waiting for the tooling to be finished, but they are also really fragile because the layers tend to separate so those prototypes don't last too long.
  12. Nice looking handle. Do you get to shoot anyone down with it?
  13. Yep, I had a NiCad explode on me one day when I was fitting it to my (then) 8 year old son's model car (geez, he's just turned 21. How time flies when you're having fun). Ended up with a scar beside my eye and deaf in one ear (but I'd still love an e-UL! )
  14. It'd be interesting to know how noisy it is in comparison to gas guzzlers. It seemed pretty loud in the video, but that may just have been the automatic volume control giving it a boost. I recall reading once that the prop makes far more noise than the engine, and I know from my electric model days that they could be a bit loud too.
  15. That's more a shed than a plane! Still, every man needs his shed.
  16. Dumb question time. PPG == Powered ParaGlider? PPC ==??
  17. Wouldn't it be awesome if you could do it Electric? None of that incessant buzzing in your ear-hole. Even if you only used it to get you up to a ridge where you could pick up the wave, you could fly from the car to the car instead of from the top of a hill to the bottom of a valley like un-powered paragliders.
  18. Controlled panic is fine Dave - it's the uncontrolled panic you have to worry about!
  19. Welcome to the Warnervale crew, NF. You can be sure that Paul won't let you get away with excuses. It might feel like all thumbs right now, but you'll get used to it, and the advantage of being a lefty is that when you get to X-country, you can write and fly at the same time. :thumb_up:
  20. Well, better start learning then. It does wonders for your cross-wind landing techniques, or so I'm told.
  21. Good stuff, isn't it :big_grin: I've only done it once, but flying the down wind leg while a large RPT is on its takeoff roll is a top sight. Pity you have to keep your eyes on where you're going...
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