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Everything posted by Litespeed

  1. Barnes Wallis would be proud. Lovely scale flight.
  2. Alas dear sir, you have me dead to rights.
  3. But I do know David has done a great deal and has at times used his own money. And for those who have open minds, I do not know of the tax arrangements but the old man is in one of his harbour mansions as we converse. So is his massive yacht, its getting a mega buck entertainment install at the moment.
  4. With cat like tread, upon this prey I steal. Silence dread....... Was in Pirates of Penzance as a kid. And also did a play on a local colourful identity (Goulburn) for a festival. Got to hold and act with his real gun, I was 10 and played Ben Hall. Not exactly safety first. Thing was very heavy as many a old gun is. But at least I was the only person in cooee with a gun, so felt safe.
  5. Damn that would really pee me off. Very bloody expensive as well. Where else can we get it from?
  6. Not at all they are just stunned by the beauty and don't wish to destroy the vibe with their ugly mugs in the reflection.
  7. Litespeed


    Manwell, To insult someone means to say something the receiver finds offensive. Pretty simple really. Now can we get back to the thread topic.
  8. Litespeed


    Manwell, I think you are trying to justify your ability to offend with a belief that your words have no power. Thus you can use anything you like and the insulted party chooses their feelings. So it is always the recipitents fault . A view I do not share.
  9. Litespeed


    Engine or not, I back a pilot who started in gliders over on who has only flown a normal aircraft. Glider pilots tend to have a much better feel for the air. Nothing wrong with a terry hat, though more needed by power pilots to absorb the moisture. When that fan stops, pilots tend to sweat.
  10. Once again, some seem to lack a bit of awareness. Kaz is a lady, not a princess. Not a good sort of bloke. Even blind Freddy knows women don't hear a compliment when you call em a bloke. But to then call her princess? You do like to live dangerously But most of all Kaz is a aviator who also happens to be female.
  11. Awesome, That is a lovely scale bird and flown as such, right down to the dodgy landing- which I am sure many a period pilot did. Love the sound of the big redrive prop. bonus for electric start. What? Use the runway? Nah just taxi into flight. Don't want to wear out the tyres.
  12. Litespeed


    Manwell, Sticks and stones? I thought we had gotten beyond such primary school sayings in modern life. "The pen is mightier than the sword" And thus words are strong. I will leave it at that and others can reflect and make up their mind.
  13. Litespeed


    I am certainly not trying to close it down , but make it civil. The examples I gave where merely some of the deadheaded excuses people use to justify their views of others. To excuse their words and blame the person they offend. If members thought I was trying to play some PC stuff to close debate- that is the opposite of my intent. And as such happily apologize my words did not demonstrate this.
  14. Litespeed


    How can you possibly believe that offensiveness is only about the receiver of the words interpretation? So you believe it is the fault of the person been insulted if they take offence? On that basis, anything racists say is ok, it their fault for been offended. What about rape victims? Your logic would make them to blame as well if upset. I suggest you grow some and take responsibility for your words. You say the words, you own their results. In the modern parlance of politics, does that pass the pub test? No, you might get a big punch in the gob for been a offensive twat. Not that I think violence is the answer. You are welcome here if you are constructive and respectful. Please think before replies. Or, should I revert to my teaching days and ask you to sit in the naughty corner until you learn to play with others? Yes, I happily accept my words have consequences. Now please have quiet think and then choose your words carefully.
  15. I don't know what's harder to believe. That someone would get a $200 hamburger from Mcchew and spew? Or no one decided to test the chute.
  16. people who know me , see me as quite a wit. Sometimes it surprises them so much,........ They exclaim, wow what a .....wit.
  17. True another guy with too much money and ego with a inverse proportional skill level and judgement. But and there always is.... Damn slow to climb and is it just me but I can accept clipping the top of a tree might take a chunk out of the elevator. But to have the entire rear snap off is a big worry. They seem to have a very high crash rate and are yet to see many hours in the air. Now if a tree tip can tear it apart at low speed how would it go with a bird hitting the tail at cruise? Or after a few dozen rough landings ? Were they attaching the rear with dollar shop glue? But yes the pilot is a complete ftruckin numbnuts.
  18. What the f*** is a light bulb? Do you plant it like a daffodil?
  19. Boris wondered why he was off balance? He looked in the mirror and chanted " who is the finest PM of all?" No reply came. But Boris just shrugged and leaned back on his brexit hunting stick. He smiled his foppish grin and just new his time had come. Reward for all his efforts. Suddenly the mirror went misty and a grave voice laughed a deep guttural mirth. Boris startled and screamed in anguish, he had pushed backwards too much....... Impaled by his his own brexit batard. He screamed in pain and wailed how its not fair, the more he wailed, the more the pain. His convulsive cries only further drove his brexit into his rear. Suddenly the fog of pain lifted for one split second and he glimpsed in the mirror a visage of splender. Of Great Britain ...... It was Winston..... In a instant, the image of hope, strength, reason and bravery was gone. Before him Boris could only see himself. A naked man with a hunting stick wrapped in scotch thistle shoved up his clacker. Suddenly two taps were heard at the door and in stepped........
  20. Not flown yet, Going gliding in two weeks at Camden with my son. Weather gods willing. Been a long time between drinks, getting very thirsty.
  21. Well said. Unless forced I would always do my own. I have never paid a engineer or mechanic. Always myself that way I know the job and machine down to nut and bolt. Also if I can't fix it myself, I can't afford to maintain it properly. Naturally I seek advice if needed, I am a cheap skate but not stupid. As a sport the last thing we need is $500 oil changes.
  22. Ah the old sinking boat problem.... Lots of ways around that problem, firstly by shutting the seacocks after finishing with the boat. Or changing to keel cooled or other variations of freshwater cooled. Wet exhausts can also be a issue if not designed well or maintained. But you can convert to a dry stack and no issues. If you maintain it and follow simple rules, sinking is not a issue. Having auto bilge pumps and a alarm is also very very sensible. Some are set to call you and get your arse to the boat. Generally failure to maintain, just like with aircraft is a really quick path to burning money. Or worse.
  23. I know of lots of ferro boats and they all have local insurance and full access to any marina. The access is not a issue anymore than other construction types. It is purely whether you are insured, and that is dependant on condition. Any ferro boat around today is likely of very high quality. Any bad builds have long since rusted or sunk. For the unaware, ferro is a composite and includes expoxy. It is extremely strong and gets stronger with age. It is the toughest material for a boat. Done correctly it does not rust. It is the easiest to repair as well. Long term ferro is considerably cheaper to own and maintain. The quality of a boat is not just about what its made from. Bit how it is built and maintained. Yes there are crap ones about but same with wood or steel or glass. Unless damaged by impact a good ferro hull will only ever need a belly scrape and antifoul. Nothing needs less work. Steel rusts, wood rots and glass delaminates with age. Ferro just gets harder. Almost all ferro boats around today were professionally built hulls and very sound. Cowboy builds are easy to spot. Ferro can be great
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