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Everything posted by rdarby

  1. Is it only the Saturday this year?
  2. I was at a CASA briefing at Redcliffe tonight and questions were asked about electronic ERSA's. Turns out you can't use the ERSA iPhone app in the air, as the device is not something yet considered appropriate. Only certain electronic flight bags are considered secure, reliable, able to be integrated into the aircraft etc. So carry your normal paper copy it seems. Ryan
  3. The email address for Leonnie comes back with an error.
  4. What type of maps would be used? What I mean is, who do we subscribe to to get maps?
  5. As I get closer to actually buying, or not, I am trying to understand the actual costs I will face. My belief, and I'm asking if it's right, is that with a Rotax 912 100HP I will need to service every 100 hours, but also rebuild or replace every 2000. So I'm factoring the cost of a new engine every 2000 hours into my calculations. As I overdoing it, is it more like a major service then, or is a new engine what you end up with? Thanks Ryan
  6. Were you there today? I would have come and say hello.
  7. There are some good threads over in the Zenith forum on these, if you haven't had a look in there. Scroll down from the home page, there are forums per manufacturer down there.
  8. There is a Jab on eBay for $30,000 and they are asking for offers under that. Got about 500 hours left on the engine I think. It starts getting very affordable. Yes you need to maintain an older one more, but I have spent more than $30,000 in a year to a flying school before! What's the insurance issue with a 2 stroke? Don't they like them? Sad fact is I once owned a Fisher Super Koala, and never even flew it, was still training in the school plane. It was bright red, real sexy looking. Sold it for the same price to some guys who got it going and had a great time. That was 10 years ago, and I only started flying again last year! The thing with cheap is, you can buy it and not feel it if things go wrong, not to the point of needing a second mortage!
  9. Either an X-AIR or an Atec Zephr, so RAA type. I'm looking at both at the moment. Since I live in Deception Bay, Caboolture is very attractive, just really popular!
  10. Does anyone know if hangars are ever available to rent at Caboolture, or do you have to be born into the family and on a 100 year waiting list?
  11. http://www.smh.com.au/executive-style/jetman-soars-over-grand-canyon-at-300kmh-20110511-1ei36.html
  12. Looking in the RAAus magazine I see several planes for sale around the $40,000 mark. 2 seater, all metal with 80hp rotax is an example, in the Zenith 601. I don't think cost and grass roots are related anymore. If plastic isn't grass roots, but I can get a used Jabiru in the magazine for under $40,000, hasn't the game changed somewhat? If you are going to consider a dollar value to relate to grass roots, then there are actually a lot of options, and I think that when someone in a drifter sees some plastic go by, they need to consider that the plastic may have cost less than the drifter, especially if second hand! Think about it. The world has changed. Cheap no longer means slow and cold flying. But expensive also seems close to GA these days. Ryan
  13. Has GPS got a more descriptive name? I get every GPS app when I search for it?
  14. Is there an app that will use the iphone GPS to give you your ground speed? I can't find one that actually works it out for you. Is it possible?
  15. There may be some ideas in here: http://www.recreationalflying.com/threads/100-hamburger.19876/
  16. If you are going to Caboolture why not extend it to Caloundra, and see the Queensland Aviation Museum?
  17. I'm only there for the day on Saturday. Will fly up in the hire-a-sportstar. It's silver, more than happy to say hello to anyone. Am I right in thinking I will be able to arrive and have breakfast, look at lots of airplanes and then have lunch, maybe watch some fly bys and chat to people then depart in the afternoon? And generally have a good time? Importantly, are there sand flies at Maryborough? Last time I was at a fly in, as a passenger, I got eaten!
  18. Thanks. I guess it will all be in the NOTAM closer to the time then.
  19. Anyone going? It's going to be my first fly in, luckily I have been to Maryborough once before. I don't see much info on their website, does anyone know if there will be specific rules in place such as where to park, a ground frequency to use etc? Or do we just land and work it out when we get there? Ryan
  20. Going to try again on Monday. Going from Redcliffe up to Orchid Beach, then down to Kilcoy then home.
  21. This link gives an overview of several, not just 1 in 60. But I don't use the wheel in flight, a ruler and a mental calculation should do it. I may be making it too simple but I can't handle more in flight. Use a ruler to work out the distance off track, and to work out the distance travelled since the last time you were on track. Convert it to 60's in your head which gives you an angle to parallel your track. Double it to get back on track, and now either estimate in your head the time or work it out on the wheel to tell you how long to go in that direction. I tend to guestimate it knowing that my ground speed is usually 95. However now my accuracy is getting less as groundspeed changes and I can make mental errors, but working out time over distance should be easy enough using a wheel in flight. http://www.pilotfriend.com/training/flight_training/nav/track%20error2.htm Ryan
  22. The old Disney Talespin cartoons were published as comic books and someone put them online. Had one of Donald Duck's relatives who was a pilot I think (Lauchpad). They ran a cargo business as far as I can remember. But after I posted the link I saw the site is in fact a protest site about the comics not being around anymore, and they were telling Disney they are breaking copyright to make a protest, so since I couldn't delete the post I removed the link.
  23. Sorry it's a copyright infringement.
  24. I've read the second CAO there which seems to be the three axis one, and I can only find the 5000ft limit.
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