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Everything posted by mkennard

  1. re: brakes I couldn't do run ups at 2000 rpm, I found flying during summer the brakes were almost useless. I had to adjust them every 2 - 3 weeks. I use long strips so wasn't in a hurry to stop so I don't think I needed to be hard on them.
  2. I also love my Jabiru. With the engine now I hope under control, the only other thing that needs a mod are the brakes. What brakes?
  3. [GALLERY=media, 3275]Engine stats by mkennard posted Jul 20, 2014 at 3:18 PM[/GALLERY] Sorry, got distracted by this... http://iview.abc.net.au/programs/grand-designs/ZX9901A005S00 Anyway, from what I understand, he put on a larger jet, turned the carby a little and very little at a time adjusted the baffles. Now the engine sits between 110-150c. One thing that's great about the Skyview is that I can download the engine stats and load it into a spreadsheet/database.
  4. I'll add my 2 cents. My aircraft (J230D) out of the factory always had temp issues. I added cht's and egt's to all cylinders. Jabiru said it was fine to do. My L2 finally got the temps down. Took a lot of effort considering this was a factory built aircraft. Who knows what damage has been done already. I flew according to the POH to try and keep the temps down.
  5. My XGPS160 has 5 blue lights and when I turn it on it connects to my iPhone and iPad and there shows 2 of the lights. I just looked at my bluetooth settings on the devices and they both show connected.
  6. Can't remember where I got the double adapter but it plugs into my headset socket. Then a curly extension to the go pro audio cable which I got off ebay and this works perfectly. I can't remember where I got the double adapter from but I would say some aviation shop. I also had to get a new case for the go pro so the cable would fit in the side. I could have drilled a hole but wanted to save that case for water sports.
  7. Do jabiru's require this. I haven't read this. I also have a cold start kit.
  8. Thanks, I'll go through my map tonight to visualise this.
  9. I'm a little confused. Can RAAUS pilots fly through the area when williamtown is inactive? I was under the assumption no. I have always done the inland lane which is not fun in a good wind.
  10. Have you flown around there? Flying west out of Sydney you are now given many options. Maybe katoomba airfield, a few golf courses and I've noticed a few paddocks in the valley.
  11. I have the Dynon Skyview but I don't use the synthetic vision as mush as the colour coding on the skyview moving map. I find that useful to get guidance for flight above AGL.
  12. You think you have problems with passengers, I have problems with other pilots. I'm used to it now and politely ask them to move their feet. At first I wondered why my rudder was heavy.
  13. I have light speed and use rechargeable. I don't let it get near to going flat. Happened once and wow it was noisy. I always have 2 sets of charged batteries before I go flying.
  14. I'm having the same issue in my J230. I used mogas last christmas and it's happened since then. I use avgas probably 99% of the time. Haven't found the cause yet.
  15. Just ordered mine. Will update this thread though I am in a J230 and get a measly 110kts with the current prop.
  16. On a RAAUS license, where can I land close to Brisbane? I can see Southport and another one just North. I thought about Redcliff but I'm coming from Sydney. Of course I would need permission to some around Brisbane. I haven't finished my PPL so that counts out Archerfield. Travelling in a J230. Thanks
  17. I have the XRX which is linked into my Skyview. It goes me plenty of ghosts, especially if I'm flying lower. Nothing beats looking but it helps me look in a particular direction if it comes up. More often than not I could have lived without it. Looks good on the map though.
  18. I had a couple of ARF but the flying wing like a Zagi was indestructible and an easy fix. It has a pusher prop so that makes it better in crashes as well. I learnt with that though now I prefer my 2.6m powered glider and a PT17 biplane (Same as the one at Camden, same colours). Should get a photo of the 2 next to each other. Anyway, don't they say as you get older the toys get more expensive? I do love my JAB J230 and only fly the R/C at christmas on a friends farm. Funny pulling out R/C aircraft out of a bigger plane.
  19. So I take it a go around on the dead side isn't preferable unless of course you are going around because the runway is occupied or not cleared sufficiently.
  20. Besides thinking of a fly in a spider web, I was taught to fly the deadside on a go around. I wouldn't consider that on parallel runway though or a towered aerodrome.
  21. I just flew victor 1 yesterday, over curl curl as well but not to gawk at the sight but I usually take a friend on that flight purely because it's spectacular. I always make sure we have vests on since that's the last thing I want to be thinking about at the time. As for people saying they wouldn't do victor 1 because of the risk, I disagree. Flying is a risk and getting your head into gear being ready is a part of the training. I want to be ready in the mind but I don't want to fly thinking I'm going to die every time I go up, I want to enjoy my flying and being prepared for an emergency is a part of that, knowing when not to fly but the sound of this thread makes it sound like doing that sort of flying is looking for trouble. Don't know how to put it into words but flying ahead of the plane and enjoying the flight is much better than thinking that every flight you are going to die. I hope I conveyed what I was thinking.
  22. Does anyone know of a list of towna with GPS coords that you could upload into something like this? I have the skyview and as long as I can get it into Google Maps I can get it to my glass.
  23. Have you looked at the Blues Point ugly Tower, one there as well.
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