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Everything posted by Hongie

  1. you dont by any chance have a link to the DH ra to ppl conversion textbook?
  2. This will require input from people that actually use the strips, but photographs of approach, infrastructure, obstacles etc, would be handy, as well as orientations eg. Runways headings/numbers. Not so important for strips listed I ERSA obviously, but handy for those back country strips not listed.
  3. hey gundy, check out this thread http://www.recreationalflying.com/threads/savannah-cs-prop.40939/
  4. impressive.... blew the block off! seen heads and superchargers seperate, never a whole block
  5. Awesome! Any pics of the car... Sorry to derail (pun intended) your thread
  6. Can you tell us what movie?
  7. gee that would be nice... imagne the rate of climb you could get in a savannah with 140hp pulling you along
  8. haha eighty knots... pretty sure i read somewhere that the US of A does use rotax's in some of there uavs! anyways, here is one mob that does 912-914 hot ups and performance mods... pricey though.. $57k for the top of the line 130hp model http://sportair.aero/category/12-epapower/
  9. Yeah seen them advertised in the new mag.... Looks nice hey
  10. Well done mate, never having been in the situation, I imagine it's nerve wracking... Good job getting on the ground in one piece, with the added stress not to mention a unfamiliar landing area. Thanks for sharing
  11. Lol sorry one last question.. Did you buy them from an Australian supplier?
  12. Have you worn them while flying a higher revving engined aircraft like your 2 stroke solitaire or a rotax 912? Cope as well with the higher frequencys as with the lower rumble of a larger motor? Sorry for all the questions Tomo, I just really hate the big bulky headsets... Had been thinking of getting a Bose headset as they are a bit slimmer and lighter, but I love the idea of the halo
  13. Did you land at dunk island? Looks nice a nice spot
  14. Adjust your intercom squelch maybe mate
  15. Tomo, did I see you, in one of your videos, wearing an in ear headset? I'm sure it was you... If so, what's your opinion... Noise reduction comfort etc... Sorry to derail your thread
  16. better then my 1st! better then a lot i do now lol
  17. Yeah I wish it was as easy as "becoming" a "(working) commercial pilot. The wages scared me off years ago (not that I had the money back then to do a ppl, let alone a cpl). And another thing to think about, I don't think military rating directly translate to a ppl or cpl, although I'm sure with all the training you get, it wouldn't be too hard to bridge the gap
  18. Ozrunways has my vote, I have downloaded and tried avplanner, and it didn't seem as intuitive to me, but I must admit I didn't devote much time to it, having already purchased a subscription to ozrunways.
  19. Good stuff mate... Now change your username to CabDriver 825er... :)
  20. As per title, has anyone had any experience with a cs prop on a rotax 912uls in a savannah? If so what are your thoughts and observations. What gains are to be had ie. increased climb, cruise, reduced takeoff roll?
  21. Yep, watched every episode... Love it.. Also look for Alaska wingmen.
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