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Everything posted by fly_tornado

  1. There is enough good things written about Larry without my contributions, I think he descent into gold coast entrepreneur has set him up for life. I always think its weird how people of a certain political persuasion love going over to the fake news sources when it compliments their political views, they are happy to sacrifice objectivity and accuracy to further their agenda. Not realising, of course, that the tide flow both ways.
  2. uugghh larry pickering is real piece of work, after ASX blocked his access to trading data so his share trading software folded, and he recoded it to horse racing Larry Pickering who ripped off $15million in a betting software scam claims to be investigating Julia Gillard for the AWU fraud scam. the apple never falls far from the tree: supplying coke to 17 year old girls No Cookies | Gold Coast Bulletin
  3. that what happens when you rely on the spellchecker Statement from the 1st wife... I am deeply saddened by the news that my husband has been having an affair and is now having a child with a former staff member. I understand that this affair has been going on for many months and started when she was a paid employee. This situation is devastating on many fronts. For my girls who are affected by the family breakdown and for me as a wife of 24 years, who placed my own career on hold to support Barnaby through his political life. Our family life has had to be shared during Barnaby’s political career and it was with trust that we let campaign and office staff into our homes and into our lives. Naturally we also feel deceived and hurt by the actions of Barnaby and the staff member involved. The situation for myself and the girls will be made worse by the fact that this will all be played out in public so at this time, I would ask that the girls and I are given some privacy and time to come to terms with the consequences and take steps to plan our future.
  4. Barnaby's daughter drove down the main street of Tamworth with a megaphone during the byelection telling people not to vote for him because he cheated on her mother and betrayed her, Barnaby got the cops to stop her by telling them she had taken the car without his permission.
  5. Council documents reveal future of region's aerodromes COUNCIL tender and draft lease documents have provided an insight into the future of two rural aerodromes. Toowoomba Regional Council revealed last December that it planned to lease the air strips at Pittsworth and Millmerran on the back of "constant inquiries about the availability of the land", according to previous reporting by The Chronicle. The Cirrus SR20 on approach to Toowoomba Aerodrome. Photo Andrew Backhouse / The ChronicleAndrew Backhouse "Those sites can start as hard-stand areas, like gravel or grass, (but) in years to come, if it gets a lot of use, we'll look at getting it sealed," infrastructure services general manager Mike Brady said at the time. The draft lease documents, however, reveal stipulations for any potential future tenant at either site including clauses at both facilities that require the successful applicant to construct an aircraft hangar. "The Lessee shall within 12 months of the date of execution or commencement date of this lease...undertake and complete the construction of an aircraft hangar in accordance with plans and specifications approved by and to the satisfaction of the Council," the draft lease document reads.
  6. The council is prodevelopment, closing the airport means revenue for the council and jobs for the locals...
  7. It's a sad indictment on the liberal party that someone that incompetent gets promoted to a position of power, they didn't learn anything from Hockey
  8. I thought MARAP was for orphaned planes?
  9. well *we all thought* that the kit building industry was going to get shaken up
  10. It's been suggested that the contaminated soil at the airport could be dumped into the Acland mine once it closes, good for Toowoomba not so good for Oakey. The good news about the Oakey contaminated water scare is no one is buying property in Oakey, Dalby house prices, on the other hand, is in freefall
  11. I love the idea of comprehensive and ongoing training about aircraft maintenance, its a shame the RAA is so heavily focussed on compliance.
  12. build a 1/4 scale RC model before you start cutting things up
  13. the certification process is holding manufacturers and innovation back, where are the direct injection gasoline engines in aviation?
  14. from what I have read its got a new crankcase, gearbox, crank, pistons connecting rods and heads as well as a new ECU and turbo as well as a new intercooler and a few other tweaks. hence the two years to recertify the engine
  15. Bronwyn was a disaster as speaker, the worst speaker in living history. Just google her TP, there is plenty of analysis of her performance.
  16. The reason she had to go was she was doing a terrible job as speaker, I think she was a victim of her own success, she made the liberals look like a party of twits that were abusing parliamentary privilege.
  17. aircraft are a very bad investment
  18. I guess the strategy is just keep throwing money at the system until it works
  19. this chart is quiet unusual have a look at the total hours for each year versus the graph above now have a look at the total number of landings The RAA system is totally broken, where are they getting the data from?
  20. I'd describe it as collusion, the media rely on the pollies for early access, the pollies rely on the media for a story to go away.
  21. those figures I've quote are all fairly current like 2016 and 2017, where the data should now be 99% accurate because the system has had a few years to have the bugs sorted. the 1173 landings in 150 hours in 2016 is a landing every 7.6 minutes, which is incredibly tight circuits.
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