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Everything posted by ahlocks

  1. Motz? Nev?? Are you pair just trickin' and not teaching theory for real??
  2. and in keeping with the indolent snake theme, there has been speculation the Pfizer are contemplating changing the colour of their little pill to maroon as the blues never seem to get up...
  3. An example of this would be the mature trouser snake, yes?
  4. ... inflatable. :cool_shades:(flight over water reference) "And they're not much of conversationalists" bemoaned Slarti , "all they ever do is hiss at you and....."
  5. ...an artistic impression of aluminium returning to bauxite.
  6. ...me.......please" said Tubz as he....
  7. ..back of the toyota troopie for a night of ...
  8. Oh bugger..... That was a waste of half an hour on part 3 then.
  9. ...the transport droned steadily across the afternoon sky powered by four gleaming new jabertoo engines. A pitch change alerted the flight crew that something may not be quite right. "You hear that skipper? Sounds like port number 2 has gone out of sync." commented the FO . "Nothing to worry about son, it's probably just lunched a valve." Reassured No1., "When the other three do the same in a minute or two, they'll sync back up." "Synchronise watches." Barked the SEAL commander as she realised the engines were about to go into stealth mode. "Mickey's big hand on the 12 and little one on the 3....mark!"....
  10. "...an inn keeping ra(t)conteur and a possum pelt furrier perhaps? " mumbled Ivan O'Doughty, the acclaimed detective series novelist from Upper Cobargo. "A twisted plot with accusation and miss direction. Perfect!" he mused as he worked on the next chapter of his latest who dunnit. "...but just how to stitch the main culprits up..." "Denied!" protested the The BangHolme bruiser , but it was too late. The RAAus SEAL team :cops:were already enroute....
  11. ... "not without you filling out a form 1887/0734562.4: Application to be lost first." growled Annie. "And you'll need to do the sauntering into departmental premises indoctrination course before you can do that." O'Dalby grinned, scratched his ear, grinned a bit more and then.........
  12. ...decried CiFi as he began to understand the folly of setting foot into a never ending story where the truth is optional but usually totally disregarded. "I'm tellin' you," he protested , "she told me she was......"
  13. ..." and rightly so!" declared Myrtle (of crepe) and Deni fame. "The smooth talkin' bugger promised me the world :hug:and the high life :thank you:but left me in Conargo when he......"
  14. ...zotted a thread where dirt was about to be dumped on an undisclosed taswegian. It was an enlightening tale of a young aviator that had enjoyed a fruitful existance frightening starlings and chooks at many an outback airstrip but alas, his good fortune had come to an end when as a youthful instructor in Deni, I'llCifIcan (he'd not been promoted yet) found that his dalience with the mayors daughter :slap:would lead him to be deported to a far away and desolate island.....
  15. I think the confusion comes from IFR craft making the mandatory broadcasts as per section 5 and like monkey see monkey do, we parrot them thinking that it is correct procedure. It was 'location, traffic" during my training and this is supported by AIP ENR1.1 sect 20.1.12 as you have quoted in post #32. http://www.airservices.gov.au/publications/current/aip/enr/1_1_1-116.pdf Splitting hairs yep. Does it make a difference? well..., we know that someone is out there and what their intentions are so does it really matter? Cheers!
  16. ..sat pinging mice off with the AK's while chug-a-lugging from 'goons of ruff red. "All stations Temora, cop this!" broadcast Turbz as he pulled the pin :hide:and hurled a grenade toward ....
  17. Have a look at AIP general 3.3, section 5.7 and you'll understand why you still hear them. http://www.airservices.gov.au/publications/current/aip/gen/3_3_1-24.pdf
  18. to fly would be the first thing that comes to mind....
  19. "Ohhh that smarts.." winced Brine as he wiped the tear from his eye. "An old afghan cameleer once told me to do that to take on extra water for those long sectors"
  20. It began as a high pitched whine (rotax reference) and as the sound continued, it built into a shrill scream (another Rotax reference) then a gawd almighty thump, then silence (Jabiru term:whistling:). "What the hell was that?" stammered a startled passerby. "Oh that's nothing to worry about" comforted Mavis . "Brine always does that when he's in a stall after a long flight , but it does sound like the lid may have dropped and caught him" LongDropByron emerged with a tear welling in his eye and a..........
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