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Everything posted by ahlocks

  1. Well, I suppose the thread could be split, but that seems to draw crabs....
  2. Sadly Rick, that's what appears to be happening by stealth.
  3. Quality not quantity Pete. I quite admire the yank system where people vote because they want to and not because they are forced to.
  4. You too huh?.... Version2 got a copy of FSX for Christmas when it was released and well, it had to be tested didn't it? Got nagged that it was his present :ace:so stop hogging it, etc.. :rolleyes: and got to wondering 'what's it like for real?'.... Fast forward a few years and he's since discovered that girls are much more interesting that airyplanes and the ultimate flight sim, with hi fidelity graphics , is out in the shed at the airfield. (and this arvo was perfect for a 'make it up as you go nav'* - almost as smooth as FSX! ) * There was a 1 in 60 chance that I had any idea exactly where I was on the map.
  5. Oh I don't know... The sight picture was reasonably close on FSX. The horizon looked about right, well locally it did, and the angle of the dangle for a circuit and timing was about right. Of course it was sorely lacking in through the bum feed back but hey, pretty bloody good for a computer game! I've not used a flight sim for a while as the whizz bang PC that it needed to run has been retasked to more mundane things, but I still reckon there is a place for it as a training aid to practice playing with radio navaids and GPS and getting hand to eye coordination sorted. Wonder of it would be any good for practicing a 1 in 60?!
  6. and Unicoms don't tend to remain mute while trying to dodge landing fees.
  7. What???.... I can't hear you over the rotoraxe screaming it's tits 'nice smile' off.
  8. Such trivial boundaries mean nothing to an artiste'.... Have you seen Pow's hay-o-glyphs Tubz? They looked great from the air.:thumb_up: (Ooops. Idle chat..)
  9. Yeah Spin, you have missed a hell of a lot of what has been going on. A bit of background first. The thing about too good to be true punters is that they seem to be compelled to remind people of how good they think they are and how incompetent everybody else is. Another common trait appears to be an inane desire to tell fanciful tales in numerous places and lose track of which part of the tale has been told where. I find these sort of people fascinating and am curious of what it is that makes them tick. It took a little while to link the stories to the one person and follow up on all the little markers that he left behind in his charade. When I met him face to face a while ago, I casually asked if he has much to do with Pprune. His reaction was like watching one of the kids trying to act innocent when asked “who pinched the last chocolate biscuit?” Yep, VHXXX is our Brenty alright. Ok, different strokes for different folks, no harm really being done, so who cares? But then he started getting malicious. In 2009 there were threads running hot on here and Pprune about Narromine, Wide Bay and the CTA entry rejection being announced - Nothing unusual about that. Sure as god made little green apples, our now identified Brenty would post one version of a story on here, and then another suitably embellished version of the story on the other. When he got called as a bullsh!t artist by several of our forum members on here and over there, he got the irrits and “left the building.” So no Don, no he wasn’t banned from this forum. He left of his own volition. A couple of PMs were exchanged at the time and he was made aware that his alter egos were blown on Pprune and an agreement was reached that if he laid off with the malicious stuff, that information would remain discrete. Unable to keep his word, he has since set his fangs into pretty much any RAA certificate holder, several of our forum members and of course the usual stuff about the forum owner. When he is challenged about his ‘facts’, his posts mysteriously disappear. Oddly enough, the one where he denies being an RAA member is still there. (You’ll have to search for it yourself though. If a link is posted, he’ll just delete or alter it like he usually does when he gets caught out). So Spin, that’s why reading his election statement was just a little bit too hard to swallow. Clearer?
  10. Got my copy of the magazine today and had a quick browse through it and got to the board election nominees and statements. Well bugger me if there isn't probably the nastiest two faced bit of gear that I've ever had the displeasure to meet espousing his virtues to be elected as an RAA board member for Victoria. After following his anti RAA antics in his VH-XXX 'nym (among others) on the wrinkled plum for the last couple of years, does he really think that it wouldn't come back to bite him on the bum? I suppose if there's a position for director of rumour mongering and snide gossip he'll be a perfect fit....
  11. No, the hose budget had to be slashed to fund the new finance manager's position.....
  12. That is sooooooo close to where the problem lies Thompson!
  13. "No wuckers Jules!" beamed Lox. "We bullsh:censored:t artists have to stick together otherwise someone will figure out the truth and we can't have that!" "Now about me new diesel monster truck that the hot chick with big boobs* on the telly says I had to have or I'll be sad......." ========= * Apparently she had a nice smile??
  14. ...who was quietly counting a pile one billion dollar coins, a habit that he'd picked up from rivet checking.
  15. What's not to like about airborne popemobiles?! :head_hurts: But yeah, thinking of changing the name to 'wounded bulls r us'.... well with the living tax that's coming and all...... Serious answer: I'd be speaking with Morgan at Taree before doing anything. They may have a solution available off the shelf The locks that Iggy has linked to would not be able to support the structural loads that a canopy would place on them in flight. A stronger mechanism is required to latch the canopy down securely and then a similar style of cam lock could be used to lock that catch in place for on ground security. Have a look at how Jabiru have done their door locks for an idea of the concept. There is a primary spring latch that provides the strength and the key operated cam lock provides a blocking action on the spring latch. A similar set up is on the Cherokee 6. There is a primary lock to secure the door for flight and a secondary latch with key operated lock for security. Another less elegant solution for on ground security only, could be a pair of discretely fitted eyes for an alloy padlock. That'll be $180 inc gst + $23 hot air tax.
  16. .."and now there's a rumour of some skinny kid from up north undercutting on the BMW jobs since the cotton season has finished!" Things were definitely crook as Juliar's greenie grab cast gloom upon the nation. "No way! It's a great thing!" said public servant #5992765. "I've just been promoted and have now got a fully air conditioned office suit, complete with 113 drones, and a fleet of commonwealth cars to make sure that every one pays for our ...Ooops, their carbon output! :chill out:Dunno what the people are whinging about!" Well that was it! Bags were being hurled with furious :splat:abandon. Dogma and manifestos were quoted until....
  17. Doc, I'm thinking more of checking the spring for fatigue cracks as part of the pre flight inspection. I'm already a bit compulsive with the hatches harness bit... Cheers!
  18. Thanks Chris. Might make checking the spring part of the pre flight me thinks...
  19. Another option is to remove the cover where the bang chute goes and attack from overhead rather than trying to be athletic. Downside is that it's time consuming removing it, but at least you can work standing on your feet. It gives good access to the pedal hardware and back of the avionics panel. I'm planning to do the the next brake fluid change while the cover is off for the transponder calibration check. (or if the new Tojo's premium brand altimeter goes tits up like the original) Was it your beastie that tried to spit its canopy? If yes, was it just the latch detent spring that failed? Cheers!
  20. Chris, You have to be a bit of a contortionist plus have an inspection mirror and light. You can use a standard hex key to remove the filler grub screw, but it's fiddley owing to its proximity to the piston shaft. A long tee handled hex key would have been easier. Be very careful that you don't drop the grub screw as it falls straight in between the pedal bracket and floor matting. () Fill the cylinder slowly with the syringe and be prepared for it to spill over when full. When it does, draw a few ml back into the syringe to make some space for the grub screw, replace the grub screw and then clean the top of the master cylinder thoroughly. Cheers!
  21. But... isn't insurance supposed to be in case of something unfortunate happening? Understand that you may not be able to elaborate yet but am very interested in what they are trying to pull on.
  22. .. "does that contain any MSG?"
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