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Everything posted by ahlocks

  1. .. to escape from New Cape York." "The name's Plisskin*, CiFI Plisskin." :cool_shades:hissed the leather clad stranger from Taswegia, "...and I'm here to save you from the clutches of F'nQld!" "Oh, is that a flight manual in your pocket?!" tittered Shazza , "..Or are you....." *obscure reference to confuddle young'ns.. and probably a Taswegian.
  2. ..."Just make sure the carbies are balanced if you're gunna do that!" cautioned lox as he intercepted ProctologistRat's devious plan to turn Pete into a popsicle. "Otherwise the vibrations will....
  3. The statement that CAR155 has the rules with regard to RAAus operated aircraft is incorrect.
  4. Pete, Work on the premise that you are not allowed to do anything and then go find the loophole that permits what you want to do. (P.S. and be very wary of coastal bushlawyers...)
  5. Hey, it's still a great promo piece CiFi. :thumb_up: And it's been funny watching the 'spurts go ballistic over it too!
  6. Hey Camster, grab a copy of one of the 95dot CAOs and have a look at the exemptions in section 3. and figure out why I'm gunna give you heaps in the chat room later. (...that'll keep him occupied for a little while..)
  7. The transponder is a radio transmitter. It transmits (responds) when it receives an interrogation signal from a radar head or an aircraft equipped with active TCAS. The basic output is mode A which is the ID code that is set on the transponder face i.e. 1200 for VFR or as assigned by ATC. If the transponder is capable of Mode C, it needs an external source for the altitude data - an encoder. The encoder is a barometric device calibrated to standard ISA sea level i.e. 1013.2 and is set and checked as part of the RAD, whatever it's number is, check every two years - It is not user adjustable. The altimeter is adjustable and is checked and adjusted to correct local QNH before every flight. This can be done using either the kollsman scale with the reported QNH for the location you are at or by using the published airfield elevation set on the altitude scale. If your transponder displays its altitude output you may notice that it is seldom the same as what your altimeter is reporting. This is the difference between 1013.2 and the actual QNH in the area you are in. I believe that the radar consol is aware of the QNH for each area and displays transponder returns to the operator as a corrected altitude. Ok, off we launch and are tootling around and we hear centre reporting an unverified paint at 3000 feet, 10 miles east of the airfield to an inbound RPT as a possible conflict. That's where we are, so it's probably us. Being good aviators we chirp up and give a position report of our location (xx miles east of the airfield) and altitude (3000 ft) and intentions. Bingo! we're now verified! * There's been a couple of replies since I started typing this.
  8. I truely believe that the wisdom of the members in this forum has been a greater benefit for human factors awareness.
  9. Yep. Reciting obscure concepts and terminology really helps with making a decision of whether to fly into a thunderstorm after a big weekend on the turps.
  10. Yeah you could, but you really have to read through the textbook(s) to be aware of all the jargon and catchy new age buzz words that describe ways of stuffing things up.
  11. There's far to much doom and gloom involved with aviation to want to fly sober...
  12. ahlocks

    11900 ft

    I wonder if it's more of a case of couple of 'formally trained' punters copping a windup over a demonstrated deficiency in reading and comprehension. .....
  13. ahlocks

    11900 ft

    There's a formal training course in dangerous actions?!
  14. white or yellow gold, solitare or cluster type of honour Darks... (Get with the program city girl!....)
  15. Touche' ! ...Skitch him OME! P.S. Bloody good advice re the airsickness :thumb_up:
  16. Bugger.... and it was the best offer I'd had all day too.....
  17. Get a new boyfriend??? (Got a feeling I'm gunna pay for this one.....)
  18. Kickatinalong East? :play_ball:
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