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Everything posted by ahlocks

  1. ...which wasn't a bad effort since it'd had it's top end done using reworked Jab-a-bits. () "You've just got to cajole them a bit from time to time." shrugged the mechanic as he reached for his can of ether. "It's a bit like a transplant really, :ne_nau: sometimes they start to take on the characteristics of the host.."
  2. ..they won't make their minds up if they want Thcanias or Ithuzus to extinguish the Thaabs or Dathes that might mith the runway..:rolleyes1:" "I can't keep up!" :ne_nau: interjected the member for Taswegia (:stirring pot:) as he leafed through the submission."It's like it's all been written in riddles with a completely foreign dialect." he tried to interpret "Tz ezi m8" ;) consoled CoastalCam, "sthrnrs r Ez 2 Ustnd itz FnQldrs tht R skitz"..
  3. ..where the cucumber sandwiches taste remarkably of outboard motor oil. "Come to order!" scowled the possum skin clad chairman as he wielded his mash hammer menacingly. :patch: "Next on the agenda is parking for B triples in Toorak and...
  4. Probably not. i_dunno But a couple of roosters getting their feathers all ruffled about it is mildly amusing...
  5. Love their way with words! Think I'll have to add that one to the repertoire.
  6. ..."the sweetest cherub that god ever breathed life into" () DitDah frowned (for the first time in his enthusiastic young life) "Crikey Mrs Monty, you're going to have to cut back on the cooking sherry if you think that." If you want to find a pure and chaste type, you need ... =============== Lock's mum told him to stay away from protagonist. :no no: Especially the ones on Darlinghurst Road...:cool_shades:
  7. Tim, Don't let it dampen your spirit. If it's a good buy, grab it! It's only for the basic certificate part of the training that you can't use it. Once you get that, you can use the 19 reg for your pax endo, cross country and any others that you desire. Cheers! (Lee still hasn't replied to my request to post his answer to the forum)
  8. Nickerless quietly turned and stepped cautiously away (as one would if commando in a zippered flight suit) toward the Airfield Cafe'.
  9. ... because he can't make a fist...
  10. A quick phone call to head office gave an answer; A 19-nnnn registered aircraft that you did not build or assemble yourself, cannot be used for training for a pilot certificate, even if you do own it. I have an e-mail at hand from Mr Ungermann confirming the what Ultralights and the lovely Leanne at RAA HQ have said and will post it here when I receive his OK to do so.
  11. Bill, Thanks for that. (More late night reading. ) Can't help with Proserpine's early history. Most of the accessable info is about the council trying to sell a reserve. :ne_nau: Cheers!
  12. Me too Bill. I'd like to know why the ruling was made and how it was applied in that particular example. Ta in advance!
  13. That'd be this bush lawyers interpretation too. Doesn't matter though. :ne_nau: The hanging judge will drop in later and condemn us all to death anyway. :ymca:
  14. ... that he was made of the right stuff:DevilDog:, but DarkThreatening wasn't of a mood for such shenanigans. :bitehard: Thwack!! The report from the lacky band strike could be heard all around the circuit. :ah_oh: "Don't you go lookin' at me in that tone of voice!" she threatened as she restretched the elastic. "And for gawd's sake, enough of the avgas already. I'm a pure JetA1 type of girl".:rolleyes1: The smitten FI was heart broken :broken_heart: (and sporting a nasty welt from the elastic :black_eye:)as he handed over the certificate. "What are we going to do about this?" he asked as he gestured toward the looming mangroves :ah_oh:. DarkCertified :patch: glanced quickly out of the corner of her eye :uhoh2: and... ===================== ()
  15. ...held the other end to the FI's temple. :raise_eyebrow: "Gimme my pass now or I'll zot you good and proper!" DarkDespair threatened between her clenched teeth. "And why does this elastic taste like avgas? :yuk: Do you FI's bathe in the stuff?" :rolleyes1: The young FI tried to remain composed as the situation escalated, but alas :Disappointed:, he began to........ ================ (a) Immediately fill in the pass form (b) sob inconsolably owing to his peril © admire his reflection in Darky's sunnies (d) Swoon
  16. ...attached to it was a twisted elastic band. "Wazatfor??" quizzed DarkStudent :confused: as she adjusted her ever present sunnies for a better look. :cool_shades: "That'll be the carby and the cold morning start assist actuator!" the FI snapped :bitehard: curtly as he stuffed the remnant of the fifty into his pocket and placed a question mark next to the aircraft systems knowledge box. :Disappointed: "There's the problem. You wound the lacky band too tight...
  17. .."sunnies?...Check. Maps?..Check. Bribe money... Check!" and off she headed for the flying test......
  18. .. "So now I'm whackin' dat bloke over dere dat's singin' off key, right?" Big Tony growled, as he put in his ear plugs....
  19. "Yep!" nodded locks. "We've brought him back to do a hit on the smiley napper 'cuz he ...cough...'knows people'.." The large mediterranean businessman checked the catches on his violin case and slowly moved menacingly toward a slightly nervous forum admin...:ah_oh: =============== must have worked. He's fixed them already !!
  20. Oz, Is your beef with RAAus or CASA? As I don't have a copy of ANO95.10, I can't do a direct comparison with COA 95.10, but as best as I can determine the major changes were the removal of the 300ft altitude, no crossing bitumen roads and stay 5nm from airports limitations. What rules do you think a hypothetical 95.10 flyer would be breaking??
  21. It's all good thought invoking stuff. :thumb_up: I will 'fess up though. I mainly had a burr up somewhere about the manner in which something was written. ;) Cheers!
  22. Bill, Perhaps if you plan on having a bit to do with RAAus operations and aeroplanes, and not just VH tailed ones, you might want to have a look at this snippet of the L-A-W, law. http://www.casa.gov.au/wcmswr/_assets/main/download/orders/cao95/9555.pdf In particular, the handful of exemptions listed in section 3 and especially the general conditions of those exemptions contained in section 4, where you'll find these little gems at 4.1; (d) subject to the other conditions set out in this section, the aeroplane must be operated in accordance with the requirements of the RAA Operations Manual; (e) the aeroplane must be maintained in accordance with the maintenance standards set out in the RAA Technical Manual; Then crack open the RAAus technical manual to this page; http://raa.asn.au/techmanual/2-1.pdf Wow, looky that! The technical manager of RAAus is the go to guy for technical matters about RAA registered aeroplanes. :ah_oh: Who'd have thunked it?! :ne_nau: 'spose I could claim that; But people might take that as being a bit of an autocrat.
  23. "Phew, it must have only been a dream." shrugged relievedLock as he awoke from a snooze. "It was horrendous,":ah_oh: he continued, "what with missing smilies :broken_heart: and young'uns not posting :black_eye: in general population 'cuz they'd cop a gob full :bitehard:, It was horrendous!!" But his thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a cry of frustration:gaah: "Drat, damnation and bugger!" an undisclosed forum owner screamed when he noticed that there were a few bits missing from the NES :uhoh2:. "They won't let this go i_dunno without having a dig about it." he lamented as he toiled diligently to get the forums back up for the punters. (:thumb_up:) Mindful of how winding up a stressed out forum owner might go i_dunno, scaredyLocks sought the opinion of DarkCounsel(BAK) , legal advisor for the NES. "You should be right" :ne_nau: she advised as she put down the pile of dossiers of under 28 male flight instructors that responded to her classified ad. "Let's just hope that he doesn't pay too much attention to the 'bundle of happiness' :ace:in general population and skitch you with the L-A-W...."
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