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Everything posted by ahlocks

  1. "That was a bit of a myth too" interrupted Old TurboPlotter :gerg: the project history advisor. "They often confused knots with kilometres in those days and even then it was only doing 115 while it was still in the crate on the back of the truck being delivered". An old RAA election poster lying in the rubble caught O'Dalby's eye. He picked it up and began reading it out aloud. (slowly 'cuz his great grand father's toad licking habit had affected the bloodline) "A vote for girl power is a .....
  2. “Wonder what happened to them?” i_dunno mentioned GoldiLocks (the third) as he carefully catalogued the artefacts littered throughout the dig. “Not real sure.” :ne_nau:answered the grinning archaeologist and great grandson of the renowned Cecil Plains enthusiast. “The legend says they had to learn CASA speak :DevilDog:during the great CTAF change in 2010 and it destroyed their ability to pun.” “Hard to believe that a fancy new way of saying ‘look out here I come’ () caused so much unrest.” :gerg: mused goldi(III) as he picked out some old rivets and bits of melted Tupperware from the sieve. “Wow! This looks like some leftovers from the experiment to make jabirus look more like aeroplanes () by giving them rivet lines… ================ The aunt should hunt the rat from the planning charts and into the garden.
  3. Thanks young enthusiastic person. :thumb_up: one cranky old B now registered for the local one.
  4. "Have I fired 3999 posts or 4000?" taunted DarkHarriet "Feeling lucky Rat.... Make my day"...
  5. That's the go young enthusiast! :thumb_up:
  6. Con Siderable Con Straint Con Tinued among Con Tenders Con Templating Con Tributing in the Competition for the 4000th ....
  7. "What happens in Thredbo...." Con Fided Goldy, Con Tent that he'd used a few lines that were Con Structed for use yesterday.(but got gazumped before sending) "We must maintain Con Tinuity!" Con Tended Planey as he Con Spired to ..... ============ P.S. Locks has had no Con Tact with Con Fused Con Sorts if you were Con Cerned
  8. ... Con fused Con Sorts. :yuk: Locks Con Templated the Con Ditions of his pending Con Viction. :ymca: "Ok. I Con Fess and I'm Con Trite" He Con Fided from the cell's Con Fines.....
  9. ...Con verse. "Drat!" declared Darky. "Destiny's diversion displaced doubt, duly dealt, discrediting dubious dealings done...
  10. ..Con Crete cells!" Con Demned the Con Stable.
  11. ...Con Cerned. "We think he'll Con Coct some excuse to Con Clude our Con Sternations and return to his Con dominium at Con Doblin. "Con Found it!" exclaimed....
  12. ...melons! Which is why lockslie is still trying to saw his way out of the holding cell but can't, because he's been defiled....
  13. ..Con Verted with Con Versation about the Con Undrum of the...
  14. I was under the impression that there wasn't any prohibited airspace in Oz too CiFi. I only found out that there actually is while poking around looking for an answer for something else. I'm guessing that as the area is quite small and remote, it probably just gets glossed over. Cheers!
  15. Maaaate..... Has this bloke got a deal for you! http://www.recreationalflying.com/forum/suppliers-services/96341-austec-avionics.html And he lives right here on the forum!!
  16. http://www.airservices.gov.au/publications/current/dah/14-PRD.pdf PROHIBITED AREAS ================ YMMM/P229 PINE GAP JOINT DEFENCE FACILITY LATERAL LIMITS: A circle of 2.50NM radius centred on 23 48 21S 133 44 10E VERTICAL LIMITS: SFC − FL180 HOURS OF ACTIVITY: H24 CONTROLLING AUTHORITY: Dept of Defence − RAAF CONTACT: Security Duty Office: 08 8951 2000
  17. It took some digging around to find out how and why.
  18. The way the glider's wing blends in with the cloud :raise_eyebrow: makes it an even more interesting shot. :big_grin:
  19. ...five minute test going to leave enough time for a smoke afterwards? "More than adequate!" whispered ....
  20. [ATTACH]10552.vB[/ATTACH] So the young enthusiast doesn't only look at things that have wings then...
  21. Dave, The inland VFR access lane at Williamtown is a Danger area (2 in fact) i.e. OCTA and not restricted air space. The coastal VFR route is through restricted air space and Williamtown CTA. No go zones for an RAA cert holder unless deactivated. Details of procedures for transiting the lane(s) are in the ERSA entry for the aerodrome. (but you knew that didnya.;)) Cheers!
  22. "Yeah... That's about how long it would take to mix up a batch of nitropril to send it skyward again.... "These ones are pretty!" interrupted the Denman Devil, as he admired the patch of bright yellow daisies next to the crater. They're almost the same colour as ..... =============== The young enthusiast's last minute clarification is not going to save him....
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