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Everything posted by ahlocks

  1. ..discuss why those troublesome rotaxians don't need GPS to get to flyins. "Don't need 'em." explained R'Lock. :stirring pot: "There's usually an oil smoke cloud to follow, or trail of threwed bolts () on the ground to mark the way to a gathering of jabatoos!
  2. ...quietly go about replacing all the bits that fell off () during their flight. "Eh, repeated TapperP "I ...... ========= The Rat is being double postingly tricky....
  3. ...can't it be fixed with a ten pound sledgie and a cold chisel?" enquired TapperPlanner....
  4. Rattus recoiled :ah_oh: from the upper cut delivered by the chief pilot of Denman Devils Crop Dusting. (Ouch! ) "Although i_dunno, it does sound a bit like an evenruder after a turbo (:cool_shades:) mod." Rob'nem mumbled as he went about checking fuel levels and putting some chewing gum under a couple of loose rivets. (stops 'em whistling during the VNE+ dives ;)) "25 litres PULP in the left tank, 24 litres in the right... Whoops! Better add some ULP (unleaded pencil ) for balance, ...., ..., .., .., . i_dunno .., ., ., . ..and ready to join Dex for a dive bombing run on Rat castle... :devil:
  5. ....sell him a couple of cable ties, a tube of silicone, call it a Tink-L-ater kit and charge him $454.95 plus GST for it. (less for cash of course ;))" continued Rob'n O'Locksley :bmwrider: "Are there side effects?" probed Nana. Concerned :raise_eyebrow:, yet excited :spruce_up: by the idea of her goer :heart: not errr, ...going as often. "Well,..." i_dunno answered Locksley, it may not be just tears of joy that well up in his eyes"..... ================= If the ferals cease flammability testing early enough, the Aunt will get some serious answers around playlunch time...
  6. Jim, I think it's a good thing. From a buyer's perspective, I like the idea that I can get some info about a product and feel there's an element of trust in dealing with a fellow forumite. (Plus, we can hassle you for 'mates rates'. ) From a small business side of things; The amount of advertising 'offers' we get is astounding! Beer coasters in pubs. A sign on some unrelated club's noticeboard. A display ad buried in some obscure publication we've never heard of before. Never get any feedback from the advertising dollars spent! (until they try to sell you another package. :baldy:) At a buck a day, I was thinking of seeing if it would work for my biz, even though it's not an overly aviation related one. ...is there a market for expensive keys in aeroplanes? Cheers!
  7. Double Damn!! I've sent the keg to the wrong stations....
  8. Aw bugga! ...and I'd just figured a way to keep the local firies distracted too....
  9. Locks quickly jabbed a hot soldering iron into his mind's eye, as the thought of Planey 'paying' :raise_eyebrow: that randy Milko (not that there's anything wrong with that) would give him nightmares...:ah_oh: DitDah started to rouse from his trance like state and his thoughts returned to matters of aviation. i_dunno:exclamation: "I reckon she'd fit into a J120 with me :big_grin: and me mum :heart:, and we'd still be below MTOW :thumb_up:." he started to say, but was quickly cut off by an electrical humming sound and raspy breathing........ "Geeze you blokes are thick!!" <breath> <breath>. "Can't you see past planey's distraction and tell what he's up too???!" warned DarkSabre....
  10. "Eeh.. Eeh..." stuttered ditdah , mouth agape and eyes glazed over :face and heart: from seeing Planey's skite photo. "Eeh..." "Vne! Climb rate! angle of attack!!...there's Matt Hall!!!" Locksley yelled loudly into ditDah's ear :uhoh2: to try to get him back to normal :ah_oh:. "It's trick I tell you, there's no way that something so lovely :heart: could come from the loins of that rough looking head" Planey grinned proudly (as he should :thumb_up:) He'd played an ace.
  11. PoweredUp's super cocky :man flying: senses began to tingle. Something wasn't quite right. He reached down to picked up a clump of Munyabla loam and then crushed it in his outstretched hand. As he watched the soil crumble and fall with the breeze, he noticed something odd... Red sand! :ah_oh: The cross hairs of the scope jiggled ever so slightly as he quietly "Ha ha"ed in anticipation of taking the shot. "Ha ha, this'll sort 'em out" snickered county lad, as he lay prone across the cruiser's bonnet (no grassy knoll this time). Although he was tired from driving for three days and nights, he was ready to deliver some payback to whoever was setting him up.....()
  12. I was picking up Temora CTAF traffic from 45nm away during Natfly, using a handheld (A24) with a discone base station antenna connected to the BNC fitting. It wouldn't be practical or legal for transmitting, but it was certainly handy to listen in to get a feel for what the traffic was like at Temora before venturing out to the airport.
  13. ...pink ones, that the coastie dude had left lying everywhere. "Teenagers never pick up after themselves." :rolleyes1: complained the head waitress as she kicked another pair off into the scrub. :Disappointed: "...and that coastie is one for leaving feathers from his pink boa all over the place too....:cool_shades: "Stall them a bit longer Planey.." Dika whispered into his cuff link mic, as moved among the ladies. "And now ladies and gentlemen...:drums:" EmCeePlaney began his adlib to gain some more time for Dika to weave his charm among the the lovelies. :killen: "Flown in direct from the Moruyah RSL ballroom , in his little sister's Sierra. () ...a feast for the optic nerves and a treat for your tympanic membranes :confused:.... ....It's the Camy la rue show ! ...:encore: ============== Hmmph! "'tap shoes" :baldy:.... this'll teach him....:lol 8:
  14. "Awww Yuk!" gagged locksock :yuk:, choking at the thought of that pair :queen::gerg: doing the horizontal mambo. "It's working...number1.." the smooth and distinguished voice crackled into PlaneyEmCees' secret radio earpiece. (:ah_oh:) "Now, keep them distracted while I work the crowd, :ilmostro: run a some checks on engine three then introduce myself :polite: to the cute redhead on the Rat's aunt's table. With his spinning bow tie generating a breeze to waft his after shave toward his target , Dika glided through the audience in a symphony of suave...
  15. I'll expand that to include that the GPS is turned on, but the display is obscured by a tamper evident covering. Use the GPS during the nav Ex, the tamper evident seal gets broken and you fail the test. Why? The GPS records the flight track for post flight review or archiving and it is available for immediate use if the student gets absolutely lost. I'd rather have someone fail the test and have to do it again, than have them park it into trees or worse. Cheers!
  16. "Lunge, thrust, slicey dicey!" Darksabre muttered :Disappointed: as she swirled around and edged toward the hibiscus and closer to the gala event that was unfolding. :encore: "... Just ONE WORD about a certain chat room confession :patch: and I'll reach down their nostrils and rip their lungs out..." :baldy: she quietly promised herself as she searched for PoweredUp, CoastyCam and the hairy Mentoratti. (:cool_shades:) EmCee Planey :ilmostro: tapped the microphone to gather the crowd's attention for the start of the Lady Killa 2010 presentation...
  17. I thinks I got moderated....:raise_eyebrow: Let's try again and see what happens... (might see you in a couple of days..) ..wonderful gardener too." added his Aunt as she lovingly :face and heart: brushed a cheese crumb from her errant nephew's :patch: whiskers. "I saw her whirling, ducking and weaving :jump:with that glow in the dark stick ( ) and offered her some money to prune down that grevillea thicket while she was at it. "Now finish your Earl Grey dear, and go see if you can entice her to speak... ( )
  18. ..Darkstar, legal eaglet to the clouds (well, it can't be 'to the stars' :ne_nau:, 'cuz she's not legal above 5000 feet ) "If you lot start, I'll go all habeas corpus on yoh asses." :DirtDOG: "Uggerbay emay!" exclaimed Locks :raise_eyebrow:, in the closest thing he knew to latin in an effort to sound edumacated. "What's that all mean?" he asked. "Habeas is a legal term confuse you lot" continued Darkstar menacingly :patch:, "And corpus is what you'll end up being:vis: if you try anything on... ================== The Darks' secret is safe, for the moment, in the garden..... tee hee! - (chat room term...)
  19. ..yeah. That would be a bit of bummer as a name.
  20. ...."Sheez right StorchY. I'm a trained professional with defibrillators." :bmwrider:offered sockloch as he packed a fresh wad of 'high pong' baccy into his pipe and plotted :patch: some more ways to thin the list of 'Lady killa of the year' nominees.:devil: "Just hang on to these wires and stand in that bucket of water for a sec.".......
  21. That's what I'd figured too. ...Three people from three different states logging in from the same computer within a few minutes? :ne_nau: ...Still don't know nuthin' about it though.
  22. Who'd have thought that Thompson and swiggles :faint:would be the undesirables...:stirring pot:
  23. Bill, Had you have made your first post in the spirit and manner of your second, I think people wouldn't have got their hackles up. I know that I now appreciate your input a hell of a lot more. Cheers!
  24. "It's a gunna be a task and a half to rig this vote." moaned spamLoch. "There's stiff competition from the young'uns , years of refined smooth talking :ilmostro: (not to mention that suave F/E's cap:DevilDog: perched jauntily askew) and devious :cool_shades: rat cunning to campaign against" :black_eye: "You think you've got it tough now! :rolleyes1:" interrupted PoweritIn, while coyly manipulating his elastorator pliers. :patch: "Call me Petal :heart: one more time and I'll show you a neat trick we farmers use on gender confused livestock....." ============= Don't remember calling any one petal? ... but then again, since when has the truth mattered aroung here...:lol 8:
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