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Everything posted by flyerme

  1. Wouldn't miss it , unless bubs drops out early :)
  2. WX PENDING , I have been invited to demonstrate my 1916. 87% scale replica Nieuport 11 C.1 at Truro flat Airpark SA : Berosa Birdmen a Flyin April 12.
  3. man you really gotta drag her out and dust her off Major C.1 Alb......
  4. Geez what a ride....... Update. Still waiting. Finally going into press this week NOTE. THE PUBLISHER. "
  5. H hey bud, nah hanging off until last minute just incase of miracle and book arrives...so driving :( Yep Ian Wells confirmed meeting me sat :)
  6. Will be dragging along Tiger Moth Dwayne. Looks like " Captain Risky" I'm the bald one with mini goatee flavour saver lol
  7. Hello guys and gals , good news and bad news! Bad news- Unfortunately due to circumstances beyond my control my book " The a Diary of JACK FLYER" will not be pressed in time for Avalon.... Good news- I will still be going for the public day on Saturday So please come and say hello , come meet me and put a real face to my name ,or names- Tim aka FLYERME. aka Jack Flyer ;) I'll be hanging with RAA So keep a look out. Pretty sure you all know what I look like by now?
  8. Sweet Pete. ( hey that's rhymes..lol). Have fun keep me posted bud :)
  9. Slow going at press not looking like having it for my trip to Avalon
  10. Still few weeks off yet but I'd still be keen :)
  11. Cushion and electric knife;)
  12. Have ya flown it yet Pete? Haven't spoke with The Baron for while.
  13. I don't use the floatee anymore , I just replace fuel hose when too discoloured to see. Back in 05 I tried to get something to no avail and eventually I found a perfect little yellow plastic ball. I put it in and was awesome. 2 days later I found the ball had melted And caused a real mess.. Lol I never used a float again. Tube last in my lightwing 3 years so far
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