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Everything posted by BJFly

  1. The adventures of Tweety and the Courier continue.
  2. Hi All, Just a reminder about the Re-named "Cane Country Muster being held at Childers on the 18/19 Mar. Come for the weekend or pop in for the breaky on Sun morning.
  3. Dropped into Mt Perry airfield for the first time today. Very scenic as you drop down through the mountains into the valley. The airfield is inside a horse racing track. Would make a nice club get together location.
  4. Nice couple of days flying. First it was out to a mates property to play in the dirt, then off to Murgon for the fly-in Breaky.
  5. Thanks, I'll get in touch closer to the date.
  6. Haven't heard much detail on the solar farm but yeh I think it's in the same area. We'll have to be careful once the solar farm is built or We might end up like "Icarus". If your free on the 18/19 Mar come on up for the BFDU Sugar Country Muster. I was hoping we might be able to use your strip for a local tour.
  7. Hi All, Here's a couple of photo's from a local flight on Saturday. Landed at Secret Spot Number 6.
  8. A fly in for the Bush Flyers Down Under will be held at Childers over the weekend 18/19 Mar. Camp under Wing, Catering provided, flying activities Sat/Sun. Visit some local strips ranging from easy to not so easy!!!!!! Fuel runs to local servo can be organised. Let me know if your interested. Numbers and details will be firmed up closer to the date.
  9. No good for me, the way I bounce around the paddocks I'll take all the suspension I can get!
  10. A couple of photo's from a recent Courier outing!
  11. The Courier and Tweety Bird get together at Orchid Beach.
  12. The trusty courier in company with a Lightwing made the trip to Orchid Beach today. Nice grass strip, some undulations but unless your landing a Airbus A380 you should be good Nice scenery at the top of the island. $20 paid at the shop - small price to pay for access to a special place using our favourite means of transport.
  13. Sorry mate, I'll have to have another crack at your strip next time your up.
  14. The Courier has a play date with " Tweety Bird" Lightwing.
  15. I changed my insurance to PSB after I purchased a Drifter. They are one of the few insurers that are happy to insure rag & tube + 2 stroke. Recently put my Rans S-7S with them and was happy with the premium.
  16. Nice Kev, "go the Hornet". Merry Christmas mate.
  17. Here's a few pics of the latest jaunt in the Courier. Short hop down the beach and then a visit to Elliott Field near Bundy.
  18. Short flight but plenty of fun playing in the dust!
  19. Nice one Kev, I was flying a few days back on a nice sunny day and started thinking about the "Hornet". So I landed, took the doors of the Courier chucked them in the hangar and went flying. It was good, but nothing is the same as a Drifter. Safe flying.
  20. Here's a couple of pics from today's outing to a mates strip near Agnes Waters.
  21. Hi All, A few pics from the latest Childers Breaky.
  22. Hi All, A couple of pics from a recent outing. Not a nosewheel in sight!
  23. Just a reminder about the Childers Breaky fly-in this Sat 5th Nov. It's a great excuse to go flying. Hope to see you there 0730-1000hrs.
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