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Everything posted by JUSTNUZZA

  1. Terrific, especially if you have downloaded all maps and info for Avplan on a 16 gb Ipad on a limited broadband usage plan. What are you supposed to do to update, delete all your maps and then pay again to re download ? Not very consumer friendly !!
  2. 1.9 hours into mine and I think I like it. This lesson ground handling and three pointers. Next lesson wheelers.
  3. What pitch have you got set on your DUC prop, what rpm and ias do you climb out at ?
  4. Terrific Jetboy, that is what I wanted to hear.
  5. I want to install the Bullyhawk soft start module which requires one mag to be not operating at startup. T
  6. Does anyone know if the ACS key switch can be rewired to run on one mag in the start position ?
  7. Does anyone know how to set up the weight and balance envelope in Avplan ? What data do you use for the corners ?
  8. I am looking at installing the soft start module and maybe the Tanis engine preheater kit to help with cold weather starting issues.
  9. Is it required to get factory approval for a 24 rego lsa to have Rotax reccomended modifications done to the engine ?
  10. Here is my V-N diagram. Va = 89 Vc = 115 My actual cruise 122 Vne = 145 Vd = 162
  11. Apparently you can use silicon dot 5 also that is used in motorcycles and bicycles. It is hydrophobic not hygroscopic like dot 4.
  12. NAIPS, BOM, Earth wind map and Australian Atmospheric Sounding.
  13. What brand of brake fluid are people using with Matco brakes ? I know it needs to be dot 5.
  14. I thought this thread was about cruise speeds not altitudes ?
  15. The prop is set at its full fine pitch and cannot be reversed. The ceiling fan motor is reversible, summer/winter setting.
  16. It's really only for looks, although it does run and the blade pitch can not be reversed so yes it is on winter setting.
  17. Thankfully I am the hangar designer so I approved it myself. Wish it was always that easy !
  18. Perhaps i have created the world's most expensive ceiling fan !! I found a use for my old prop. Fits nicely in the hangar.
  19. What is the actual CCA of the Odyssey PC680 ? I have seen one website suggest 170 and another 220.
  20. Weight and balance becomes a problem in my aircaft for rear COG and endurance. I recently had a prop changed from 12 kg to 7kg and I am reasonably light as a pilot. It affects the minimum amount of fuel I need to leave in the aircaft. The C.G point in my aircraft there is no where forward that you can put weight except for the engine bay.
  21. Thanks for the replies. I will probably have to go with the Odyssey. The Deka is to wide for my battery box and the Shorai is to light for my weight and balance.
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