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Old Koreelah

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Everything posted by Old Koreelah

  1. Duncan I can’t comment on the ideal CoG, but ground handling would benefit if you can slightly toe-out the main wheels.
  2. That’s deserves a thread all its own, Nev. How to travel super-light. I like to browse bicycle shops for light gear. That’s where I got my helmet, brakes, drink-holders and a few other bits. My accommodation is a 1978-vintage Big W tent my wife cut down to fit over the left wing. I carry a Shellite stove and cooking kit given to us as a wedding present 43 years ago. All the camping, emergency gear and tools come to about 10kg.
  3. NP I totally agree; this thread has wandered a little away from aviation. Meanwhile, the busiest thread on this forum has even less to do with flying and my efforts to drag the discussion over to “Off Topic” have had little effect.
  4. ...then it will be too late. Would you wait until a bushfire is roaring towards your house before climbing a ladder to clean out the gutters?
  5. I watched the first video, but didn't get far into the second. We used to look up to America, but I fear the place has gone to the dogs. Must be something in the water. Funny cattle.
  6. My normal cuppa is green tea, but not when I’m going to fly. It goes thru you in about twenty minutes!
  7. No doubt I could, but I’d prefer to improve my skills rather than rely on another bit of technology. Practice needed.
  8. Might print those for our club toilets!
  9. So many people claim they are “getting away from it all” but end up taking it all with them. Some friends of ours once came on a weekend camping trip with us and overloaded their car and trailer, so dad brought the Ute along too. I’m spending Lockdown building a camper body that fits over my trailer. It has a queen-sized bed, lots of convenient storage bays, lots of lights and power points, a kitchenette, etc. Total trailer weight about 650kg. I’ve discovered the downside of having made it so streamlined: it’s plurry hard to reverse into the shipping container because the curved sides give little reference to where its pointing! I know so many locals who are planning the big around-Oz caravan trip as soon as they are allowed to travel. The roads and caravan parks won’t be able to cope.
  10. Apparently Goering ordered their aircraft industry to produce its own version of “the wooden wonder”. After lots of problems they gave up; one version is that the Allies had bombed the factory producing the special glue. My Jodel was put together with Resorcinol, which some sources say was developed for the Mossie.
  11. This morning I did a dozen circuits to practice my short-field skills. A couple of full-flap landings were less than 130m, the shortest I’ve stopped the little Baby since I added 60kg of modifications. The cold air and lack of turbulence were ideal conditions, so I won’t be able to do that in summer… Learned a couple of things: Throttle needs more friction so I don’t have to keep one hand on the lever. Stopped to talk to a person who lives on a nearby farm and she hadn’t heard my plane go over a dozen times, despite it being a quiet Sunday morning. Jabiru engines are quiet. My GoPro is an amazing camera, always finding new ways to bugger up my day. For the first time, nothing went wrong. (We need a whole thread on action cameras.) This time the iPad let me down: I’d left it in the plane overnight without shutting it down. It was bat flattery, so the OzRunways wasn’t there to record my tracks and warn me of other traffic. Must remember to not set Auto Lock to Never. They tell us Lithium batteries don’t like to be run flat. I’ve now done that to a couple of mine and it’s come back to bite me. A few months ago I accidentally left the plane battery on and it was 8.9v when I next tried to start the plane. Battery Management Systems are supposed to stop that happening, but this one didn’t. I’ll install an Anderson plug to make connecting a booster pack a bit easier, but will also price a new battery.
  12. Lots of people on the Jodel forum used to make jokes about flying a wooden aeroplane held together by stale milk.
  13. A few years ago I had a tour of the amazing aviation workshop in Mandeville, South Island. Several historic aeroplanes were being restored by a dedicated team including several young people. One part-repaired wooden aircraft had the lines of modern jet; it was a comet. https://www.experiencemandeville.nz
  14. You’ve just confirmed my fears about our leaders’ lack of vision.
  15. Obvious trends are sometimes interrupted by something from left field. We assume that in a decades or two humans will still be driving road vehicles.
  16. Obvious trends are sometimes interrupted by something from left field. We assume that in a decades or two humans will still be driving road vehicles.
  17. Obvious trends are sometimes interrupted by something from left field. We assume that in a decades or two humans will still be driving road vehicles.
  18. Obvious trends are sometimes interrupted by something from left field. We assume that in a decades or two humans will still be driving road vehicles.
  19. Obvious trends are sometimes interrupted by something from left field. We assume that in a decades or two humans will still be driving road vehicles.
  20. Obvious trends are sometimes interrupted by something from left field. We assume that in a decades or two humans will still be driving road vehicles.
  21. Maybe. Japan, the world’s biggest car builder (are they still?) drive from the rhs like us.
  22. Thanks for the post, Kevin. Being a Geography tragic I always look up the spot on Google Earth. Looks like a nice place.
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