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Everything posted by turboplanner

  1. ......"a genuine Commodore hub cap for just sixty dollars or ......................"
  2. ......Fuel Conditioner. “Goodness gracious me” said Sonny “ you are getting lot of fuel” The LC wasn’t one for small talk and said “Seen a Marina?” I typical subcontinent fashion Sonny didn’t hesitate to please for a dollar and said “
  3. "Cmon CopperChopper, what are your intentions?" Now, everyone knows, from their Nav Training (rare AUF experience), that when ATC asks your intentions they are worried about you, so the best answer is "Honorable", but the Vicpol Sergeant on board had had enough and said "We're about to knock out a drug trafficker good buddy". Big mistake, it was the shelf packers from the local Griffith IGA that handled all the logistics and picked all the routes each night for the deliveries, so Bushy ATC responded "Don't tell anyone but he's going through Cookardinia, Holbrook, Woomargana and Albury, then Benalla, Lake Eildon and into Melbourne that way." Meanwhile the Marina took the Walbundrie road and disappeared into the countryside. Four hours later a weary Sergeant called up Bushy ATC with "He's disappeared" (an aeronautical term often used), and Bushy responded symathetically "He usually does" and they wished each outer good luck, but an hour later .....................
  4. .......we're all wearing underarm deodorant too. The Bushy ATC, who came from Griffith and moonlighted as ............................
  5. ....Vicpol guys can be vindictive at times, such as when you tell them you weren't drag racing, you just sneezed as the lights turned green and your foot slipped. They missed their V8 Supercar spec Commodores and this overseas stuff was getting under their skin, so every one of them booked his Hyundai in for a complete brake replacement on the same day throughout Victoria. The Parts guys salivated at the money to be made from these stooges and even charted a FedEx aircraft to fly all the parts down from SK (as we in the industry call it). Then all the cops in all the towns cancelled their bookings the night before and they all used Larry Backflip, an ex V8 Supercars mechanic who modified the Commodore system to suit. This of course set back their hopes of catching the Marina, which left Grifith at the same time every night, waved to the same Natives who started lining up by the side of the road to watch him go past, blew away the odd NSW Highway Patrolman, and unloaded at an undisclosed location in Melbourne. Meanwhile the Vicpol guys had decided to use their SWAT Helicopter painted in camo as the chase car. "We'll catch him on those long straights into Henty" said .......................
  6. ...which is not a good idea at 125 km/hr and scorched my jeans on the bitumen." So he radioed in; Vicpol were alerted and they hatched a plan to stop the Marina with their Hyundai pursuit vehicles posted on all highways into Melbourne. This didn't work because..................
  7. We have quite a big thread on this somewhere.
  8. ....." Of all the cars in all the world this is the slowest." Leading Constable Cook requested, and got, (he had relatives in high places) a BMW turbo diesel SUV. A quick phone call to a V8 Supercar driver would have indicated they were going backwards. Two days later the Marina passed through Darlington Point again and Ido was again waving and nodding his head to the natives, acting naturally. Five of them waved their hands and pointed to the tree. They had no love for Constable Redface. Ido saw the BMW but pretened he hadn't noticed, but just as the BMW caught up he floored that small block Chevy engine which had beome a legend, and disappeared in a cloud of blue smoke. "The Constables pulled over "Why did they give us THIS!" moaned Redface, "we won the war but these people are doing it to us again!" It was quiet for a while, then....................
  9. ......which quickly changed to Idowanna if there was a dollar in it. And so Idontwanna was chosen to be the lead marina in the first fruit run from Griffith to Melbourne. "Be natural" they said, just act naturally and you'll be right. As Ido filed up with fuel in the local servo he said "How do you do, my good man to the Albanian servo attendant who gave him a grunt in return. He realised he might have said something wrong. As he drove through Darlington Point he gave a native woman a big wave and a smile. "He's up to something" said Constable Redface. Leading Constable Cook just touched his Taser to reasuure himself. They came out from behind the tree at full throttle, which for the Camry was more a hope than a response, and were laughing at the old marina when two plumes of smoke came off the rear wheels and it was out of sight in 30 seconds. They ......................
  10. ......in the transport business. So CT who'd read about NASCAR starting on Daytona Beach where the moonshine boys from Tennessee, after they'd outfoxed and outrun the Revenuers and their shotguns would eye off the chicks and bribe them with their paychecks, and race their tankers; Fords and Chevies stock standard looking from the outside, but full race V8's up from and with built in tanks from the back of the front seat through the boot to the rear where they had dump valves just in case the Revenuers looked like they were catching them. CT rebuilt his Marinas with hot Subaru motors and put fruit bins in the rear, and the runs to Sydney became legend, with drivers like "WA" One Track and Planey. Of course today the drivers would be Moshina Singh, and Prahad Singh, or .........................
  11. ...........question everything he does (or that they know about; he's a well known fruit runner from ............)
  12. What the fuss? The door was found in a garden. It's fine, ready to go back in.
  13. .....cause problems on landing, but the cynical One person said "We don't care; we make em, they fly out, and they have to make sure they don't breack em; the warranty is 1375 feet, the length of the runway. Soon WA had a reputation worse than China's; in fact many people in the east were saying "They're just like Chinese cars", and sales began to slow down. In stepped ...........
  14. .....be sold all over the world into the airline industry. Fortunately there were none left in any parts store or wreckers in Australia, they had all rusted out even tough tey had been kept off the floor nd indoors. In fact according to Car Spotters Association of Australia there were only 27 in the whole car park still running; 7 in Maree, 5 in Alice Springs, 8 at Nhulunbuy, 3 at Derby, and 4 at Borroloola, but none of these had mudguards. The Drifters would have to be all figreglass, with ...................
  15. ........wayward sharks didn't join in. This didn't happen often, but the group had a fleet of Drifters painted blood red tasked with keeping watch over WA beaches from Darwin to Point Leo. The fleet advertised with the slogan "Doors never fly off our aircraft!), but it backfired when the switchboards and FB pages were jammed with 3.2 million requests from around the world from people wanting to fly by Drifter. One person even .....................
  16. ........get in old Holden utes (they can't afford Kombis in WA) go down to the beaches (carefully watching for sharks), and start groping, which is an ancient form of fishing when the fish aren't biting. There were different levels of sand groping and different techniques when the beach was rocky. Of course when there were sharks around there was a lot more to lose and ....................
  17. .......Western Australian people were being picked on by the WME, and this started...................
  18. .......but OT got off with a warning, and soon was the Head of the Department of Information in the WA government, and was given a 1965 V Tail Bonanza to fly around in, and a lunch pack every day and.......
  19. ........they say "In for a Penny ..............................."
  20. .....the process of government worked, and Pnny knew a thing or two, especially about Western Australian government where ................................
  21. .. his appendix and she would order a medivac chopper [avref] to save him. Ot put his foot in it and got a steely stare when he said "Isn't that too far for as chopper?" and ............
  22. ....alert went off in a BorderForce Office in Esperance, the first one in seven years. The quite ugly face of the ex trapper who used to run the Rabbit Proof Fence, OT came up on the Situation Room screen just as Albo walked in. Albo gave an involuntary shudder and said “Penny Wong was right!” and.......
  23. .....hired out the public toilets in the CBD for all night raves. It was at one of these that CT and OT...........
  24. .....had filled the coffers of the Council leading to others to invent similar money making schemes at the expense of the ratepayers, all except for Councillor Ponzi who .............
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