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Everything posted by Birdseye

  1. Can't think of a better use for them.......large Americans that is.
  2. Interesting motor, 8000+ Euros and 45hp. I wonder what a 1600cc version would cost? It could make a handy ultralight motor that sounds good to boot!
  3. Presumably ICE generator means internal combustion engine? When I Google it the only thing that comes up is something that generates ice cubes. How would running a gen set to charge a battery pack in flight work? Assuming that say 60hp (40 odd kw) is being drawn in cruise, then a similar input would surely be required or the battery depletion would only be slowed by some degree. Happy to hear if there is something that makes that equation more favourable. With at least one car manufacturer claiming they will be all electric in a couple of years, maybe there are some quantum leaps coming in battery technology. True that road vehicles are less weight critical, but current battery cars (not hybrids) lose a lot of space to the cell storage.
  4. I don't have full maps of that area, but just to the North of Maitland its 6500, presumably based on Mt Barrington.
  5. Only a guess.....Minimum Safe Altitude?
  6. Thanks for the confirmation. I could have understood it to some degree if it was daytime. With the exception of a few special purpose taxiways, such as the taxiway that serves as Gatwick's 26L when the main runway is out of use, taxiways don't usually have have approach, edge and PAPI/VASI lighting. Were the crew looking (that is actively looking) out the windscreen?
  7. Nothing wrong with a biplane; if its a biplane for the sake of efficiency.
  8. Did this occur after sunset? The report mentions that 28L lights were off as the runway wasn't in use.
  9. Time they banned birds, weather balloons, UAVs and other aircraft. Obviously all potential catastrophic accident causes.
  10. If convention was a technological criteria, mobile phones would have a large rotary dial and a big bell. Whatever shape, it only has to look and fly right.
  11. Oh I disagree there. She may not have personally achieved anything, but her impact has been wide.
  12. More media hype on the dangers of drones in the 'West Australian' today. From my recent observations, aren't bird strikes more of a real issue?
  13. Like lawyers, we have an overabundance of scum sucking media trying to justify their existence. No news stories? No problem, we'll make something out of nothing.
  14. I thought 'Transformers' were something you saw in the various 'Walking Streets' of Asian holiday spots.
  15. 'Routine' B737 flight Mauritius to Perth is stretching things, from both fuel and credibility perspectives.
  16. Another aviation related story......Tornado Carries Mobile Home 130 Miles, Family inside Unharmed
  17. It was worth clicking that link just to see the scrolling "Hot Topics".
  18. Learmonth has no real emergency services or ground services at all. However, the concrete is there and it is a better option than a forced landing in the sea.
  19. I have no confidence in airlines selecting the best option when it is a battle between operational convenience and operational safety.
  20. You're OK; unless there is an escalation of the current Gulf states issues.
  21. Mentioned in another thread is complexities in repairing the airframe due to the rivet and bond techniques used in the Evektor. Perhaps this is more the issue than jigs alone?
  22. Not sure if we had exactly the same issues, mine were primarily getting it to accept the licence codes, but I gave up on the FSX install and went back to FS9.
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