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Everything posted by Tomo

  1. You saying you're a bloke that can only do one thing at a time Steve?
  2. All depends on the type of aircraft really... Mine hardly costs me anything, fuel and oil I suppose, mind you doing all the maintenance etc... myself helps a lot. And not having to pay hangarage as I just put it in the trailer. Haven't bothered with insurance as it's cheap enough to survive without it. Like anything, if you own something that's worth $100k it's fair enough to say it'll cost 10% or so of it's worth a year to look after it!
  3. Tomo

    P92 Eaglet question

    On a fixed steerable nose wheel aircraft hand brakes are quite sufficient.
  4. Buy a chopper and land on the cruise ship Compulsion!
  5. Well said Dan... reminds me of a story of how a family should be - all there for each other, as one stick is easy to break, but tie a bundle together and you are much stronger.
  6. Which is why I like my Halo's You can even put a pair of good earmuffs over the top if you want it even quieter!
  7. Don't make Aussieaviatrix to pleased with herself guys!
  8. Goodness, if the Hurricane is beautiful, what does that make me?!
  9. Always wanted to fly a Spitfire, so I guess I wouldn't mind one of them sitting in the hangar... may as well get two of them too so Louis can fly in formation with me...
  10. I'm pretty hopeless at remembering how to spell words, so using words to help remember things is a recipe for disaster, for myself at least. I like the left to right check - as it's practical.. I do however use BUMF: Brakes, Undercarriage Mixture, Fuel, for a pre-landing check, and Red Blue Green for finals. Pre take off is "Crazy Man Flying" - Controls, Mixture, Fuel.
  11. Short, sweet and to the point... Who you're calling, who you are, where you are, what you're going to do.
  12. Welcome Jack! J1B hey... got any connection with an Auster?
  13. Can't go wrong with Bose or Zulu really, but I personally like my Halo headset - http://www.quiettechnologies.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1&products_id=1 I've used it in the Yak52 and the noise level is fine. They take a bit of getting used to, but once you do they're a great little set.
  14. Now that IS Coooooool!
  15. Great story Ryan, thanks for sharing... my instructor said to me when I was learning, look at the forecast but then go outside and read the sky, what the wind is doing and where it's coming from yourself. As the two don't oft' meet...
  16. Hey that's got a radial! We should buy a Luscombe Louis and put a circle donk in it... after all we're both used to unreliable machines....
  17. I would say no to a thread killing someone. I do get the point however, and it's more a case of getting the information incorrectly. In a personal voice/ears conversation you can pick up what a person is implying most of the time just by the sound of their voice. Whether they're being genuine or sarcastic or just telling fish stories. In text on a screen you can't tell that, and so life gets all very complicated all of a sudden. It's a high skill to be able to write something that everyone can figure out and not twist up into knots and get all flustered about. I'm in the least way even close to being able to do that myself! It's a hard thing, because one doesn't learn if others don't speak, but in places like this, one doesn't know if the one that speaks is a desk pilot who's an expert at the rules, or a real life experienced person. The thing I find is that a lot of the experienced guys hate places like forums because they get in trouble from the rule experts because they might have been doing something slightly different to what the rule person thinks they should... and vise a versa. So we have a lot of advice from those that love to be heard, while the others sit in the background and cringe... but if they say something, it then becomes an argument between who is right and wrong and the poor person asking the question is forgotten about and life goes on... with the questioner still up the creek without a paddle, but also now unsure which way to sit in the boat because he said you face the front, but she said you face the back... I think the Honourable Louis has said it all in that, we should be more concerned about whether a thread will Save someone. And to do that we need healthy discussion, not a he said, she said, do it or else situation. When you think about it we are really just shooting ourselves in the foot, what do most video games consist of these days? The TV is pretty much full of it, and it's one of the most disgusting crimes in the world today. Yet no one really notices... killing people, shooting, blood and gore etc etc... which kids sit and play with or watch, and yet we worry about someone talking about taxing at night, or whatever... it comes down to awareness and responsibility don't you think?
  18. Very true... and yes your wife is a great person, Mum even said so! I guess you're not that bad yourself really....
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