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Everything posted by shags_j

  1. Look for group life insurance that may be in your superfund. Group life will come with little or no exclusions. For personalised insurance you can either expect exclusions for flying or paying a lot in premiums. EDIT: There are downsides to group life as well (ie. may have limited benefits etc). Check the PDS for more information.
  2. It's been not so bad here today. I'd say no more than 10 knots most of the day
  3. I had the wrong plane. Every one of those clues is the same as a tomahawk.
  4. Pathfinder seem to have had a rough time. Jab engine failure a year ago or so. Lost a head of acft in the doyen now This. They are great guys there and I hope this doesn't cause to many issues for them
  5. Noticed it on the news this morning. A bit stunned noone has commented here yet. Anyone have any details? Apparently noone was injured. That's all I heard https://au.news.yahoo.com/video/watch/26329121/brisbane-plane-crash/
  6. I like the guess the aircraft. First one I ever flew painted beige (probably was white to begin with) and orange trim... ;)
  7. But we made a profit in the past didn't we with less members at lower membership fees? Have our costs increased proportionally greater than our membership base profit? If so why? Are the increased costs necessary? Maybe and hopefully all questions that the board are addressing. I deleted the accounting side of my brain when I switched careers 3 years ago and really don't want to activate it again but surely we don't need to continually increase membership to reduce member fees (i do understand economies of scale, I have a degree in accounting and coy law). All food for thought. I went to an AGM not so long ago (the one at YJCW) and wasn't impressed with the accounts supplied there. The notes (which weren't presented at the meeting and the treasurer gave a strange expression when they were requested by a member) seem to be just the stock standard printout from sol 6 (or myob ae, handiledger, whichever software they use). Also are they audited by one of the big 4 or appropriately big firm? Due to a long association with audited accounts (I was head of SMSF in a mid tier firm) I don't hold much stock in "independently" audited account. Something that is not addressed in the accounts each year is a treasurers report explaining things in detail. Not just a "look we have more revenue than last year... Yay!" kind of thing but more detail in discrepancies. I want to see more explanation on things like salary increases. There was one year there where salaries almost doubled. This needs to be explained ie. Salaries hadn't been indexed and were reviewed as being low or we were severely understaffed and needed to employ additional people. We don't need to know X got paid extra but need a quick explanation why things may look a bit "funky". This is mostly due to the fact the notes are just the aforementioned printouts from software x and not individually written. One note about the above is that I haven't even bothered to look at the last 3 years accounts because I just gave up. Maybe if we can access recent ones I might take more of an interest but realistically I don't think members should have to go to this effort. Wow that was a rant longer than I expected...
  8. My question is this. Does it matter if we lose members? Does it matter if we don't gain members? We are not in this (we = RAAUS) to make a profit surely. We are in this to make sure the members can continue to do what they love in the least restrictive way possible. I am happy that there may be increased MTOW and CTA access cause it benefits me but i think the reasoning as to why the president is pushing for this is wrong, and quite frankly concerning.
  9. OMG, this thread needs to die. I think everyone is more confused than before... Lets just say magic and leave it at that.
  10. Wow this thread went AWOL quick. Looks like another why should we/shouldn't we increase MTOW for RAAUS. I find it interesting in that: 1. The presidents position is clear. We are 'competing' with CASA now (re RPL) so lets go for the higher MTOW, CTA access etc. 2. A lot of people on here are saying that we don't want the higher MTOW 3. A lot of people on here are saying that we want the higher MTOW 4. Noone seems concerned that the president is treating this like a business that is in competition. Do we really need to compete with RPL? Higher MTOW etc. would be great for me but not in competition with CASA but in conjunction with them. The RPL obviously is geared towards different people with different expectations (CTA, higher MTOW primarily) Surely for aviators, having more option in our licensing allows us greater freedom to choose what is best for us.
  11. How dare you say Top Gun isn't realistic. My entire life flying is based on that movie!
  12. So did anyone read the whole presidents report from the magazine (February 2015). The rant against CASA "competing" with us goes for a page and a half (nearly). Now I read the first half and was ready to give up, I didn't agree with the premise of the article. But if you push through to the end the outcome is what some of us want. Outcome is they will push for higher weight limit and access to CTA. Two things that many of us have been pushing for for a while. If only he had of started with that premise, he might not have lost a lot of readers in the process ;)
  13. Thanks Jeff. Didn't know about that spot. Cheers
  14. No. Redlands. Deciding whether jcw or cab would be a better option
  15. Yeah I want to stay away from two strokes. Saw a two stroke on a motorbike fail at 100km/h on the freeway, wasn't pretty. I have to admit I am really liking the lightwing though... Thanks for the tips guys. Looks of good options to look into. Cheers, Shags
  16. Hi All, I'm starting to look for my first aircraft to buy at the end of this year. I wanted to keep it cheap; say sub $50k. Does anyone have any recommendations? My only requirements are 3 axis, not a jab, and at least 80kts cruise. New or second hand. At the moment I am just having a look, not ready to buy till end of year. Cheers, Shags
  17. Can you get these factory built and does anyone have a price range? They look like a good option for a first aircraft.
  18. Nice. How much does one of these go for.
  19. You don't want to legislate against stuff. It becomes too restrictive. Better education, training and advertising of this sort of stuff is a better way of doing it. Mind you I can't believe someone would be that stupid. I can understand lapses in judgement but this is a whole other level.
  20. Ask us if the restricted areas will be up on the day on the area frequency. We get the requests all day long and don't mind answering.
  21. Gz John. You will never forget this experience.
  22. Not sure that would have been better or worse :(
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