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Kyle Communications

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Everything posted by Kyle Communications

  1. Another thing about the hose...I used the 25 to 40mm clamps to grip the rubber/silicone hose to the tube..but make sure you get the 12mm wide clamps not the 9mm wide clamps..and the SS tube doesnt crush at all the clamps tighten down nicely and will make a perfect solid seal
  2. I used the std Sav radiator bracket which is just 2 smallish bent brackets but because my radiator is more facing forward I have 2 straps coming back to the bottom noseleg plate to achor the bottom of the radiator...I will take a pic later
  3. Hi Marty Pacific HoseFlex..... they are in the Gold Coast and Victoria and Perth..I believe they actually manufacture it. You want the annular hose and no outside sleeve Download the chart and just be away the size is the ID. so the OD is much larger. The water pipe I used is the 20mm and the SS0-A. tube https://hoseflex.com/product/metallic-hose-annular/
  4. I thought that ICP only supplies fuel and oil pipe from what I had seen. I didnt realise that they did the water as well. As I said before I wasnt keen on how thin the pipes I saw were. I am much happier with this locally sourced stuff though. To the point where I think I may use it all the time...it is a little heavier of course but I feel more comfortable using it
  5. https://www.raa.asn.au/calendar-of-events/latest-news/article/?id=mtow-application-submitted
  6. https://www.raa.asn.au/calendar-of-events/latest-news/article/?id=mtow-application-submitted
  7. My cowl is finally finished..just have to wet rub it when I am ready for paint. The next big thing was to get the water plumbing done from the waterpump to the radiator and the return to the resovoir. Because the exhaust pipes are so close to the radiator hoses in the Sav its a real PIA. So the idea of metal pipes between over the hot areas is the go...Like the pipes Mike (Blueadventures) got for his Ninja. But we have come up with what we think is easier and cheaper. ICP have been supplying this corrogated SS pipe for fuel and oil but it seems awfully thin to me and I dont like it but locally you can get a much better albeit a bit thicker and slightly heavier much better corrogated SS pipe. So after mucking up some sizing I got the right size pipe which is their 20mm which has a OD of 26.7mm and the inner of the rubber/silicone pipe used is 25mm so its a nice tight fit. I used a thin film of lithium grease to lube the inside of the rubber and silicone pipe to allow getting the SS tube into it. The beauty of this tube is you can bend it to shapes or curves you need and it is just held onto the rubber/silicone with good hose clamps. The SS tube is super strong so you literally cant crush it and over several ridges it will creeate a great seal with no leaks. So will get that done this weekend and bribe Danny to come over and see if we can finalise the cutting and welding of the exhaust system in the 2 places I need a little more room. I also have the same stuff but the diameter for the oil..so thinking of doing the same with the oil lines A few pics attached to see what its like. The 20mm SS pipe is about $20.00 a meter
  8. I used this ultra fine filler. Its a auto one. Almost like a super smooth cream when mixed Lovely to sand as well
  9. I can now finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. This cowl has been the bain of my existance. Just a couple of small indents to fill and it can be prepared for painting. Finally got my tig back today. Its been used by my mate for about 6 years...like pulling teeth 🙂 The cowl has been fitted so now I can get the headers for the engine to the muffler properly repositioned. Then its a matter of finish hooking up the radiator system. I need to finish the avionics to a point where I can start the engine at least. There is a comparison pic between the 2 lower cowls. The genuine one is a plug I made 4 or so years ago so I have that one as a plug its way to heavy to be used on a aircraft. The top cowl has been extended by 25mm so it sits over the top of the skin on the dash front properly.
  10. Randy is supposed to be doing a option for it. Well thats what they told me. Really its just where to mount the chute for easy extraction for the rocket. The staps for the chute will go to the 4 points of the cabin cage at the wings...usually all chutes are the same so that part is easy. Its where for balance because the chute for 750kg aircraft like mine will be registered as is 21kg so thats 50 lbs or so.
  11. Can you imagine the cost of this kit?...The std RV's are way overpriced for a start
  12. Its all too hard here to try to maintain a IFR rating especially for a Experimental VH kit built aircraft. The cost of the required instruments and all the training and currency required. Burning up wads and wads of $100 notes is fine if your printing them yourself. Even commercial pilots are struggling to do the tests and flight reviews and they do it for a living. Wasting your time and money Mike
  13. Think I have eaten enough popcorn now....might close this thread
  14. Ycab is non controlled and has big glider ops for at least 3 days a week Fri,Sat and Sundays. The tug and the gliders always stick to the grass on the non use side of the runway. On Rway 12 now Rwy 11 they are always on the northern of the bitumin on the grass and everyone else will use the bitumin but mainly the grass on the southern side of this runway side. The tug pilots are very experienced there and we do not get any reports about their operations. They are very experienced and regularly will be flying in to their side of the runway while you are coming in on the other side of the runway. The tug always does a short inbound circuit. Everyone who trains at or knows Ycab knows this. I have been flying there since 2010 and never had a incident with a glider or the tug but I have also landed many many times with the tug on my left. I usually taylor my approach to make sure the tug is in front. Your "incident" most likely was pretty much due to your inexperience flying the aircraft and also flying at a airfield that has many ops and also different type of aircraft. I would be very confident that the tug pilot knew exactly where you were. Ycab has warbirds, gliders, RAA ,VH and VH Experimental also first world war and many other types. Living with all of these different aircraft can be difficult and it really is just experience. Ycab back then there was NO requirement for radio in the aircraft. This has now changed and Ycab is a radio mandatory airfield. Cosider yourself lucky as well because back then when I started we had meatbombers there as well..they finally got rid of them out of there
  15. I put a SS clamp..wormdrive one and just wire lock it to a bolt..it cant come off then
  16. oh. yes I am on that FB page..but the way Bookface works now is I miss a lot of posts
  17. Mike...you mean Thingyverse?...I seach it all the time...there are a few new sites around now too
  18. There are a couple of designs around buit not many. I printed one I found on Thingyverse...it seems to work ok although it does feel a bit tight on the clip
  19. Getting the final bits done to the cowls. Had to add about 25mm to the rear of the top cowl so it fits nicely over the top deck and make it easy to achor the back edge. Danny made me up some flat fibreglass over a plate of glass to use as a laminate sheet so I could make a nice entry of the airscoop into the radiator. So that was cut and glassed in just need to trim the top cowl past the masking tape and the inside of the airscoop. A small amount of fill required in the airscoop corners then its ready for undercoat...finally. The lower cowl has been fitted and trimmed sothen I can get onto the slight mods required for the exhaust and I can finish the radiator plumbing.
  20. Yes a VW but its always ran perfectly
  21. Jennifer sold it way too cheap beautiful aircraft
  22. My savannah did 85kts at 5000 rpm....most do the same especially with a bolly prop 69 or 70 inch prop. Fit a Eprop to it and set it up as per Eprop instructions and you will get around 90kts at 5000 rpm. The problem with savannahs they are a drag bucket and the airframe starts to tell you that maybe your pushing it a little. At 90kts the sound on the airframe changes and changes even more the faster you get. The XL that I had at 5600 rpm WOT the way it was pitched I got 97 kts. The VNE of the XL is 108 kts. The S ...VNE is I believe 124kts????...I think Every single savannah I have supplied a Eprop to and thats around 25 now I think all have had at least a 4 to 5 kt cruise speed increase. A taildragger savannah may go a little faster but I doubt it as the nosewheel doesnt add that much drag to the airframe when you take into account the amount of drag on that design
  23. The rear waterpump outlet do you have a different fitting?..or do you just use a flex pipe to go from the pump to the alu pipe
  24. Those alloy water pipes would be perfect for Savannahs..the radiator pipes is crap as std. I have had to make my own solutions on the original and of course on Mabel
  25. Not for Jabiru though Eprop tell me the new Jab prop will be released towards the end of this year once they get all the CNC machinery made for the new factory they have just built
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