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Everything posted by BirdDog

  1. I have recently had my aircraft moved to a new hangar! (New for me) and I am renting the space. The hangar is shared between 2 birds, but both have independent access - in that - both birds can get in and out without the other being moved. I am happy to share the space, as it's clean, modern and perfect for me. The key I think is a good relationship with the owner. Communication is the key and respect the property that's not yours. I would love to say I can buy my own, but right now that is not financially viable, so I am happy to have her in a rented space. :)
  2. I can't believe are crying over a fee increase! Surely you can't be serious! The rego on my plane and the membership to RAA are bugger all in the big scheme of things! $230 odd for me, and $165 for my bird. Seriously, if that is a problem for you, then maybe aviation is not where you should have your hobby. Think about it this way.... If not for organisations like RAA, we would all be staring down there barrel of CASA to fly, and let me tell you, the costs would be significantly more. I am new to RAA - about 18 months now, and I am happy as a pig. I own, and now maintain my own aircraft, can take it to all corners of the country (with respect to controlled airspace) and RAA will even give me some insurance too! What the heck more do you guys want for less than $400 a year! Yep... let's kick in the teeth of the very organisation that enables us to do what we do. Fairdinkum! If you think you can do better, I would prefer you get up, and go take a seat on the board, rather than sit in your corner and complain. Sorry guys, this gets my back up! Having started, and volunteered for organisations and associations, there is nothing worse than working your <mod censored> off for the betterment of the member base, only to have sideline warriors throw crap at you, but never want to give their own time to help. Anyways... rant over. EDIT - For the record, I have been in the aviation industry for 12 years! Trust me... it could be a WHOLE lot worse!
  3. According to the radio chatter she ran out of petrol. (sic)
  4. I grew up in the shadow of Bankstown. Use to love watching the birds fly over my house. :)
  5. Hmm.. I had a look at the Wagga site just the other day but it looked like it had not been touched since 2016 so I thought the club might be gone! I am looking for a new club now that I have relocated. :)
  6. Hi Adam. Welcome. I will be in Tassie in May. Where abouts are you exactly and what bird are you buying?
  7. I’ve checked mine but it’s not updated yet. Thankfully I have nothing pressing as my L2 just did the 100 on my bird. Anyways. Happy Easter mate. Safe skies. ✈️✈️
  8. A year!!! Jesus!!! i will let you know if I get a response from my last email.
  9. :) Yeah man, I hear ya!. Would be nice to get a KDR though, so at least I know what questions I got wrong. I can't even see that! :(
  10. Hi DU Yep. It is. :). An L2 has been looking after her and he walked me through the last one early this week. But from here on in, I will be looking after her unless something major comes up. I just think the system should not have been rolled out if it was not ready is all.
  11. So... A few weeks later, and nothing has happened. No KDR, no acknowledgement of completion, no update in RAA. I have emailed, but no response, so will have to wait until after Easter. Does anyone know if the system is fully functioning? Or is it still in trail phase etc?
  12. HOW COOL! I would love to build an aircraft! Time, sadly for me, would be the killer.
  13. Bit of a long trip to get that baby from New Mexico to here!! WOW!
  14. Thanks mate! Yep - I am pretty happy. The prop is a woodcomp in flight adjustable. Does a good job to get me cruising up at 120 pretty easily. :) As mentioned above, I also have 3rd party insurance added, which insures the bird and liability etc etc. It can seem costly, but I guess insurance is the game of lotto you never want to win. Not that I have any finance on my plane, but if it gets written off or heavily damaged, I would like to replace it. :) I agree with Jabarte!! A report should be non biased. I was satisfied when my own L2 came up with the same result as the one that did the initial condition report, not that I was expecting any biased on the one organised by the seller. I have a mate in the market now for a bird and my advice will be the same to him. Take your time. Talk to the owner, and don't get attached to it at all. There will always be planes for sale.
  15. For those interested there is a big event coming up at Wangarratta AD next month. Will be epic!!
  16. The above said, would I go down the path of 28 registered LSA again? Probably not. I reckon there are some really nice quality home built machines (19 registered) for a good deal less than that. I know a couple of pilots with some very nice Zeniths etc that are just as good an airplane. My original plans was to have her online in a flight school, where she would pay for herself and I could fly her when I wanted to. BUT.... it's amazing how over protected you get when you see someone jump into your pride and joy and take off into the blue yonder. After about 3 months of that, I pulled the pin and now she is only flown by me. :) I have thought of putting her back online and go off and buy something else, but she is just a lovely plane to fly! :)
  17. Sure man. It had 167 hours on it, and we settled on $68.000. Of course by the time I factored in our flights and accomodation to go get her, plus the L2 full 100 hourly when we got back, the cost realistically hit about $72-$73K Further to this was some minor maintenance that needed doing - that I knew would be a possibility; She needed new tyres (The ones on the plane were original, so 11 years old) She needed new canopy struts. (the stock ones were sagging) She had not had the extra canopy lock fitted as per the SB. Some other minor bits and pieces. So, I have it in my mind that to get the plane to me and be ready to fly all good and proper has made it close to $75K, which, for a bird of this calibre and condition, was still good for the money in my opinion.
  18. PS - I have since added a new big fat Tacho right in front of me with approval from RAA and Evektor
  19. Yeah - I guess they the same thing! :) We organised a full report be done. I was very lucky. My bird is an 06 model that had just over 160 hours and presented as almost new. :) Some pics? Sure. Attached are the pics of 4912. She is an Evektor Sportstar Max, with the Rotax 912 ULS and In Flight Adjustable Prop. These are some of the pics from when we picked her up and on the way home, and then one on final at YWOL. Enjoy!
  20. Thanks OME. I’m pretty happy with the outcome. The previous owner (Chris) was very accommodating. Picked us up from the airport etc etc. so I was very grateful for his assistance.
  21. I will give you my experience, as it was a good one, and I am very pleased with the outcome. I found the aircraft listed for sale and so I made contact with the seller. Many people are happy to deal over email and text, whereas I prefer to talk, so I called and we had a chat. It's also a good way to gauge people when you talk to them. Anyways, we negotiated a price and once we agreed we also agreed to have the aircraft independently inspected by a LAME to ensure the bird was as described. Part of the negotiation was that I would pay the inspection, as long as the aircraft come back in A1, as the owner suspected it would. (and it did)! Once that was done, a substantial deposit was paid, and the balance would be paid once I arrived and inspected the aircraft personally. I flew myself and my buddy (a CFI) up to the aircraft where he and I inspected the machine again, from top to bottom. We went over the entire plane, the paperwork, had a chat to the owner etc etc. My CFI mate then took it for a fly, and reported back all was good. We settled the monies and signed papers etc, and with a smile and handshake, we departed and spent the next 2 days flying her home. All the way home I got to experience the sounds and feel of my aircraft knowing I had a very experienced pilot sitting beside me. It was very reassuring, but it also meant I clocked 13 hours in my aircraft to get a really good feel for her. So.. what did I take away from this.... Talk to the owner - and get a feel. If I was not happy with what I was hearing, I would look for another machine. Get it inspected by a LAME and get the full report sent to you BEFORE you hand over any serious cash Go and pick the machine up yourself and go over the entire thing. Discuss any concerns with the owner etc, and get him to show you anything that he feels you should know. lastly - if something does not feel right - walk away! Don't get emotionally attached to it before you even see it. Keep it in mind that you may not come home with it. I was quite happy to fly back on the QANTAS jet if it did not work out. I was very happy that the current owner was a nice guy, and everything was as he said it was. So... Happy result in the end. Cheers J
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