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Everything posted by BirdDog

  1. Hey all, I am wondering if anyone else experienced this. I completed the L1 Exam about 2 weeks or so ago, and have not received any notifications etc. I can see pass in the training portal, but nothing else. Nothing on my RAA profile. So I called them and they said they would look into it, but as yet nothing. Just want to know how long it all takes etc. Cheers J
  2. Hmmm.... Is that the Shoalhaven River?
  3. Oh man. Sorry to hear that. It's amazing how something like that can dig up powerful emotions and memories.
  4. For the record - I am not one to support the meddling with aircraft by people who have no idea what they are doing. I just wished the process for my simple Tach install, could have been a bit easier. Anyways - Short term pain, long term gain, and now I am very happy with my bird.
  5. OUCH! I fly a Sporty - hate to see them hurt. Hope everyone is ok. Scary!
  6. Here's another one for you - easy one really!
  7. Yeah - I was wondering when he was going to let go of left rudder???
  8. SO... I am now a happy boy! Evektor came through with the LOA and RAA are happy. I have had the Tach installed and happy as a pig in sh%t. Having the Tach right in front of me is SO much easier to manage, and the entire flying experience is way better that trying to see the Tach on the right side. A little costly, but I think it was way worth it.
  9. I bet you this is aimed directly at the Chinese market! They have already stated that they are in desperate need for pilots, so what better way to cash in! :)
  10. I am with some of the others... Regardless of HOW it happened, he should never have flown off. Wow!!
  11. Watch to the end!! https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=2067629393264221
  12. Hmm ok. Depends on what you are asking I guess. Not sure I’m ready to buy - but let me know the details.
  13. Hi. Chips I am in talks now with an owner at coota ti rent some space. What you go in mind??
  14. On another note - I am wondering if it should be a loop! The current race will wrap up in Broome, then everyone has to make their way home again. Thoughts?
  15. Mate - I would love to... but not this one. Need to plan this thing before I jump in! LOL!
  16. My 912ULS (2006 model) runs perfectly well on Caltex 95 unleaded. I use AvGas - ONLY when I have to, and that's not very often.
  17. WOW! Big strip = Towoomba maybe??
  18. Havent read the entire thread, but have you considered one of the new Evektors? The Harmony or the like?
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