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Everything posted by GraemeK

  1. Damn - looks like I'm gunna have to build meself a Cheetah, just so I can have the best bumper sticker of all time!! Meantime, mine are confirmed. Well done, and heaps of thanks to Darky and Slarti for a fantastic job!
  2. I keep an electronic copy of mine in a spreadsheet, which is backed up along with all my other files each night. Sometimes I have forgotten to make entries in the spreadsheet, so I've started to take photos of my logbook pages (the logbook lives at the flying school ATM) to cross check - and I'll keep those as well. If I ever lost my logbook the photos will also show the flying school certifications of my hours, so no drama there. RAAus should have a record of your endorsements (they need it for your certificate).
  3. OK, I give in! Put me down for 2 "Real pilots slip it in", no user name ....
  4. I was tempted to answer "all of the above" because that's the way I taxi .....
  5. After doing a very aggressive side slip with the instructor this morning (whole lot of fun - having trouble getting it down because we didn't realise the wind had reversed direction) - I'd just love a couple of "Real Pilots slip it in"!! But unfortunately I think MrsK would disown me ....
  6. Beautiful job Helmut! Nice looking plane, like the panel ....
  7. RA tailwheel instruction is pretty limited in Melbourne I think. I know some of the Lilydale guys are looking seriously at it - first find a suitable trainer ......
  8. You were lucky! There were a hundred and fifty of us living in t' shoebox in t' middle o' road.
  9. I assume you're alluding to the fact that taxiing is different - quartering tailwind, stick out of wind (ie aileron on windward side is down, stops wind getting under wing). :thumb_up:
  10. Rather enamoured of the ellipsis, but agree it looks better without. But can you make it lower case, except for the "I" - ie "I'd rather be flying". Cheers :thumb_up:
  11. Can I have 2 please? "I'd rather be flying ...." , no username.
  12. There was a joke once along the lines of "the thong is ended, but the malady lingers on ..."
  13. Good on you Andy - Lilydale is a great place to learn (except for the crosswinds, there's days you wish we had a cross runway). Might see you around there some time! G.
  14. Good one wags - there's a major breach in just about every sentence!
  15. Very frustrating knowing they'll probably never be caught. I absolutely agree with the photo thing, great idea, how often do we forget the fine details - all of our assets are photographed and the images stored offsite. A few months ago, we were woken at 3am by people in our driveway - hit the panic button sounding the alarm and they disappeared pretty quickly along with cameras and other stuff from our cars. When we reported it to the police, it turns out they had 27 similar reports on the same night from our tiny local area. Hanging's too good ........
  16. Hi Mike Great stuff - some pretty recent pics, even shows the water tank I put in a month ago! I suspect they've put the thing through a sharpening algorithm though - on GE I can almost count the tiles on my roof, the PhotoMaps image looks a whole lot sharper but the resolution seems to be the same or less. But unfortunately, outside the major cities, practically nothing - the whole YLIL airfield is hidden in a single pixel! Worth watching for the future though, thanks ....
  17. Yeah - well worthwhile, both for the presentations and the ATC visit. We had a bit of fun playing with the ATC simulator.
  18. You can actually go over the mountains to the north to reach Kinglake, which is one of the corners of the training area - went there once when my instructor was showing me the boundaries and landmarks in case I got lost! Cheers
  19. Darky - here's one I did a while ago of the training area - I keep it on my computer so I can still remember what it looks like, so long since I've seen it YLIL Training Area.kmz YLIL Training Area.kmz YLIL Training Area.kmz
  20. FD - what I do with the RAA airworthiness site is get it to send me an email each time it changes. There's a place down the bottom of the page on the RAAus site to put in your email address for the reminders - suspect that's how Ian keeps up as well! Cheers
  21. Interestingly, 5.2 (which provides exemptions to the 5.1 limitations subject to conditions) does not permit flying in restricted airspace even with ATC clearance - although it does allow flight in CTA if the pilot is qualified. Looks to me like an oversight, but who knows! The only legal way to do it is under s7 - apply in writing to CASA 28 days in advance!
  22. Given Milton's post was from 2007, and he now lists his ride as a Savannah, I reckon all this discussion is pretty academic now
  23. Congrats on your first solo - well done! (cheers from one who hopes to achieve his solo soon!)
  24. Chinagraphs are great! On my desk, I have a PCA chart under a transparent desk pad. So when I get the area forecast, for instance, I can mark the fronts and troughs with the Chinagraph to get a feel for developing weather - or rough in tracks before going to WAC. Then wipe it off! On navs, I reckon the system in book 3 of Fly Better is nice and simple (simpler the better) but does everything you need.
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