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Theory of Flight that's Australian and Online

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If the UFO's are military, why did that one approach the farm manager and hover right alongside him? Doesn't sound like something someone operating a secret military flying device would want to do, if they want it to stay secret.

And then there are the mysterious lights that are unfathomable. I've actually sighted one myself in the late 1970's, with my brother and SIL as witnesses in another vehicle, 500M behind me, on the same country dirt road.


It was about 9:00PM when we were traveling back to the small country town in the W.A. wheatbelt where we lived. We had been visiting the brothers in-laws, and had had dinner with them.

I was extremely familiar with the section of countryside and the road, as I worked around the area constantly as an agricultural contractor. 


I was travelling East, down a gradual slope into a fairly flat valley in my ute, sitting on about 100kmh. The flat valley floor had a small creek line running through it, and the road crossed the small creek at approximately 90°. 

To my left at about 15° was a small un-named Nature Reserve consisting of a variety of trees, including quite a few of the biggest Salmon gums around.

There was another rural road coming up, running off to my left on the Eastern side of the Reserve, and it basically followed the creek line.


As I approached the Nature Reserve (I was about 600-800M away from it), a massive brilliant fluoro-green light appeared in the middle of the trees. When I say massive, it was the size of a large house.

And the colour was exceptional. Think of the most garish green fluoro neon advertising sign you've ever seen, and that was the colour. Plus, it was bright! Bright enough to be seen from many kms away.

As I looked at it, startled, it rose up out of the trees - at an astonishing speed. It moved at a speed that was impossible to comprehend. It was like a moon rocket launch on steriods.

As I watched, it went straight up, and vanished into a pinpoint in the sky, within about 5-6 seconds. I was stunned, I had never seen anything like it in the W.A. rural and remote areas in all my life - and I've never seen anything like it since.

And I've spent a vast amount of time in some very remote and lonely locations, and worked all hours of the night, and seen everything the sky can deliver, from meteorites to comets to lightning, to the Aurora Australis.


I've seen the Aurora Australis from West of York, W.A., late at night about 1983, and I was surprised when I saw it - but I knew what it was, as I'd seen the Aurora as a child, just North of Perth, in the mid-1950's.

This green fluoro light was not the Aurora, and the brightness was nothing like an Aurora. Neither did it move like an Aurora. The brother and SIL saw the same light and confirmed that with me.

We discussed it for a minute, and shrugged it off - what else can you do? It doesn't fit any thing you know, your mind struggles to grasp what you've seen, because it defies all the laws of physics.


No-one else reported what we'd seen (not that I know of) - but that doesn't surprise me. The W.A. wheatbelt at night is not a heavily-populated area, and most farming families would have been retiring for the night.

The Nature Reserve is still there, and all the roads are still the same as they were in the late 1970's. Nothing much changes in years out there. The Nature Reserve is located at the following latitude and longitude.






Edited by onetrack
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In 1954 Australian National Airways pilot Captain D. Barker reported seeing a UFO at 10.15 a.m. on January 1st, not far from Melbourne. He described a semi-transparent object with a top shaped roughly like a dish, about 2000 ft. above the Yarra Valley, in the direction of Templestowe. He said it looked about four times the size of a DC4. "It was travelling at high speed," he said, "and seemed to be oscillating in and out of clouds." He reported it to the Civil Aviation officer at Essendon before ringing the Herald newspaper.
He later described it to an Argus reporter as a semi - transparent object shaped like "a mush-room with stalk. The object, which was flying well below the safety level in that area, was travelling faster than any jet I have seen. It appeared to have something trailing beneath it like a thick stalk, which could have been a small observation car. When I reported it to Flight Control they said I should take more water with it, and told me a Convair was in the air in that position at 10.15 a.m. My flying mushroom was nothing like a Convair in appearance. I have been flying since 1937 for A.N.A., and served for three years with the R.A.A.F., so there is no question of confusion."


The recently released video from the USAF looks just like a flying mushroom!

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I have seen nothing that would convince me that alien beings exist. The drawing abilities of some people are very good, and along with some Hollywood movies, they have convinced a large percentage of the population that aliens exist, and they all look like the beings in 440032's photo above. I seriously doubt there is any life in the universe that even faintly resembles the shape or form of homo sapiens.


But there is definitely a large number of mysterious flying objects and lights, that have been witnessed by many intelligent and well-grounded people, many with professional skills and knowledge, that cannot be explained in terms of regular aircraft, light refraction, Aurora, meteorites, satellites, Chinese lanterns, or humans playing with exotic airborne devices.


Another UFO sighting locally was experienced by one of my employees and his friend. I'll call them Fred and Ted for convenience, and so as not to expose them to ridicule by identification. They were both around 18 years old at the time, and good, grounded country boys, with practical experience and knowledge in many areas.

It was around 1980, and Fred and Ted were out "spotlighting" (looking for vermin) in a farm paddock, only about 3-4 kms from where I, the brother and his wife, sighted the brilliant fluoro green light rising up into the sky.


They were driving an early 70's petrol-powered farm Hilux, and were carrying .22 rifles and popping off foxes and rabbits. It was around 8:30PM and late Autumn, and quite dark.

They drove into this paddock that contained a gravel pit where gravel had been excavated for road use. The paddock was situated on a hill, and the gravel pit was near the top of the hill in the paddock.


As they were driving down the gradual slope on the far side of the hill, the Hilux suddenly stopped, and all the lights went out. The Hilux was in reasonable condition, but it was a farm ute, with the normal lack of maintenance.

They immediately presumed a battery lead had come off. They opened the bonnet, checked all the leads and wiring, and couldn't find anything wrong. But the Hilux was totally dead, electrically.


They decided it was in need of intense technical investigation, so they decided to leave it and walk down to a neighbours house about 1.5kms away, to get assistance.

They set off on foot, and had only got about 500M, when suddenly, all the lights in the Hilux came back on - including the interior light, which had not been on when they left the vehicle.


Puzzled, they commenced to walk back to the Hilux. They had only retraced their steps about 100M, when according to both of them, they heard a loud humming sound coming from the region of the gravel pit.

As they continued walking towards the Hilux, a "huge UFO, coloured with a bright orange glow, that lit up the whole area around them", rose straight up out of the gravel pit and made directly for them, flying straight over the top of them, only a few metres over their heads, before zooming off into the sky, and disappearing without trace in a few seconds.


At this point, as you can well imagine, they were thoroughly "spooked". They took to their heels and ran to the neighbours place, and raised them as they were about to go to bed - and the neighbours told us later, they were nearly incoherent with fear. They knew the boys well, and had never seen them like this before.

The neighbours and the boys returned to the Hilux, which was still sitting with all the lights on (but not the interior light) - and upon getting into the Hilux, it started again instantly, and showed no signs of any electrical fault/s.


When the boys told us their story the next day, there was little doubt that their experience was real and unexplainable, as regards any known circumstances or causes - and the performance of the Hilux was puzzling as well, because it was normally very reliable. Nothing could be faulted when the Hilux was inspected, and it never stopped again in that manner.

As an early 70's Hilux it was a very basic model with no electronics whatsoever. There may have been a battery fault, but the battery didn't fail in any other manner until a long time afterwards.

But the loud humming noise, the bright orange light, and the sighting of the mysterious flying "vehicle" by two lads not prone to fanciful imagination, is not something that can ever be easily explained.

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